Middle English Dictionary Entry

throu n.(2)
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) A contraction of the uterus while giving birth; the pain and discomfort experienced while giving birth;—usu. pl.; also in fig. context [quot. a1393]; pininge throwes; a twenti throwes, a period of twenty contractions; (b) suffering, anguish, torment;— often pl.; also, a pain; throwes of deth, ded ~ (throwes), deth ~, dethes ~ (throwes), the throes of death, death agony; (c) emotional distress, anxiety;—often pl.; ~ of love, love throwes, loves ~.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • c1460(?c1400) Beryn (Nthld 55)38 : For love of hir swetyng þat sat so nyȝe hir hert, She wept & waylid, & wrong hir hondis, & made much to done; For they that loven so passyngly, such trowes þey have echone.
  • Note: New spelling--emend pl. throwes in form section to t(h)rowes.--per MLL
    Note: Editor's gloss: troth, trust; trowes.
    Note: Context: Beryn weeps for her lost husband.
    Note: Belongs to sense (c).--per MLL