Tangible Conservation & Development Achievements

Protected Area ManagementMarine Park

Tanzania's first multi-user marine park at Mafia Island was established following management recommendations and data from our surveys. The marine park warden and technical advisor are ex-Frontier staff.

Quirimbas National Park, the first national marine park to be designated since Mozambiquan independence, was founded using information and recommendations from Frontier's survey work.

The Southern Mikea region of Madagascar has recently been gazetted as a protected area based on Frontier's comprehensive research reports in the area.

The Montagne de Francais is another area in Madagascar that has recently been incorporated into the Ramena complex of protected areas based on Frontier's research work in the region. Frontier continues to be involved with the planning, monitoring and management of this area.

Community Development, Training, Environmental Education, & Sustainable Livelihoods

We have trained over 600 host-country university students, fisheries and forestry officers, community representatives and teachers.

We hold hundreds of environmental education and awareness-raising workshops, building teacher capacity and pupil awareness, and we produce education manuals and curricula in various languages.

We have trained and qualified over 300 volunteers and host-country partner counterparts in the BTEC Advanced Diploma in Tropical Habitat Conservation and BTEC Advanced Certificate in Expedition Management (biodiversity research).

We have established many community-based organisations, one such organisation is TUMI, in Tanzania's Kilombero Valley. The name means ‘Let's take Itete forward' in Kiswahili.

We implemented a training programme awarding a tailor made BTEC in Conservation Management for local environmental organisations and in-country partners in Nicaragua.

Our medicinal plant income-generating project in Sa Pa, Vietnam led to a ten-fold increase in income for participating farmers. 

We built a biodiversity interpretative centre in Bai Tu Long Bay, Vietnam

We built the Kanyanchu primate camp and visitor centre in Kibale Forest, Uganda.

Biodiversity ResearchNew species of Nectophrynoides frog

We have produced hundreds of technical reports, manuscripts, manuals and books, see our publication list for full details, and contact our Research Manager for specific documents.

Our biodiversity surveys in the Tanzanian East Usambara Mountains of the Eastern Arc Mountain Range (the world's hottest biodiversity hotspot with the most endemic vertebrates per km²), are recognised as the most detailed and extensive biodiversity data ever produced.

We have discovered numerous new species and range extensions of plants and animals, from a new bat species in Madagascar; hundreds of new moth species in Vietnam; to new amphibians, lizards, chameleons, snakes and small mammals in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania.