Middle English Dictionary Entry

allīen v.
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Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

To form an alliance, join, associate: (a) to ally (oneself with, to sb.), join as an ally, form an alliance; get together, join; -- refl. or intr.; (b) ben allied, be allied or associated; associated (with); in on allied, as a group; (c) to connect (sb. with an ally).
To join in marriage: (a) ~ to, to get married to (sb.); ~ in..blod, marry into a family; -- refl. or intr.; (b) ben allied, be connected (by marriage), be related; have relatives or kinsmen; high allied, of distinguished family; fig. nigh (next) allied, intimately related or akin; (c) refl. become related (to sb.).
(a) To enter into or engage in combat; attack; ~ unto, ~ til (sb.); -- refl. or intr.; (b) to get together, rally; -- refl.
(a) Cook. To combine or mix (ingredients), esp. so as to bind them; ~ togeder, ~ up; refl. to form a thick mass; cp. alaien; (b) fig. combine (deeds and suffering) for the better.
Miscell. uses: (a) allied, linked together, associated; (b) ~ to, adhere or agree to (sth.); (c) of property: ~ to, belong to (sb.); (d) ~ in prisoun, imprison; (e) smear (sb. with blood); cp. alaien.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1400 Roy.17.A.3 Artist.Recipes (Roy 17.A.3) 236/8 : Alye togider þe swarf and þe lym and þe drastis togider and make þerof..a round bal.
  • Note: Additional quot., sense 4.(a).