Middle English Dictionary Entry

ēk adv. and conj.
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Entry Info

Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)

Note: Cp. ok.
Introducing a sentence or an independent clause (often accompanying a sentence connective): moreover, likewise, in the same manner.
Modifying the predicate: too, also, in the same manner.
Connecting nouns or pronouns (often following second member): also, in addition; on the other hand [first quot.].
Connecting (a) adjectives, (b) adverbial expressions.

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • a1300(OE) Deed Crediton (CotR 2.11)117 : Heȝ þat..of mine daȝes were iȝeue and bi-ȝite of oþer bischopes hek hich habbe out-igadere [read: out-igadered] of bokes fale and ido in on oþere masse-boc.
    Note: New form: Also..hek.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 1.
  • ?c1450 Iff a man (Stockh 10.90)328/866 : Rwe is ike a souereyn bote, To settyn abowtyn a sawge-rote.
  • Note: New form: Also..ike.
    Note: Quot. belongs to sense 2.
Note: Correction: This entry ought to be split into two entries, namely, ek adv. and ek conj. As it stands, senses 1. and 2. appear to be adverbial, while senses 3. and 4. are as conjunctions. Sense 4. seems to make an odd distinction between subsenses (a) and (b). The collocations ek swich and swich ek (see swich adv.) probably should be noted in sense 1., with additional quots. (e.g. Vsp. Hom: see swich adv.; in addition to the quots. to be found in the MED are the ones in the MED rejects: 59/27, 71/7, 129/30, 132/26, as well as those for Bod.Hom.Dom.Quadr., 44/22 and 48/3.)--notes per MJW
Note: The list of variant spellings in the form section may be incomplete and / or may need revision to accord with standards of later volumes of the MED. When this word is split into two entries, the forms will have to be re-evaluated, in any case.--per MLL

Supplemental Materials (draft)

  • ?a1350 Recipe Painting(1) in Clarke Lymmyng (Hrl 2253) 231/12 : Tac fin cley ant good, ant dute [read: lute] al the vessel þat non eyr ne go out, boþen the holes ant eken aboue ryht well.
  • Note: New spelling (eken).