Friday, October 3, 2008

On the Road: St. Louis County, Missouri

“We arrived in St. Louis at noon. I took a walk down by the Mississippi River and watched the logs that came floating from Montana in the north – grand Odyssean logs of our continental dream.”

– Jack Kerouac, “On the Road”

St. Louis County Volunteers -

The meat of this post is below the slideshow, and it’s about the McCain ground game. It's probably going to make a little stir.

Our apologies in advance to the Obama organizers and volunteers who aren’t going to get the full justice they deserve in this post. They believe Missouri is going blue this year, and they’re working their bodies into the ground to make that happen.

We’re getting used to this relentless Obama operation: organizers trained in both tactics and campaign culture, working so hard they have trouble remembering what happened 48 hours ago – it’s too distant – and convinced that if they stay in their lane and trust the structure it’ll pay off in the end.

Obama has 40 offices now open in Missouri, and Justin Hamilton, Obama’s Press Secretary for Missouri, told us that while he couldn’t confirm below or above the published reports of 150 organizers (it didn’t come from the campaign), the campaign is only adding to its ground force. Organizers have now recruited 2500 neighborhood team leaders statewide, folks who do the far more effective work than any 30-second ad or yard signs, actual face-to-face contact and persuasion of their neighbors.

For a Democrat to win Missouri, he or she has to follow the Claire McCaskill map, which is win the blue urban centers in Kansas City and St. Louis city by wide margins, hold down the losses in outstate Missouri (McCaskill spent huge time in and around Springfield, and got to 42% there while Kerry only managed 37%), and then win highly populated St. Louis County (20% of Missouri’s overall vote) by enough votes to hold on for a win. McCaskill won St. Louis County by 12, Kerry only won it by 9. Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the County, 63% to 36%.

Something interesting is happening with John McCain’s campaign. Up until now, we’ve had no trouble gaining access to field offices and volunteers. Here in St. Louis, we were told by Tina Hervey, Missouri Republican State Party Press Secretary, that she had never heard of FiveThirtyEight, and while they trusted Politico, we were people who they had to decide whether we “shouldn’t or don’t need to be talking to.” (McCain’s Missouri press secretary actually works out of Iowa, and did not return calls or email.) I told Tina that’s not a story we wanted to write, that this was our first Republican resistance, and that while she may not have heard of us, we’d probably go over 2.5 million site visits this week, now that we’re regularly past 400,000 per weekday. I told her I’d hold off writing her flat refusal and give her the opportunity to change her mind.

No budging. We were told that we’d be asked to leave public field offices we now attempted to visit. We did not get any promised follow-up helping get access to the post-debate Palin rally last night, and we were locked out. Hmm.

Let’s be clear. We've observed no comparison between these ground campaigns. To begin with, there’s a 4-1 ratio of offices in most states. We walk into McCain offices to find them closed, empty, one person, two people, sometimes three people making calls. Many times one person is calling while the other small clutch of volunteers are chatting amongst themselves. In one state, McCain’s state field director sat in one of these offices and, sotto voce, complained to us that only one man was making calls while the others were talking to each other about how much they didn't like Obama, which was true. But the field director made no effort to change this. This was the state field director.

Only for the first time the other day did we see a McCain organizer make a single phone call. So we've now seen that once. The McCain organizers seem to operate as maître Ds. Let me escort you to your phone, sir. Pick any one of this sea of empty chairs. I'll be sitting over here if you need any assistance.

Given a choice between taking embarrassing photos of empty phone banks, we give McCain’s people the chance to pose for photos to show us the action for what they continually claim we “just missed.” No more. We stop into offices at all open hours of the day, but generally more in the afternoon and evening. “Call time,” for both campaigns, is all day, but the time when folks over 65 are generally targeted begins in late afternoon and goes til 8 or 9pm. Universally, McCain’s people stop earlier. Even when we show up at 6:15pm, we’re told we just missed the big phone bank, or to come back in 30 minutes. If we show up an hour later, we “just missed it” again.

The McCain offices are also calm, sedate. Little movement. No hustle. In the Obama offices, it's a whirlwind. People move. It's a dynamic bustle. You can feel it in our photos.

Up to this point, we’ve been giving McCain's ground campaign a lot of benefit of the doubt. We can’t stop convincing ourselves that there must – must – be a warehouse full of 1,000 McCain volunteers somewhere in a national, central location just dialing away. This can’t be all they’re doing. Because even in a place like Colorado Springs, McCain’s ground campaign is getting blown away by the Obama efforts. It doesn't mean Obama will win Colorado Springs, but it means Obama's campaign will not look itself in the mirror afterward and ask, "what more could we have done?"

You could take every McCain volunteer we’ve seen doing actual work in the entire trip, over six states, and it would add up to the same as Obama’s single Thornton, CO office. Or his single Durango, CO office. These ground campaigns bear no relationship to each other.

Here on out, our skepticism is going to be higher. We truly respect organizers on both sides, because it is grindingly hard work for minimal pay. It’s powered by a belief in doing what’s right. We do not quote them or get them in trouble. Moreover, we truly respect direct action by volunteers – who do exist on the McCain side, just as a tiny, tiny fraction of the Obama side – but if the attitude continues on this unhelpful and obstructive turn, we’re going to spend less time making excuses for what we observe. Less benefit of the doubt. Show us real work and we'll cover it. We want to.

We'll be up in Chicago tonight making Nate pound RCP shooters. Then, Indiana. There's a huge story unfolding in Indiana.


Darin said...

Ouch! Good luck seeing the insides of another McCain office.

Matt said...

Montana north of St. Louis?! Was Kerouac working from an old map or am I missing something?

Andrew said...

Sean, do you think this could have anything to do with the recent RCP dust-up?

jd35 said...

Damn! How do you really feel Sean?

The McCain people deserve the criticism if they won't even freakin' talk to you, especially if they aren't really busy to begin with.

VermontDem said...

fred said...

Hmmmm, Sean is trying to get himself shot - them hicks are armed! Be careful!

Hans said...

I can't speak to Missouri or Colorado, but my parents (70+ years old each) are canvassing for Obama in Virginia and they say the local Obama office is packed with volunteers. My father went past a McCain office last weekend and there were two people inside. Virginia is going blue. Loudon County, which is critical for Obama and where the tide has been moving purple fast, just got their second Obama office and I'd be surprised if anyone reading this post could name one town in Loudon. By the way, this is the first time anyone in my family has ever worked for a campaign (my wife is heading to PA next weekend).

Andrew said...

Oh, and "RCP shooters"?

Huge story in Indiana?

Fill us in, bro!

fred said...

Keep it up Hans! Nice job!

Sedi said...

Is this a case of getting too big for its own good? I mean, it's now to the point where people ask me if I know about the site, whereas a few months ago nobody I spoke with had ever heard of it. Given Nate and Sean's admitted liberalism, perhaps the McCain people are trying to block out what they feel will be hostile media coverage. I don't think that accurately describes the tone of this series so far, but perhaps they are worried about potentially biased coverage. Or perhaps it's part of their larger attack-the-media tactic. It's too bad, because it's nice to get a complete picture of the ground game in each region.

Jon said...

I wonder if Lake County and Gary, could provide Obama with the victory in Indiana that alluded him in the primary against Clinton.

Dave said...

Matt, I think he meant that the logs were cut in Montana, pulled to the nearest river, bound, and floated through the tributaries (manned by people hopping from one log to another at times) downriver to St Louis.

Makes me want to go to THE Republican County in southeast Michigan and see if there's any activity.

CoreyB8421 said...

Wow! Just wow!

One thing I haven't seen addressed directly -- does Obama have coattails in the house races? Could this be 1932 redux?

markymark said...

Wow, I am amazed by some of this. It seems like the McCain campaign has no idea how to run a GOTV campaign. That really is stunning, given the last 2 elections. Surely thats one of the first things you do when you start a national campaign, get together the tactics that can help you win. Even if the GOP didn't geyt that together early, surely they have seen how good at strategy Obama and his campaign has been and realize you need some game. I am beginning to wonder if the polls are lowballing this election, I wonder if we aren't headed towards something fairly stunning on election night, maybe a 10-15 point win for Obama.

turgidson said...

Thanks for this report.

This and the NH polling are making this a good day.

I'm gonna chill bout that SUSA MN outlier. I don't think Obama has been spending much there. If he does, MN will be blue.

Marlon said...

"Biased coverage"? or honest coverage?

Also, what's the big thing going on in Indiana?

alex north said...

terrific post, sean! in a few paragraphs you distilled why it is likely that obama is going to win this election. i am amazed at the #s of offices he has in a # of states; the #s in mo. just blew me away. having spent well over half my life in mo, and that is now a long long time!) i have watched, and continue to watch, mo. politics with great interest. in 92, i had the great pleasure of being in a sea of people who greeted the first clinton/gore bus trek apres the convention. you just felt, that day, that mo. might go for him. and when it did trend towards him, i felt we'd win the election. if o. is now opening a slight lead, that is terrific news. looking forward to your indiana column. (is the loop still as...interesting as it was when i was there a few years ago?)

Dave said... I mean now that McCain has 'left the building' to see if the RNC has anyone staffing it now.

David said...

This has to do with Tina Hervey being a doofus. No wonder she likes Politico:

Jack-be-nimble said...

I agree with Obama that we need to tax away the money from the rich robber barrons who create most of the jobs in this country.

I want the government to take over more and more of the private sector.

I want to take the money taxed and give it to the poor so they can buy a Blueray player that most taxpayers can't afford now.

I want the government to take over the healthcare system so an administrator can decide I need a test/operation or not. I want to wait in line for a heart operation like in Canada and England.

I want an Obama government to take away more and more of my freedon.

I don't to be given the opportunity to fail or succeed.

I want to make fun of people who are not from Washington and the big city. It makes me feel better about myself, since I am Single and tap out these keystrokes from my parents basement while in my pajamas.

I want to look up to Obama as a God that will take care of all of my needs. As a woman, I have dreams of having a personal intimate relationship with him. I can help him.

Blake said...
This post has been removed by the author.
RWD said...

Uhhh, Matt, you are missing something. It's called the Missouri River. It flows from Montana to St. Louis, where it empties into the Mississippi.

ambboogie said...

Central Indiana resident here!

We'll welcome 538 with open arms!

Sedi said...

"Also, what's the big thing going on in Indiana?"

I think that this is a reference to Obama's HUGE ground game in IN, which McCain has ignored until this week. The report I saw earlier suggested that part of why McCain chose to pull out of MI was to protect IN. I, for one, am greatly looking forward to hearing about the situation on the ground in IN.

mark said...

Hans said...

[snip]just got their second Obama office and I'd be surprised if anyone reading this post could name one town in Loudon.[/snip]

Well, I live in Sterling, take classes in Leesburg, and have friends in Ashburn, Round Hill, Arcola and Middleburg.

So you're right, I can't name just one. :D

And I'm voting for Obama.

The Raj Man said...

Ok, so the Obama ground game is better by a mile. Why then are the polls as close as they are? Shouldn't there be a commensurately large lead? Or, are you saying that it's because of the ground operation that Obama is a bit ahead in so many states? If so, then doesn't it show some weakness? the Clinton campaign's words, why isn't he doing much better given the current toxic climate for the GOP? Or, are you merely pointing out that Obama will do better than the polls indicate based on their ground strength? Just curious...

Robert said...


Guess how we felt when you guys couldn't stop talking about the 2nd coming of Bush and his friend Rove

Took us some time to learn to play the same game. Now we seem to be playing it better!

d.K. said...

In a word, it's all about "morale."

You don't accelerate when you know you're heading over a cliff.

Great post! Very informative.

moondancer said...

Yes but no logs coming down anymore. All the plants that would use them are long gone. The moondancer pulse taking tells me non-white collar whites are worried less about their deer rifles and more about their wallets. Mass defections from Krusty, EV landslide of epic proportions likely...

capt said...

I love it that you guys do consider and give respect to both sides but really, no reason to give them the benefit of doubt if that is not an honest reflection of reality.

Your work, posts, pictures and numbers speak well of both of you.


Robert said...


Have you looked at the 538 map latley? You call this not going well?

Grizz! said...


I... I... I got nothing.

Remember what I told Palin last night: Don't go full idiocy too early in the night because you'll never top it.

RWD said...

Everytime someone like Jack resorts to such ridiculous "arguments", it just shows how/why this election is slipping away from them.

d.K. said...


Ashburn, Leesburg, Sterling.

(Full disclosure: I live next door in Fairfax, VA). LOL

Tenzon said...

Hey Sean,
I've been working voter reg in the main Indy office. Come check us out! It's a little quiet during the day, but the evenings are massive.

Voice of the Midwest said...

"I wonder if Lake County and Gary, could provide Obama with the victory in Indiana that alluded him in the primary against Clinton." - Jon

Lake County from top to bottom is 75% Democratic. Their vote for Obama is only a question of how much more: turnout is the problem most years here.

Marion County (Indianapolis) is the real test. The city/metro area has taken in 130,000 new residents from Mexican/Central American immigration since 1988. They have also lost a generation of white Republicans to the retirement states or death. If Obama gets 55% plus in Indianapolis, he wins Indiana by 2 to 4 points.

The southern part of the state is oddly running well for Obama. It is traditionally Democratic, but moderate/conservative Democratic.

At least McCain has Hamilton County (Carmel).

Stephen Morillo said...

Whoo hoo -- come on into Indiana, Sean and Brett! We are workin our butts off for Obama here (come to the Crawfordsville office Saturday at noon). And you can visit another empty McCain office around the corner. The student in charge of the statewide Indiana student GOP effort just quit in frustration at the disorganization and lack of support.

Indiana has early voting starting when registration ends on Oct 6. And on election day, Indiana polls close at 6 pm eastern. Indiana is always the first state called on election night, and always goes red. This year, watch at just after 6 as they are either unable to call it because it's too close (which portends a very good night for BO), or when they call it blue -- which will be the start of the landslide.

mark said...

the more pictures I see of the GOTV campaign run by Obama the more I donate. It's very heartening to see people of all ages and races come together like this and work so hard for the cause.

Having an extremely racist and conservative set of grandparents I often forget that older people support Obama as well and it looks like the numbers of that age set are just getting better and better!

I'm really excited
another 250 bucks for Obama!

Michael said...

"I'd be surprised if anyone reading this post could name one town in Loudon."


On and on.

If Loudon is going blue, whoa.

R. Kevin Hill said...

"You know how I'm sure they're finished out there? The carts. They're using carts..." --Patton (1970)

OTF said...

Incredibly slow state polling day today.

Does anybody know if anything else will be released?

Chris said...

Hey, I can't believe I missed you guys last night; I'm right off the Loop! You come back through St. Louis and I'll buy y'all some beers.

Keep up the sweet work!

clubok said...


Although the ground game has some effect in changing opinions, its greater effect is in mounting an effective GOTV effort. That aspect of it won't be reflected in the polls, but can make a significant difference on Election Day.

With early voting going on in so many states, the ground game is even more important; there is more opportunity for that army of volunteers to whip up votes for their candidates.

In states with a big ground game disparity, expect to see Obama outperform the polls by 1-3 points.

David said...

You guys are now officially in the tank.

Congratulations, by the way.

Redshift said...

Wow. Just wow. I felt like we were doing a lot better on the ground, but that's based on my experience here in Northern Virginia, where we always look a lot better on the ground than the GOP. But if it's happening in places like Missouri...

Sean said...

I know this is off topic, but why isn't RCP using the Morning Call tracker for PA today? They used it yesterday at +9, why not today at +10?

Yvonne said...

Anyone still having problems accessing the website?

He said...

Sneak Peak at Rasmussen:

Hussein 44%
HEROMcCain 48%

Hussein 50%
HeroMcCain 47%

The Hero is closing in on the NegroZero.

Sorry, libturds, but your Muslim Manchurian Candiate should be miles ahead in Nevada and more than 3 pts ahead in Washinton.


Todd said...

I'm in St Louis county, and I haven't seen too much McCain support around here - go across the Missouri River into St Charles county, and things turn 'red' quick, but even there Obama looks to have a decent amount of support. There is a guy up the street in my neighborhood that has a "Thank You George Bush" yard sign ... and no, he's not trying to be sarcastic.

Redshift said...

Hans: Not only can I name a town in Loudoun County, I can spell it, too! (Just needling you; that spelling is pretty odd.) But as you've seen, there are quite a few Virginians here.

Great to hear about your family; this is truly an amazing campaign!

Yvonne said...

I have a motion: Can we all not reply to trolls like HE? Do I hear a Second?

ozzie said...


The purpose of ground game is to increase the number of votes for a candidate on election day by selectively increasing turnout of that candidates supporters. Ground game is not primarily intended to move opinion polls.

See Ohio, 2004 Presidential election, for example. Rove and Bush were good at turning out supporters. I think Sean is reporting an apparent decrease in turnout efforts by the McCain campaign.

Maybe it is all being done behind the scenes and not in the offices. Does anyone know what the activity level was in Bush field offices was in 2004?

image said...

I have a motion: Can we all not reply to trolls like HE? Do I hear a Second?


shadowguidex said...


Rasmussen has the Nevade poll on their website, moron. Obama is up by 4%.

Obama 51%, McCain 47%

Todd said...

chris said...
Hey, I can't believe I missed you guys last night; I'm right off the Loop! You come back through St. Louis and I'll buy y'all some beers.

I thought about heading down to the loop area and trying to spot them, but I would have probably guessed Cicero's ... ah well.

Stu said...

The Raj Man said...

Ok, so the Obama ground game is better by a mile. Why then are the polls as close as they are? Shouldn't there be a commensurately large lead? Or, are you saying that it's because of the ground operation that Obama is a bit ahead in so many states? If so, then doesn't it show some weakness? the Clinton campaign's words, why isn't he doing much better given the current toxic climate for the GOP? Or, are you merely pointing out that Obama will do better than the polls indicate based on their ground strength? Just curious...

Not to be pedantic or anything, but ground games, in part, are a reflection of morale, and the enthusiasm of candidates.

Ground games don't show up in polls...where they show up is in the only place that matters. Election day.

Strong ground games make sure that lower frequency and information voters know where their polling places are. If elderly or disabled, they make sure those voters get a ride to the polls if they don't have one. Strong ground games makes sure that the voter is actually registered.

If the state has early voting (as Arizona does, where I live), it makes sure that the voter gets an early ballot.

Weak ground games means that a lot of those same people don't ever get contacted. They may say they'd vote for McCain if polled, but on election day, they don't know where to go. Or they don't have a ride. Or they don't realize that they're not registered because they've been dropped from the rolls. Or they didn't get an absentee or mail-in ballot.

Ground games don't show up in any polls but the last, and most important one, voting.

Simply put, Obama's ground game is what is likely to turn this into a rout, barring a game changing event in one of the debates or on the stump, which increasingly doesn't look like it will happen.

Chun said...


I thought He was one of those sarcastic McCain supporters, what with the ridiculous comments spelling.

PA John said...

Obama just hit 70 on intrade.

prairiecomm said...

if anyone reading this post could name one town in Loudon.

Heh, heh ... Philomont - my brother lives there. Gorgeous country!

Yvonne said...

I got a Second, I move to vote on the Motion: All in favor say Aye!

Vince said...

Sorry if I'm missing something completely, but what is an RCP shooter? Does it involve jagermeister?

oh, and on the reaction issue, I think Sean has been true to his word and nothing but kind & respectful to Republican volunteers and organizers... just check out the posts from Colorado Springs and Omaha.

niedda said...

just released

For the first time since July, Barack Obama has moved ahead of John McCain in Nevada.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows Obama attracting 51% of the vote while McCain earns 47%. Last month, McCain had a three-point advantage in this key southwestern state.

Steve said...

Thirded. I suspect some kind of moderation will become necessary as 538 gets more popular.

The Washington Post gets 1000s of comments per post. Unfortunately its an unmoderated cess-pool of racism, self-promotion, cut-and-pasted articles, and even people drawing a big middle finger out of punctuation marks. Example:

Sedi said...

"I have a motion: Can we all not reply to trolls like HE? Do I hear a Second?"

I was tweaked earlier today for asking whether He was a parody or a self-parody, with a couple of people suggesting that He is obviously a liberal send-up of a ridiculous conservative. I'm not 100% certain, but it seems likely given that most of what He says is so stupid that it's borderline unbelievable (as in literally not believable). Plus, He keeps spelling Palin as Pallen, despite being corrected repeatedly. That would be rather odd behavior for a true supporter. Then again, some of the conservatives on this site aren't terribly bright...

mark said...

that is AMAZING about nevada!!!

4 point lead

first time rasmussen has had O ahead there

Chun said...

I can see a lot of Ron Paul Repubs in Nevada and Montana getting pissed at McCain's yes vote for the bailout.

Ken said...

Wow, you people are bitter. Let's throw open the doors because yet another political website showed up.

They probably know who you are and know that your subjectives skews always seem to favor Obama. Your numbers may be proven right but the leftward tilt of this site and the past history of failure of most of the polling organizations you reference indicate otherwise.

couchpotatoxxx12 said...

Nice New Hampshire polls Obama has 264 base EVs to McCain's 163.

ogre said...

You could take every McCain volunteer we’ve seen doing actual work in the entire trip, over six states, and it would add up to the same as Obama’s single Thornton, CO office. Or his single Durango, CO office. These ground campaigns bear no relationship to each other.

Ouch. Spanked.

You should expect to be shooed away from the public sidewalk in from of their facilities from now on. You just announced "no clothes!" for the emperor...

PA John said...

"The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state shows Obama attracting 51% of the vote while McCain earns 47%."
I'm guessing Steve Schmidt just crapped himself.

Redshift said...

The Raj Man:
Ok, so the Obama ground game is better by a mile. Why then are the polls as close as they are? Shouldn't there be a commensurately large lead? Or, are you saying that it's because of the ground operation that Obama is a bit ahead in so many states?

Okay, first, five to nine point leads in a lot of battleground states is a huge lead in a presidential race. A lot of the electorate is pretty tribal, and will never be persuaded to vote for the other party, even if their brand is in the toilet.

Second, a ground game is primarily about identifying supporters and making sure they come out and vote. It has some influence on polls, but much more on the actual results on Election Day. Think of it this way -- unlike us political junkies, a lot of people aren't that committed to the political process. They may like one candidate better, but making sure they get to the polls isn't their highest priority on Election Day. Or, they may be a solid member of one party, but not energized to go stand in line.

If you have polling showing a state is 50/50, the campaign that has volunteers to call those people, knock on their doors, offer them a ride to the polls is going to beat the one that doesn't. So basically, a ground game advantage adds to your poll numbers more than it contributes to them.

Chris said...

I'm an Obama volunteer in Logansport, IN.. you should stop in here!

realistxxx said...

markymark said...
Wow, I am amazed by some of this. It seems like the McCain campaign has no idea how to run a GOTV campaign. That really is stunning, given the last 2 elections. Surely thats one of the first things you do when you start a national campaign, get together the tactics that can help you win. Even if the GOP didn't geyt that together early, surely they have seen how good at strategy Obama and his campaign has been and realize you need some game. I am beginning to wonder if the polls are lowballing this election, I wonder if we aren't headed towards something fairly stunning on election night, maybe a 10-15 point win for Obama.


The Republicans only have 1 page in their GOTV playbook. It reads: "energize and get out the fundies!"

Now that this was already exploited fully by Rove they really don't have much upside.

Now the Dems never really even had a playbook, so Obama's appears to be head and shoulders above any from either party.

Christopher said...

Wow, once again Nate's model succeeds. That 4 point NV lead is almost exact to the 3.8 regression on the model. I'm starting to believe these numbers now.

Ken said...

@sedi: Agreed, plus the term used in his latest post up there regarding Obama is just uncalled for.

@Yvonne: Seconded. :)

Back under the bridge with you!

Vote said...

VP Debate: Live Analysis

Checkout my piece on Youth Voter Registration. For every 100 registered voters aged 18-24, the democrats accrue a 9 vote advantage.

Obama 355, McCain 183

Oct 3 Polling Update

A New Party

sporcupine said...


Could McCain's campaign be organizing from other locations? For example, through websites, home-schooling groups, churches, gun-owners' groups? That's been the rumor about past Republican campaigns.

What if stopping by campaign offices gives an impression of one-third of what the McCain folks have going, but 9/10ths of what the Obama team is making happen?

OTF said...

NM is great! That's a Obama +7 move from last Ras poll showing McCain +3 M49 O46 to now O51 M47

John said...

New poll of economists:

80% of economists say that Obama has a better understanding of economics than McCain, and 81% say that Obama has better economic advisers. 72% of economists say that McCain's economic plans are "bad" or "very bad."

scott said...

I was witness to both campaigns' ground games in Columbus OH in 2004--Bush's really didn't ramp up until a couple of weeks before N2... then there were repuds from all over the place in white passenger vans covering their turf...

the ground game for Kerry in columbus was miserable...the voting data system for all the 527s was abandoned in the last week--so people had no info... hopefully everything going through Obama central will be a better show (I hear the Dems are using a new data system, but not as tested as the Repuds?).

any ideas about what to do on N5 if they steel another one...

also looking forward to the IN story--am in South Bend

Jen said...

I assume "he" is a total parody, and a well done one at that. Kudos!

Besides Nevada, any other state polls on RR?

Seattle said...

Matt and Dave,

It's not little tributeries. There's a big river called the Missouri. It starts in Montana and enters the Mississippi in St. Louis.

(PS. Like the first person said: good luck getting into McCain offices in the future!)

Sedi said...

"Wow, once again Nate's model succeeds. That 4 point NV lead is almost exact to the 3.8 regression on the model. I'm starting to believe these numbers now."

For those of us who have been following Nate's projections since the primary (I used them as my guide for Super Tuesday before this site even existed), we've seen them prove to be generally on-target enough to suggest that they are probably the best available guide to predicting an outcome. His model isn't perfect, but it's pretty darn good. If he nails this election (my guess is that he will), then expect this site to be a new and permanent hotspot for political polling analysis.

such sweet thunder said...



Thanks Sean, I love these features. I hope you'll get a change of direction from the McCain campaign. It's great meeting those volunteers too.

Michael Said:

"I'd be surprised if anyone reading this post could name one town in Loudon."


On and on.

Don't forget England. Isn't England in Loudon?

Kanga said...

The Lee's Summit Obama office in suburban KC is in the middle of a red exurb and it's humming every day and evening. My wife spends several evenings a week over there entering data and I've cleared some time to make calls in the final weeks. My wife says that there are usually stacks and stacks of completed walk-sheets and phone-sheets to get into the system. I have not heard of or seen any McCain canvasses in the area yet.

bpulliam said...

Here is an alternate theory:

The closer it gets to Nov. 4th the more nervous you guys get and the more you feel like you need to cheerlead to (in your minds) influence the vote. After all, if you were truly supremely confident it would be no skin off your nose and you would roll with it.

Personally I feel a sense of victory in that you have shed the pretense of objectivity. It's a bit like the satisfaction you feel at the movies when the villian you always suspect reveals their true nature.

This is great news for McCain!!! It means it is actually much closer than the BS you guys are feeding us!

Darío said...

Rasmussen Nevada

Obama 51
McCain 47

realistxxx said...

R. Kevin Hill said...
"You know how I'm sure they're finished out there? The carts. They're using carts..." --Patton (1970)


Ha! Brilliant! (/Guiness guys)

Kate said...

Come down to southern Indiana! Then my husband could obsess with you on baseball AND Obama.
The Bloomington office is always busy esp. at night.
I have seen few McCain signs except for, ironically, my neighbor who has 3 - probably to make up for the 10+ at houses all over the neighborhood.

I have been heartened by the phone calls I have been making. I have spoken to people of all age ranges and they have all been positive.

A friend told me that this old man she provides hospice care for (who, if you saw - you would think - pure hillbilly) - is so excited to vote for Obama and keeps saying he wants to hang on long enough to do so. See...we aren't so bad down here!

OTF said...


Whatever you need to delude yourself to believe to make you feel better. It is hilarious though your post.

couchpotatoxxx12 said...

"Personally I feel a sense of victory in that you have shed the pretense of objectivity. It's a bit like the satisfaction you feel at the movies when the villian you always suspect reveals their true nature.

This is great news for McCain!!! It means it is actually much closer than the BS you guys are feeding us!"

Damn, you republicons really are convincing yourselves well to make yourselves feel better, aren't you?

Also, McBush is almost in the 20's on intrade. lmao.

Jen said...

"In one state, McCain’s state field director sat in one of these offices and, sotto voce, complained to us that only one man was making calls while the others were talking to each other about how much they didn't like Obama, which was true. But the field director made no effort to change this."

As a regular volunteer for campaigns and animal education groups, this is totally normal. I work booths for education or registration and there is always about 5 people there, 4 are talking amongst themselves, usually bitching about those who disgree with them. The other person is the one standing in front of the booth talking to the public (usually me).

Granted, I did not volunteer for O this year due to health reasons, but I did volunteer for Kerry in 2004.

bpulliam said...

delusion is all yours ... love seeing you guys gyrate with false hope.

Sedi said...

Thanks for the link to the poll of economists. This pretty well mirrors a poll that was discussed in the comments here a few weeks ago, though that one was conducted by someone using a list of AEA members. Think Obama had support of something like 2/3 of the economists surveyed, if I remember correctly. It was actually a pretty good little survey. The Economist obviously has much more media exposure, however, so this could conceivably influence a few (though not many) voters.

Matt said...

Seattle, thanks.

Redshift said...

What if stopping by campaign offices gives an impression of one-third of what the McCain folks have going, but 9/10ths of what the Obama team is making happen?

Then they're wasting huge amounts of money that they can't spare. If they didn't have the office, that might be a plausible argument, but spending all that money to put up a false front to do... what? The Obama campaign isn't reacting to how many volunteers show up at McCain offices, they're reacting to what their polling and canvassing are telling them.

I know that it's sometimes easier to believe that this is some hidden Rovian machination, but there's just no way it makes sense. The McCain campaign really is that bad.

(Or as I was saying for most of the spring and early summer, "yet more evidence that McCain's campaign is actually run by Obama moles.")

bpulliam said...

You guys skewer intrade when it against you but now that is in your favor it is worth referring too? Love it.

janinsanfran said...

Last weekend I walked some precincts for Obama in Reno. As we were finishing the Sunday morning portion of the walk, we twice drove by clusters of 20-30 people, outside, standing in a circle, equipped with various papers and listening to a leader, either praying or getting instructions. There were megachurches nearby, one with a coffee and donuts spread set out on its lawn.

McCain ground game? I thought that was what I was seeing. Bet they are running this through the churches, just as I saw the GW Bush campaign do in Albuquerque in 2004.

A difference is that this time both sides are working from good voter data files. I've worked field for 30 years -- we have the best data this year I've ever seen.

couchpotatoxxx12 said...

"love seeing you guys gyrate with false hope."

False hope? What hope is false? The hope that is backed up by statistics, polls, and common sense, or the hope that is backed up by your personal feelings?

Real Joe said...

darío said...
Rasmussen Nevada

Obama 51
McCain 47

nooooooooooooooooooooooooo :-(

RWD said...

Bpulliam, perhaps in some alternate universe your alternate theory is viable. Here in this universe, everyone realizes that Obama is winning.

OTF said...

We need another MO poll to see if Obama really pulled close as the CNN/Time +1 from the other day. Anothee IN poll would be nice too to confirm the trend of all of the midwest swing states moving strongly Obama the last 2 weeks.

Donna said...


Thanks guys, you do wonderful work.


Sedi said...

"delusion is all yours ... love seeing you guys gyrate with false hope."

Yeah, we're idiots for looking at all of the available evidence and concluding the obvious. What pathetic schmucks we are. I'm sure your theory -- that we are freaking out and pretending to have a lead when we really don't -- is much more accurate, given its substantial foundation in reality. You've really showed us up.

Real Joe said...

31 days 2 go

Jen said...

"A friend told me that this old man she provides hospice care for (who, if you saw - you would think - pure hillbilly) - is so excited to vote for Obama and keeps saying he wants to hang on long enough to do so. See...we aren't so bad down here!"

I don't know if I am hormonal or what, but this made me tear up a little.

Real Joe said...

Obama is kicking our a$$


where is Carl ??

rdweber said...


Montana is both north of St. Louis and upstream on the Missouri river (and tributaries).

SamuelAlito said...

How about McCain in Pueblo, convincing the crowd that he has a chance there because, as one says:

""I'm not seeing many Obama signs stuck in people's yards, even though we're pretty high Democratic," Taylor, a real estate broker, said."

Is the yard-sign-shortage an attempt to dupe republicans on the ground?

Phil James said...

I've had similar experiences with Obama from early on in the caucus through today in my precinct in Des Moines, Iowa. In our precinct, we currently have 17 people working lists of people in one city precinct. That's like one organizer per city block. These people are calling, canvassing and putting up yard signs. It's like nothing I've ever seen living my entire life in Des Moines: a truly remarkable ultra-organized force of regular people doing extraordinary volunteer work. If this is the case elsewhere, it's game over for McCain.

2much2lose said...
This post has been removed by the author.
Redshift said...

Sorry if I'm missing something completely, but what is an RCP shooter? Does it involve jagermeister?

Man, I hope not, or we won't get any posts out of them tomorrow... ;-)

I'd bet the recipe includes cherry liqueur, though, in honor of cherry-picking!

bpulliam said...

C'mon ... you need people like me so you can feel smuggly superior.

He who laughs last laughs best ... and it is going to be excruciating painful for you. It will be a bit like being a cubs fan these days ...

Alyssa said...

"....your numbers may be proven right but the leftward tilt of this site.... "


jd35 said...


Have you ever been to a sporting event? Let's say it's a game between two rivals. Your team is winning and starting to pull away after years of losing to your most bitter rival. You would just say, "Eh, who cares?"

It's exciting to win!

We're getting to the point where we all start chanting, "Scoreboard! Scoreboard!"

RWD said...

Yard signs are not a very good indicator in presidential races. They may be for local races, but not for president. I live in a reliably red county, and back in 2004 I saw more Kerry signs, even though Bush took the county.

OTF said...


Lets hope and pray he makes it to see the victory and cast his vote!

Does your state have early voting? It could be an option if his illness requires hospitalization on election day.

gougef said...

R. Kevin Hill said...
"You know how I'm sure they're finished out there? The carts. They're using carts..." --Patton (1970)


I actually had a WWWII vet tell me the same thing decades ago.

Also, the the D-Day episode of HBO's Band of Brother showed the same thing.

Darío said...

Drill, baby drill.

Sedi said...

"Obama 51
McCain 47

nooooooooooooooooooooooooo :-("

Hey, Real Joe, didn't you read bpulliam's posts? You don't have anything to worry about. This Rasmussen poll is really just a figment of us liberals' imagination, so you don't have to worry about it. It's well known that Scott Rasmussen is a liberal hack, anyway. I'm sure the Real Joe tracker, if it becomes available now that the bailout has passed, would show a much more accurate and McCain-friendly view of the election.

2much2lose said...

Jack-be-nimble, don't be a Jack-be-numskull. The scare tactics that you use are false, completely transparent and frankly, not scary.

bpulliam said...

yeah except polls aren't actually the score. It would like being at a game but never actually seeing anyone cross the plate or make a basket ... the polls are more like time of possession. Correlation for sure but causation they are not.

OTF said...


Nate did a post awhile ago about the Obama campaign not being big on lawn signs. The philosophy and focus is on actual ground game in knocking on doors, GOTV, registration, etc...

mark said...

jesus christ he looks psychotic in this

the third "heh" cracks me up it's almost like a cartoon

judas_priest said...

@ Ken:

What "history of Failure?" Be specific. And why would hypothetical errers not be adequately covered by Nates PIE figures and the norming to take house effects into consideration?

couchpotatoxxx12 said...

"yeah except polls aren't actually the score. It would like being at a game but never actually seeing anyone cross the plate or make a basket ... the polls are more like time of possession. Correlation for sure but causation they are not."

Something tells me you wouldn't be saying this if McCain was ahead in the polls.

yiannis said...

NEV-AY-DA will go democratic before VA, NC or IN

mark said...

bpulliam is just looking to get a rise out of many of us. Ultimately, people like him are tedious and delusional and not worth the energy or time it takes to respond


Curmudgeoness said...

sporcupine wrote: "Could McCain's campaign be organizing from other locations? For example, through websites, home-schooling groups, churches, gun-owners' groups?"

sporcupine, you might be surprised by how many church-goers and home-schoolers are NOT voting for McCain. My Obama T-shirt from just arrived in today's mail.

Homeschoolers today are diverse enough that the lists and groups to which I belong discourage political discussions to avoid conflagrations. The only organizational effort I can think of is our local church's anti-war and anti-torture campaign.


Ken said...

@Alyssa: Whoa. The Epic Fail had me wondering until I looked back and saw there's another Ken in this thread!

@Real Joe: Hang in there, plenty of campaign left.

@bpulliam: As a Red Sox fan, I can say about this election, and the Cubs current hole... nothing is over until it's over.

-This Ken, Not That Ken

08 said...

I love the quip about the yard signs. But here's one that comes with a donation to the campaign and expresses the frustration at the furor over yard signs!

cincyr said...

Perhaps you guys have become too popular, now on the hit list of MSM McCain haters. Especially after your appearance Nate on Countdown with Keith Olbermann?

In any case, your assessment of McCain's ground game sounds right. There is a huge lack of enthusiasm on McCain's side. Obama supporters LOVE their candidate and are willing to make great sacrifices to get him elected, including using their two week vacations to go knock on doors for him, as two of my friends recently did.

ThatSeattleGuy said...

Okay, a bit off topic...but do any Obamafolk know where I can pick up/order one of those red/white/blue HOPE posters (as seen in the row of seven above the heads of the volunteers in the "slideshow" picture)?

I've already visited all the obvious Obama online "stores" and other web places, but it's not available at any of them. Maybe my local (Seattle) campaign office?

thanks. /tsg/

Alyssa said...

"and it is going to be excruciating painful for you."

Hahahahaha umm yeah totally excruciating painful. I love these sad threats as if they mean shit coming from some douchebag typing on a computer.

You're pathetic you freeptard.

P said...


Purcellville, Sterling is in there, too, yes? So, at least one!

I used to play football in Loudon, and live in Fairfax.

Go blue, Virginia!

Michael said...

So is the McCain campaign giving up, is there some hidden ground game, or are they counting on stealing several states? It's looking to me like Obama is threatening McCain in too many states for the Republicans to steal this election, if things keep going more or less as they are now. They certainly haven't stopped the dirty tricks and attempts at vote-suppression, though:

Fake pollsters' scare tactics target Obama

Montana GOP challenges eligibility of voters (in Democratic areas, of course)

Real Joe said...

sedi said...
"Obama 51
McCain 47

nooooooooooooooooooooooooo :-("

Hey, Real Joe, didn't you read bpulliam's posts? You don't have anything to worry about. This Rasmussen poll is really just a figment of us liberals' imagination, so you don't have to worry about it. It's well known that Scott Rasmussen is a liberal hack, anyway. I'm sure the Real Joe tracker, if it becomes available now that the bailout has passed, would show a much more accurate and McCain-friendly view of the election.

i'm not delusional

RWD said...

Ok, Joe and other GOP fans, some hope for you. I am very concerned that Kansas House District 22, which was a rare Democratic seat in Johnson County, will go Republican this year. The incumbent is leaving to run for state school board, and the Dem who is running to replace her doesn't even seem to be running a campaign. Doesn't even have a campaign-specific email address, let alone a website.

bpulliam said...

mark said...
bpulliam is just looking to get a rise out of many of us. Ultimately, people like him are tedious and delusional and not worth the energy or time it takes to respond

Oh, but counting your chickens before they hatch is an infintely better way to spend your time. You can banter with me, or stroke your buddies ... both are a waste of time.

To be fair, I'd probably be doing an in your face dance if McCain were winning too. But in my heart I know that this thing could swing back and forth 2 more times before all is said and done. I would be SHOCKED if there weren't major things to occur on both sides the last month. Seatbelts.

markymark said...


I wouldn't be so sure, Nevada is all the way out on the west, VA, NC and IN will all be called before the Gambling State (not sure if I am using the official nickname there!)

Jen said...


Of the CBS interviews, she said: "The Sarah Palin in those interviews is a little bit annoyed. Because it's like, no matter what you say, you're going to get clobbered. If you cease to answer a question, you're going to get clobbered on the answer. If you choose to try to pivot and go on to another subject that you believe that Americans want to hear about, you get clobbered for that, too."

WTF? She refers to herself in the third person and winks too? She is a freakity freak. I think she scares me a little. Only crazy people refer to themselves in the third person. There is something not right there.

OTF said...


There are all sorts of signs, clothes, bumper stickers, etc...on the Obama website. You could try your local Dem office too.

Alyssa said...

thatseattleguy said...

Ebay.... search for obama shepard fairy and all kinds of stuff come up... posters, stickers etc...

Hope that helps.

Wesley said...

bpulliam shouldn't be dismissed so easily. He's right, shit happens.

Steve Bartman case in point.

Sedi said...

"i'm not delusional"

Fair enough. My post was tongue-in-cheek, of course, but I do realize that you reside in the evidence-based world. Still, I miss the Real Joe tracker...

Darío said...

I have an energy policy.
Drill, baby, drill.

Tanner Lovelace said...

My in-laws live in Springfield, MO. When I talked to them last week they said that Obama signs are being stolen from people's front yards and in at least one case a car drove over a law just to destroy the sign! I know you guys hate yard signs, but it is illustrative of some of the tension there. It will be interesting to see what the final count is there.

bpulliam said...

Hey Alyssa

what is a freeptard? I'm over 30 so I've never heard that expression before.

Kate said...

My friend and I both volunteer at the Obama office - I think she has worked with him on getting an absentee ballot because he is too sick to go to the County Clerk office.

realistxxx said...

markymark said...

I wouldn't be so sure, Nevada is all the way out on the west, VA, NC and IN will all be called before the Gambling State (not sure if I am using the official nickname there!)


Nevada is the Silver (as in Nate) State.

Darío said...

Homer Simpson for Obama!

mark said...

"mark said...
bpulliam is just looking to get a rise out of many of us. Ultimately, people like him are tedious and delusional and not worth the energy or time it takes to respond

Oh, but counting your chickens before they hatch is an infintely better way to spend your time. You can banter with me, or stroke your buddies ... both are a waste of time.

To be fair, I'd probably be doing an in your face dance if McCain were winning too. But in my heart I know that this thing could swing back and forth 2 more times before all is said and done. I would be SHOCKED if there weren't major things to occur on both sides the last month. Seatbelts."

Did I say we were going to win? I wasn't counting any chickens, just calling you out...

Darío said...

Drill, baby, drill.
The best energy policy.

OTF said...

Palin disagrees with Michigan move:;_ylt=AgCTsVWyBC8_dZANV9C3eEdsnwcF

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday that she disagrees with the John McCain campaign’s decision to pull staff and resources out of Michigan

I want to get back to Michigan, and I want to try,” Palin said in an interview on Fox News. “Todd and I, we'd be happy to get to Michigan. We'd be so happy to speak to the people there in Michigan who are hurting.”

Alyssa said...


I'm over 30 as well. Not my problem.

Becky Sharp said...

jen: Only crazy people refer to themselves in the third person

Bob Dole was crazy?

couchpotatoxxx12 said...

Republicans need to stop stealing elections.

Real Joe said...

watch the Obama Channel on the DISH network(Channel 73-00)

Obama cult has an official channel now

bpulliam said...

Alyssa said...

I'm over 30 as well. Not my problem.

I just thought if you wanted me to take offense you would want me to know what the insult was. I'll google it or something, nevermind.

Michael said...

This is what a community organizer can do. Bet no one's laughing at him any more.

Real Joe said...


alyssa is too hot for you

Jen said...

Becky Sharp- yes, but in a cute old coot sort of way.

It may have been the viagra diverting the blood from his brain.

RWD said...

Back in 2004 on Oct 3, polls were predicting Bush would win. And he did. As far as I can tell from this map, only Wisconsin ended up being different than what is projected here.

Alan said...

A moderately plausible explanation is that the folks who actually control the republican party do not want McCain to win, and outside (and perhaps inside) McCain's inner circle, they are actually controlling nature of the campaign.

They know him better than we do, and many people who know McCain well may like him, but are very uncomfortable with the danger he could pose to the party, the country, and the world if he became president.

But they can't just abandon a republican candidate without also doing damage to the party.

Hence Palin, who thrills the base while actually reducing the chances of McCain getting elected.

Hence minimal effort at the ground game -- it ineffectiveness is not hugely obvious, yet there is still something there so that if someone actually wants to volunteer, their energies can be ineffectively dissipated without attracting attention.

GrecoRoman said...

I get the feeling the GOP feels their patented 72-hours-to-go GOTV efforts, usually a lot of phone banking, will do the trick this year. McCain's open about strategy at this point - hold the 2004 map except Iowa & NM, and pick off PA or WI. It's not going to work, but I think they believe it will. 300 EVs is starting to look like a lo number for Obama.

Alyssa said...

I'll be so freaking happy when this shit is over. I'm so tired of republicans and their endless bullshit.

bpulliam said...

Urban slang ...

1. freeptard
An individual, usually possessing radically right-wing political views, who delights in insulting others and is usually racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Derived from freeper, the nickname of the denizens of the ultra-right wing Web site

Real Joe said...


An individual, usually possessing radically right-wing political views, who delights in insulting others and is usually racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Real Joe said...

i'm not a freeptard :-)

bpulliam said...

registered Democrat here Alyssa. I defected to McCain sorry.

Eric said...

WOW Sean! Thanks for keeping it real. This is great to hear. The second most xciting I've seen for Obama. The first was polling from this Tuesday I think that showed Obama way, way ahead in vital swing states by multiple pollsters. NOw, you are confirming that Obama's ground game blows Mccain's out of the water in every swing state. Ground game is what was attributed to Ohio staying Red in 2004 and giving the elction to Bush. I believe! Thank you Sean. Invaluable! Keep keepin' it real.

markymark said...


Well I think its time Nevada rebranded then. No good being the Silver state, when you are right next to the Golden State.

I hereby formally declare that Nevada be called the Gambling State. (Not sure of my legal authority to do that, but until SCOTUS makes a decision saying otherwise I will assume I have the power!)

Real Joe said...

bpulliam said...
registered Democrat here Alyssa. I defected to McCain sorry.

welcome to our side:-)

more good news !

mark said...

have the nevada results been announced officially yet? it's not up on RCP yet

Becky Sharp said...

jen (on Bob Dole): It may have been the viagra diverting the blood from his brain.

Nice! Mind you I think Bill was diverting his fair share of blood at that time too...

Jen said...

I do not think you are a freeptard, bpulliam. I picture 17, pimply and poor grammar when I think freeptard. You come across as 40ish and divorced. I am probably wrong, but that is my read.

Why did you defect to McCain of all people?

Real Joe said...


are you a jiggaboo ?

Alex S. said...

Thanks Sean,

I think it´s obvious that the Obama campaign will win every state they are playing in, even Montana, which is a smaller state and can be flipped faster, if needed. The McCain campaign is disorganized and uncommunicative. They are totally relying on local efforts, thats why they are strong in Nevada and Florida but weak almost everywhere else. Their datasets are probably still at 2004 level. And since the Obama campaign is putting an unprecedented focus on registration and turnout, the election will be even less close than we think at the moment, maybe 55-45 or more.

bpulliam said...

Real Joe said...
welcome to our side:-)

more good news !

Yeah, well Obama almost has me thinking about registering republican but I'm not sure I can do that yet.

Eric said...

Make no mistake folks Plouffe and company are changing the map and this country for the better for decades to come. They'll be written about in history books. I'm smelling red states turned blue. The map flipped upside down. Yum!

Alyssa said...

'I just thought if you wanted me to take offense you would want me to know what the insult was."

And there lies your mistake... thinking I give a shit at all.

Becky Sharp said...

>> registered Democrat here Alyssa. I defected to McCain sorry.

Is this a new euphamism for "I don't like Black people"?

realistxxx said...

Real Joe said...
i'm not a freeptard :-)


No you're just a tard. ;-)

The discontinuation of the Real Joe Tracker is GREAT NEWS FOR JOHN MCCAIN!!!!!!!!

However, the 538 community has suffered greatly from the loss.

I still drink Joe Cola, because it's so refreshing.

Real Joe said...


don't tell me you don't know what jiggaboo means

GrecoRoman said...

And for those who doubt Nate's ability with projections, google up PECOTA and do some reading and get back to me. The man knows what he's doing. Wish we had that number back in the 1980s, I never would have printed up those "Larry Sheets, AL MVP 1988" posters...

Darío said...

And if Obama takes Missouri, it´s over?.

Jen said...

"Nice! Mind you I think Bill was diverting his fair share of blood at that time too..."

Becky Sharp- Clinton was used to the blood being down there and Bob Dole wasn't.

I just realized that maybe Dole wasn't refering to himself when himself when he would say "Bob Dole". He was talking about his little "Bob Dole".

realistxxx said...

markymark said...

I hereby formally declare that Nevada be called the Gambling State. (Not sure of my legal authority to do that, but until SCOTUS makes a decision saying otherwise I will assume I have the power!)


Very Cheney-esque of you.

Darío said...

bpulliam, you´re a PUMA?

Real Joe said...

some people here ignore me

fu** it

Becky Sharp said...

>>And if Obama takes Missouri, it´s over?.

If Obama takes Missouri it means he's already taken VA and NC. So yeah, it's over.

PA John said...

"registered Democrat here Alyssa. I defected to McCain sorry." = "He's to black for me."

bpulliam said...

Jen said...
I do not think you are a freeptard, bpulliam. I picture 17, pimply and poor grammar when I think freeptard. You come across as 40ish and divorced. I am probably wrong, but that is my read.

Why did you defect to McCain of all people?

36 ... but close. Was a fan of McCain when he fought the airway frequency giveaway in the 90s. Disagreed with his stance on social issues though. Mostly it's an anti-Obama vote. I am anti-union, pro-free trade and think national healthcare would be a complete disaster (more inline with Regina Herzlinger's consumer driven model at Harvard).

poppopbang said...

One additional thing to consider is that in addition to the Obama offices, there are huge ground operations being run by unions all over the country. Thousands of union members are taking time off work to help in the ground game, from Change to Win to the AFL-CIO, to UFCW, the Teamsters, SEIU and the IBEW. There is an unprecedented amount of coordination going on between the campaign and labor. Don't let the idea of megachurches and their congregants burying the Obama ground game get you down, Barack's got a posse.

twoandahalfjobs said...

I campaigned last weekend for Obama here in the City of St. Louis. I've always voted Dem but I've never actually done any kind of campaigning before. The local team in my neighborhood was amazing. There were probably 40 volunteers who showed up for training last Thursday night and we spent Saturday campaigning door-to-door, getting voters registered, for 9 hours on Saturday in just one small neighborhood. We received excellent training, tons of support and it was all very positive. There is going to be big final push this weekend to get voters registered (registration deadline is October 8).

And I have to say, slightly off-topic, that Claire McCaskill has done Missouri Dems proud. She's a great Senator and she's really working hard for Obama.

Real Joe said...

darío said...
bpulliam, you´re a PUMA?

i love those PUMA guys

they suddenly love McCain because Hilary lost to Obama

bpulliam said...

Alyssa said...
'I just thought if you wanted me to take offense you would want me to know what the insult was."

And there lies your mistake... thinking I give a shit at all.

October 3, 2008 3:52 PM
Becky Sharp said...
>> registered Democrat here Alyssa. I defected to McCain sorry.

Is this a new euphamism for "I don't like Black people"?

Hey you responded to me so I guess you do give a shit. I love that I'm racist now.

image said...

Was a fan of McCain when he fought the airway frequency giveaway in the 90s.

Then you must have noticed that the McCain of the 90s and the McCain of today are radically different...

bpulliam said...


don't tell me you don't know what jiggaboo means

Have to look it up ... or you can just tell me :)

RWD said...

Bpulliam is a DINO.

( name only)