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The Electoral Commission

Trevelyan House

Great Peter Street




T: 020 7271 0500

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* Referendums

Scotland - 1997

Two questions were asked at the 1997 Scotland referendum. The first involved the creation of a Scottish Parliament:

'1. I agree that there should be a Scottish Parliament; or
2. I do not agree that there should be a Scottish Parliament'

The result of the first question was:

Option 1: 74.3%
Option 2: 25.7%
Turnout: 60.4%

The second question involved tax-varying powers:

'1. I agree that a Scottish Parliament should have tax-varying powers; or
2. I do not agree that a Scottish Parliament should have tax-varying powers.'

The result of the second question was:

Option 1: 63.5%
Option 2: 36.5%
Turnout: 60.4%

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The Electoral Commission


Legislation and referendum framework

Referendum campaign period

The European Constitution Referendum

Past UK referendums

North East referendum

Northern Ireland - 1998

London - 1998

Wales - 1997

Scotland - 1997

Wales - 1979

Scotland - 1979

UK - 1975


The North East Referendum

Mayoral referendums

International referendums

Referendum questions

