Etymology of Elements

The origin of the symbol is given only if it differs from that of the name of the element.

Element Symbol Origin
Actinium Ac Greek aktinos, meaning ray
Aluminium Al Latin alumen, meaning bitter salt
Americium Am Named for America, where it was first made
Antimony Sb Greek anti - monos, meaning not - alone; Latin stibium, the name of antimony sulfide in ancient times
Argon Ar Greek argos, meaning idle
Arsenic As Greek arsenikon, meaning yellow orpiment, a mineral
Astatine At Greek astatos, meaning unstable
Barium Ba Greek barys, meaning heavy
Berkelium Bk Named for the city of Berkeley, CA, where it was first made
Beryllium Be Greek beryllo, meaning beryl; originally glaucinium, Greek glykos meaning sweet
Bismuth Bi German Bisemuten, from Wismuth, from Weisse Masse, meaning white mass
Bohrium Bh Named for Niels Bohr, Danish atomic physicist
Boron Bo Arabic buraq, meaning borax; a combination of borax and carbon
Bromine Br Greek bromos, meaning stench
Cadmium Cd Latin cadmia, meaning mineral calamine
Caesium Cs Latin caesius; meaning sky blue
Calcium Ca Latin calx, meaning lime
Californium Cf Named for the University and State of California, where it was first made
Carbon C Latin carbo, meaning charcoal
Cerium Ce Named after the asteroid Ceres, which had been named after the Roman goddess of agriculture
Chlorine Cl Greek chloros, meaning greenish-yellow
Chromium Cr Greek chroma, meaning colour
Cobalt Co German kobald, meaning goblin
Copper Cu Old English coper, from Latin Cypreum aes
Curium Cm Named in honour of Pierre and Marie Curie
Darmstadtium Ds Named for Darmstadt, Germany, where it was first made
Dubnium Db Named for the Russian town Dubna, where the JINR is located
Dysprosium Dy Greek dysprositos, meaning hard to get
Einsteinium Es Named for Albert Einstein, meaning
Erbium Er Named for Ytterby, Sweden
Europium Eu Named after Europe
Fermium Fm Named for nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi
Fluorine F Latin fluere, meaning to flow
Francium Fr Named after France
Gadolinium Gd Named in honour of John Gadolin, who investigated gadolinite
Gallium Ga Latin Gallia, the name for France
Germanium Ge Latin Germania, the name for Germany
Gold Au Anglo-Saxon gold, from Latin geolo, meaning yellow; Au from Latin aureum, meaning glow of sunrise
Hafnium Hf Latin Hafnia, the name for Copenhagen
Hassium Hs Named for the German State of Hesse, where it was first made
Helium He Greek helios, meaning the Sun
Holmium Ho Latin Holmia , the name for Stockholm
Hydrogen H Greek hydro and genes, meaning water-forming
Indium In Latin indicum, meaning violet or indigo
Iodine I Greek iodes, meaning violet
Iridium Ir Named for Iris, Greek goddess of the rainbow
Iron Fe Anglo-Saxon iren; Fe, Latin ferrum, word for iron
Krypton Kr Greek kryptos, meaning hidden
Lanthanum La Greek lanthanein, meaning lie hidden
Lawrencium Lr Named for Ernest O. Lawrence, the inventor of thecyclotron
Lead Pb Anglo-Saxon lead; Pb, Latin plumbum, name for lead
Lithium Li Greek lithos, meaning stone
Lutetium Lu Latin Lutetia, Roman name for Paris
Magnesium Mg Named for Magnesia, a district of Greece
Manganese Mn Latin magnes, meaning magnet
Meitnerium Mt Named for Austrian physicist Lise Meitner
Mendelevium Md Named for Dimitri Mendeleyev, who produced one of the first periodic tables
Mercury Hg Named for the planet Mercury; Hg Latin hydrargyrum, meaning liquid silver
Molybdenum Mo Greek molybdos, meaning lead
Neodymium Nd Greek neo didymos, meaning new twin
Neon Ne Greek neos, meaning new
Neptunium Np Named for the planet Neptune
Nickel Ni German kupfernickel, meaning devil's copper or St. Nicholas' copper
Niobium Nb For Niobe in Greek mythology
Nitrogen N Greek nitron and genes, meaning nitre-forming
Nobelium No Named for Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel
Osmium Os Greek osme, meaning smell
Oxygen O Greek oxy and genes, meaning acid-forming
Palladium Pd For the asteroid Pallas; for the Greek goddess of wisdom
Phosphorus P Greek phosphoros, meaning bringer of light
Platinum Pt Spanish platina, meaning little silver
Plutonium Pu Named for the planet Pluto
Polonium Po Named for Poland
Potassium K From English potash; K from kalium Medieval Latin for potash
Praseodymium Pr Greek prasios didymos, meaning green twin
Promethium Pm Named for Prometheus, the Greek who stole fire from the gods
Protactinium Pa Greek protos, meaning first, as a prefix to the name actinium
Radium Ra Latin radius, meaning ray
Radon Rn Derived from radium
Rhenium Re Latin Rhenus, the name for the Rhine
Rhodium Rh Greek rhodon, meaning rose-coloured
Roentgenium Rg Named for the scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röentgen
Rubidium Rb Latin rubidius, meaning deepest red
Ruthenium Ru Derived from Latin name for Russia
Rutherfordium Rf Named for New Zealand chemist Ernest Rutherford
Samarium Sm Named for samarskite, the mineral from which it was first extracted
Scandium Sc Latin Scandia, the name for Scandanavia
Seaborgium Sg Named for Glenn T. Seaborg, meaning
Selenium Se Greek Selene, the name for the Moon
Silicon Si Latin silex or silicia, meaning flint
Silver Ag Anglo-Saxon siolfur, the word for silver; Ag, Latin argentum, the word for silver
Sodium Na English word soda; Na, Latin natrium, meaning soda
Strontium Sr Named for the town of Strontian, Scotland
Sulfur S Sanskrit sulvere, or Latin sulfurium, both names for sulfur
Tantalum Ta Named for the Greek figure Tantalus, King of Sisyphus, in Lydia
Technetium Tc Greek tekhnetos, meaning artificial
Tellurium Te Latin tellus, meaning Earth
Terbium Tb Named for Ytterby, Sweden
Thallium Tl Greek thallos, meaning green twig
Thorium Th Named for Thor, Scandanavian god of war
Thulium Tm Derived from Thule, the ancient name for Scandanavia
Tin Sn Anglo-Saxon tin; Sn, Latin stannum, meaning hard
Titanium Ti Named for the Titans of Greek mythology
Tungsten W Swedish tung sten, meaning heavy stone; W from wolfram, the old name of the tungstenn mineral wolframite
Uranium U Named for the planet Uranus
Vanadium V Named for Vanadis, the Scandanavian goddess of beauty
Xenon Xe Greek zenos, meaning stranger
Ytterbium Yb Named for Ytterby, Sweden
Yttrium Y Named for Ytterby, Sweden
Zinc Zn German zink
Zirconium Zr Arabian zargun, meaning gold-coloured

Unnamed Elements

Element Symbol Origin
Ununbium Uub Unnamed
Ununtriium Uut Unnamed
Ununquadium Uuq Unnamed
Ununpentium Uup Unnamed
Ununhexium Uuh Unnamed
Ununseptium Uus Unnamed
Ununoctium Uuo Unnamed
Ununennium Uue Unnamed