Report: Vulnerable areas marred by crime and distrust in state authorities

3:34 min

Parallel societies exist in Sweden's so-called "vulnerable areas" where, according to a new report, criminals take the law into their own hands and many residents do not trust the police or the judicial system.

Sweden's National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has talked to residents in 61 vulnerable areas and found that almost half are worried about going outdoors in the evening.

Erik Nilsson, one of the researchers involved in the report, told Radio Sweden that people experience all sorts of crime right on their doorsteps and, at the same time, there is a lack of trust in the police and other authorities.

"It ranges from open drugs sales and shootings to concerns about minor things. Many residents do not feel safe in these areas and it makes the police's job much harder since many people feel reluctant to talk to the police because they feel they might be harassed or get hurt," Nilsson said.

The government announced on Thursday that it wants to set aside SEK 2.2 billion a year to be shared among 32 municipalities to help counter segregation in vulnerable areas.