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Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 13:24 GMT 14:24 UK
Hong Kong Night - Sunday 1 July
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To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Britain handing back its last major colony to China, the last British Governor Chris Patten (Lord Patten of Barnes) presents Hong Kong Night for BBC Parliament.

Over five hours of coverage, he introduces the programming of the handover day.

On June 30th 1997 BBC One ran over five hours of live coverage of the last day of British rule in Hong Kong presented by John Tusa.

The day began with Chris Patten leaving Government House for the last time.

That was followed by the farewell Ceremony (in pouring rain) at which both Chris Patten and the Prince of Wales spoke, and finally the Midnight handover ceremony to China

After which the Prince, Chris Patten and other British dignitaries departed Hong Kong on the Royal Yacht Britannia as the Chinese Red army poured over the border.

Looking back

On Hong Kong Night, Chris Patten reflects on those events as he introduces the archive programmes.

He reveals his thoughts at the time the events unfolded and considers how his hopes and fears for Hong Kong have played out over the ensuing 10 years.

You can see Hong Kong Night on BBC Parliament from 1800BST on Sunday 1 July or on the BBC Parliament iPlayer at the same time.

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