Middle English Dictionary Entry

prǒues(se n.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

(a) Bravery in battle or combat, valor; martial vigor, might, or skill; (b) heigh ~, great might or valor; ~ of armes, valor or might in war or combat; -- also coll. martial deeds; ~ of hondes, vigor in hand-to-hand combat; ben of ~, to be valorous; don ~ of armes, perform mighty deeds; entren in-to ~ of armes, take up the profession of arms; (c) an act of bravery, a mighty deed; -- also coll.; don (winnen) ~, to perform great deeds or a great deed; litel ~ it were, it would be no great act of heroism; (d) athletic prowess; -- used fig.; (e) fig. moral or spiritual courage or might; (f) in proverb.
(a) Excellence; (b) nobility of character, moral strength; (c) intelligence, wisdom.