July 20 2006

37 Signals Takes Jeff Bezos Investment

Michael Arrington


Chicago based 37 Signals, which has shunned venture capital in the past, has taken an investment from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos through his Bezos Expeditions fund. No word on the size of the investment or other details. 37 Signals says they aren’t interested in cash or contacts, they just want access to Jeff. In my opinion this is a great deal for both sides.

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  1. Ari Mir

    37Signals is a great company and we use the majority of their products. I have to say the criticism they have been getting for this move is unwarranted.

    I remind my partners every day to “Get Real.” Congrats you guys!

  2. Don Wilson

    Haha, the words “what an interesting turn of events” has never fit so perfectly.

  3. Nick Gavronsky

    Yeah, I definitely think this is interesting. It will be interesting to see what they use the funding for exactly other than what they say they will use it for.

  4. Gerald Buckley

    Not clear from Signal v. Noise… who sought out whom on this deal? Just a nice aside for background…

  5. P. O. S.

    Great company. Met Jason Fried of 37Signals a while back, nice guy.

  6. carmen

    maybe the money will pay to scrub all their ‘VC funding is unnecessary’ entries from archive.org..

  7. Jimmy

    Hahahaa! Yeah right, not interested in the cash or contacts. That’s what they want everyone to think. It’s a volleyball game and they’re setting up for the spike.

  8. pj

    The one thing which 37 Signals do well is self promotion. Irrespective of why they have taken the money it’s generated a lot of noise on the web!

  9. Erik

    37 Signals is one of the best web companies out there, irrespective of size. Their marketing and signal-to-noise ratio is astounding. I’m interested in what this will actually do for them though, and what big plans they must have that needs a “big” guy like Bezos on board.

  10. Paul Kapustka

    Now comments are locked on the other post? Talk about a popular party!

  11. process

    I think 37signals has a public relations company handling publicity for them, thats why they have so much press.

  12. Peter Glyman

    Great company with great products and a fantastic outlook on business. “Get Real” rocks! Tacking the funding or not it’s their choice and with the guys continued success.

  13. Rihanna

    Really looks like a good company.

  14. Workdrone

    you forgot to add great blog. whitout blog popularity of 37signals would propably never exist.
    in fact it’s the best example of corporate bloging