Middle English Dictionary Entry

sprēden v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. forspreden v., ispreden v., outspreden v., overspreden v., & tospreden v.
(a) To lay (cloth, hide, etc.) out flat, spread; -- also without obj. [quot.: a1382, 2nd]; also, of a banner: unfurl [quot.: a1500(?c1450)]; ~ abrode (forth, on, oute); ~ banere, unfold a banner; ~ net, fig. set a trap; ~ seile (veil), set sail; ~ tent, pitch a tent; (b) to stretch (a parchment on a frame); stretch (Christ or his body on the cross); also, of Christ or his body: be stretched out (on the cross); ~ abrode; ppl. spred, of persons: spread out, splayed.
(a) To scatter (things), bestrew; spread (mud, dung) over an area; distribute (possessions); lay (things) out (on a surface); let (hair) spread out or fall down in all directions; also, sow by broadcasting; refl. of hail: disperse itself (on the ground); ~ abrode; ~ bordes, spread boards for tables, set up tables; ben spred on, of white hair: be sprinkled on (one's head), cover; ppl. spred, dispersed, scattered; loose; (b) to spread (a medicinal preparation on sth.); ppl. spred, of medicament: smeared (on sth.); of swelling or inflammation: distributed (over a bodily part); (c) to shed (blood); of blood: spatter, spill; of water: run (over sth.); ~ abouten; ppl. spred, spilled; (d) to cause (blood, bodily heat) to flow (to or through bodily parts), diffuse; refl. of the vital spirit or bodily heat: spread itself (to bodily parts); ~ abrode (forth, oute); ben spred outwarde, of the senses: be occupied with or oriented toward the physical or secular world; ppl. spred, of a faculty: distributed (throughout the body), located; (e) to emit (light), radiate (beams); also fig.; also, transmit (a message into someone's ears); ~ abrode (oute); ben spred, of a person's gaze or look:?be cast about; (f) ?to break (sth.) up, reduce, dispel [cp. sparplen v. 4.(b)].
(a) Of a group of persons, fighting men, or animals: to advance over a wide area, scatter in various directions, extend over an area; of matter: disperse, disintegrate; also, of God:?provide space for (persons) [quot.: a1382]; ~ abouten (abrode, oute); spredinge brode, of a bee: roaming or wandering; (b) ben spred, of a group of persons, a swarm of insects: to be located over a wide area, be far apart; also, be driven to disperse [last quot.]; ppl. spred, of persons: scattered (over an area); of an army: deployed; (c) of fire, flame, etc.: to spread (around or over an area); of dew: descend (on sb.); -- used fig.; refl. of wind: blow in all directions; ~ al abouten; (d) of the moon, sunbeams, etc.: to beam, radiate; ~ abrode (oute); spred (abrode, of morning or night: unfolded (upon an area); (e) of smell: to be diffused; of speech, words, a message: be transmitted or conveyed; gain ground [1st quot.]; ~ as spices, of speech:?sound sweetly; (f) of blood, sap, etc.: to be diffused, spread, extend; be distributed; also fig.; (g) of an aposteme: to spread beyond the point of origin; of a medicament: spread beyond the point of application; ben spred (oute, of an infection: spread (to another bodily part or into clothing); spredinge abrode, of an ulcer, a wound: creeping, serpiginous, spreading; ppl. spred, of swelling: distributed (over a bodily part).
(a) To diffuse (grace, divine providence, etc.), disseminate; also, of the mercy of Mary, wickedness, etc.: be disseminated; of divine gift or power: permeate or be present (within sb.); refl. of the Holy Spirit: spread itself (in man's heart); ~ abrode (oute); ppl. spred, widespread; (b) to make (a name, fame, etc.) known, transmit widely; propagate (faith); -- also with hou clause; also refl.; of a name, fame, news, etc.: be disseminated, become widely known; ~ abouten (abrode, brode, etc.).
(a) Of a tree, bough, etc.: to branch out, spread; extend; also fig.; of the sea: extend (into lands); of a bandage: reach (to a bodily part); of God, Christ, etc.: reach out (to sb. or mankind); ~ aboute (abrode, forth, oute); (b) of a vein, an artery: to extend (branches); of a virtue or vice: branch out into (subdivisions); also fig.; refl. of branches: extend themselves; of a sin: branch out (into subdivisions); ~ abrode (oute); (c) to extend (one's arms, hand, or wing); hold up (one's hands) in surrender; hold out (sth. to sb.) [quot.: c1470]; ~ abrode (forth, oute); ben spred abrode, of a locust: spread its wings; spred (abrode, of arms, hands: outstretched.
(a) To make (sth.) wide; dilate (bodily pores, an orifice, etc.); also, spread out by flattening [quot.: ?a1425, 1st]; ~ abrode; ben spred abrode, become flat, spread wide; ppl. spred, wide; (b) to open (one's mouth or lips); make (someone's heart) more responsive; of Hell: open (itself); ~ abrode; ppl. spred, of the ears: open, receptive; of the heart:?eager; (c) of the lips of a wound: to be open; of a bodily part or wound: swell, become enlarged; of a person: swell with importance, be puffed up; of the heart: swell with emotion; ~ abrode; maken ~, ?cause dilation [quot.: a1398]; (d) to open (a document); spread out (parchment leaves); fig. reveal (an emotion); ~ oute; ~ abrode, open (a book); also, fig. explain (sth.), expound [quot.: c1475]; ppl. spred, of treasure or a coffer: uncovered, revealed, exposed.
(a) Of a plant, branch, etc.: to grow, burgeon, leaf out; of a flower: bloom; also fig.; of a fruit or seed: grow; of hair: grow long; of earth: flourish; also, cause (a flower, leaf) to open; of a rose bush: produce (an offshoot); ~ of, of a place: be overgrown with (plants); ~ oute, of a tree: produce (blossoms); ben (ful, fulli) spred, of a flower or leaf: be (fully) open; (b) of offspring, livestock, etc.: to increase in number, multiply; cause (children, etc.) to increase; also, cause the descendants of (sb.) to increase [quot.: a1382, 1st]; ~ abrode; (c) to expand (a realm, its boundaries, etc.); of a convent: expand or extend itself by establishing new houses; ~ abrode.
(a) To cover (sth.), overspread; cover (a bed or street with sth.), drape; also fig.; -- also without obj. [quot.: a1382]; adorn (a room), array; adorn (trees with leaves); ~ bed, prepare or make (one's) bed; also fig.; ~ over, cover (sth.); ppl. spred, of a bed or table: covered or arrayed; of a spark: covered up (under ashes); (b) of fighting men: to overrun (an area); (c) of Christ: to envelop (sb. in or with his mercy).
In misc. senses: (a) to destroy (sb.) [from misreading of L disperdit as dispergit]; (b) to expend (sth.); (c) error for speden v. 1. (a); (d) error for sprenten v. [but cp. sense 3.(a) above].

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1400 NVPsalter (Eg 614) : Spred folk [Vsp: God..þi hand geng tospred, and þou set þam.]
  • Note: Modify gloss; belongs to sense 3.--per MM
    Note: Possible gloss "to disperse (a people), drive out".--per MLL