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Last Updated: Friday, 19 March, 2004, 13:50 GMT
Singing comeback for Dame Julie
Julie Andrews
Dame Julie was famed for her four-octave vocal range
Singer and actress Dame Julie Andrews is singing again after a problems following a throat operation in 1997.

Dame Julie, famed for her role as Mary Poppins, shot musical scenes for The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement.

In it she sings a song called Your Crowning Glory, which was written in a limited vocal range so it was not too demanding on her recovering voice.

Dame Julie settled a malpractice claim with two doctors at New York's Mount Sinai hospital over the operation.

Last year, Dame Julie said she doubted she would ever sing in public again because her voice had still not recovered.

Emotional moment

Dawn Soler, the film's music supervisor, said she was there when the actress pre-recorded the song and sang it to playback during filming.

She said: "She nailed the song on the first take. I looked around and I saw grips with tears in their eyes."

Dame Julie has done some limited singing on TV in recent years, but her manager, Steve Sauer, said those songs were "half-talking, half-singing".

In Princess Diaries 2 Dame Julie sings, but with a far more limited vocal range than she was once capable of.

'Tranquil' song

Composer Larry Grossman, "It's written in just one octave, so it wouldn't be vocally demanding.

"I've worked with Julie, and I knew what she was capable of. This does not reflect that; it's more of a tranquil song. She told me it works beautifully."

Dame Julie, 68, moved to Hollywood with what she called her "freak four-octave voice" and starred in hit musicals Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music.

Andrews was singing in the Broadway version of her Victor/Victoria film role in the mid-1990s when she began having voice trouble and underwent surgery.

Dame Julie's voice doubts
06 Jul 03  |  Entertainment
Dame Julie clings to singing hope
03 Aug 01  |  Entertainment
Andrews voices singing hopes
31 Aug 99  |  Entertainment
Andrews hopes to sing again
26 Dec 98  |  Entertainment
Andrews 'may never sing again'
20 Nov 98  |  Entertainment
Dame Julie: The sound of music
31 Dec 99  |  Entertainment

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