
information on
Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) is permanent body of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, located in Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan. Its main objectives and functions are:
1. Maintaining working contacts with main administrative body of SCO member-states and strengthening coordination with international organizations on matters of struggle against terrorism, separatism and extremism;
2. Participation in preparing drafts of international legal documents on matters of struggle against terrorism, separatism and extremism, taking measures to establish together with the UN Security Council and its antiterrorist committee, international and regional organizations, the mechanism of effective regulation of global challenges and threats;
3. Gathering and analyzing information, provided by member-states, on matters of struggle against terrorism, separatism and extremism, creating data bank of antiterrorist structure, presenting considerations on building up cooperation by the Organization in struggle against “three evils”.
4. Preparing and holding scientific-research conferences, exchanging experience on matters of struggle against terrorism, separatism and extremism;

Head of Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure is elected for the period of three years by the Council of Heads of SCO member-states from among citizens of member-states recommended by the Council.
Expenses of Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure are covered by budget funds of the Organization.
Each SCO member-state assigns a permanent representative to the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.


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