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Related to twitch: Muscle twitch


a brief, contractile response of a skeletal muscle elicited by a single maximal volley of impulses in the neurons supplying it.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. To jerk spasmodically.
2. A momentary spasmodic contraction of a muscle fiber.
[A.S. twiccian]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


v. twitched, twitching, twitches
To draw, pull, or move suddenly and sharply; jerk: I twitched my fishing line.
1. To move jerkily or spasmodically.
2. To ache sharply from time to time; twinge.
1. A sudden involuntary or spasmodic muscular movement: a twitch of the eye.
2. A sudden pulling; a tug: The fish gave my line a twitch.
3. A sudden, sharp pain.

twitch′ing·ly adv.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Body twitch Sleep disorders A small body movement–eg, a facial grimace or finger jerk, not usually associated with arousal. See REM twitch.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. To jerk spasmodically.
2. A momentary spasmodic contraction of a muscle fiber.
[A.S. twiccian]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A brief muscular contraction resulting from a sudden spontaneous impulse in a nerve supplying a group of muscle fibres. Twitching is common and is seldom of any medical significance.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


1. To jerk spasmodically.
2. Momentary spasmodic contraction of a muscle fiber.
[A.S. twiccian]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about twitch

Q. What causes twitching I deal with insomnia,and sometimes i sleep very sound. What causes the twitching during sleeping.Went to bed at 10 pm, and 2 30 this morning my boyfriend was woke up by me twitching. What is the cause of this. I also drink alot of coffee, could that be a factor with it.

A. Twitching during sleep is not something we can control, and it is a very normal event during sleep. Some people experience it more than others, and it's not necessarily connected to you drinking a lot of coffee. Caffiene consumtion can cause slight tremor but not during sleep. Twiching while awake is caused by small fibers of muscles contracting and is also normal. Heavy twiching is something that requires further blood test because certain electrolyte imbalances can cause it.

Q. my sons arm started twitching in the mornings. is that normal? it's scary, not every morning, but once in a while (twice a week maybe more) he's right arm just twitches without control for 2-3 minutes. can i stop it? should i try to restrain him? does any one know this situation?

A. was your son ever diagnosed for epilepsy? if this is the case, it's not dangerous (unless he holds a knife...) so don't restrain him - it can do only damage. but you should be aware that if the seizure does not stop after 3-5 minutes- you should call an ambulance. and don't panic, your son will be O.K :)

Q. eyelids what causes your eye lids too twitch? my left eye lid has been twitching on and off for about a week what causes it and how can i get it to stop.

A. Not an answer, just another question - how long can this go on? My eyelid has been twitching, (likely lack of sleep) for almost a month now. Any treatment that I should seek?

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To gain access to the beta Twitch Studio, creators can sign up on the official page.
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It's all part of Twitch Prime's mission to be the best deal in gaming, combining value with content for video games, all year long.
Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of short-term (i.e., [less than or equal to]5 min) local vibration to the Achilles tendon on subsequent peak plantar flexor torque during isometric MVCs, twitch contractile properties (e.g., peak twitch torque), plantar flexor muscle activity, and brain activity in young female athletes.
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