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Last Updated: Monday March 27 2006 14:27 GMT

Goblet fastest selling DVD ever

Hermione and Harry in the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has got off to a magical start by becoming the fastest selling DVD ever.

Just under three copies flew off the shelves every second during the first six days of its release.

And on the very first day it hit the shops, Monday 20 March, six copies were being sold every second.

In total it has now sold 1.4 million copies making it the seventh biggest selling DVD movie of all time according to the Official Charts Company.

The Goblet of Fire is the fourth Potter adventure, in which Harry becomes involved in a dangerous wizarding tournament.

Other Potter News

Potter author J K Rowling has confirmed that she'll be appearing as a guest on The Richard and Judy Show - a daytime chat programme.

A spokesperson for the author said that no date had been set for interview, but that it would be sometime in June or July 2006.

There have also been reports on the internet that the part of Young Remus Lupin in The Order of the Phoenix has been filled. The studio denied the rumours on Monday stating that no one had yet been cast for the role.

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