Middle English Dictionary Entry

bǒugh n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A branch of a tree or bush; a main branch, a limb; also, a small branch or twig; (b) a branch of any kind of plant; a spray of an herb or shrub, a shoot, a branch of a vine, a palm frond; (c) a limb of an artificial tree; (d) fig. the Cross; (e) ~ and lef, branch(es) and leaves; also, the whole tree; ~ ne lef, nothing of the tree; braunch and ~, the smaller and larger branches; fro ~ to ~, from branch to branch; grene ~, a living branch, a branch with green leaves; in ~, on ~, on a branch, on the branches; of ~, o ~, from the branch(es); on bank and ~, everywhere out-of-doors; under ~, under boughs, covered by foliage; also, in an arbor of branches.
(a) An arm or leg of a person; a leg of a boar or a horse; (b) a branch of coral; one of the smaller roots of a plant; a nerve or vein branching off from a larger nerve or vein; (c) a sub-division of a virtue or a vice; (d) an offspring, descendant.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

Note: See also bught n.