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Last Updated: Sunday, 16 January, 2005, 15:43 GMT
Rams remember a legendary player
Steve Bloomer
Fans were invited to emulate Steve Bloomer's most famous goal
The achievements of one of Derby County's most legendary players was celebrated at Pride Park on Sunday - 131 years after the day of his birth.

Steve Bloomer managed to score 400 goals in 650 games.

His most famous feat was during a match between England and Scotland, when he found the back of the net with a left- footed strike from the centre circle.

On Sunday at half time in the game against Sunderland, fans tried to recreate that magic moment.

The team also trained in Steve Bloomer T-shirts.

Artists' impressions were displayed of a statue commissioned of the local hero - which will go outside Pride Park.

A plaque has already been dedicated to him, and his achievements were detailed in the match programme.

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