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18件中 1-18の結果を表示しています
  • 小林 克弘, 佐々木 龍郎, 姜 鎬元, 中沢 健, 安藤 貴昭, 岡本 美樹
    1992年 18 巻 299-308
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • - ウォータールー橋保全問題 1924-1937 -
    榎本 碧
    2015年 80 巻 715 号 2167-2174
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
     In 1920, many hisotrical bridges faced a threat of demolition and some conservationists and organisations acted to conserve them. This paper aimed to describe a discussion devfelopment of a historical bridge conservation, the Old Waterloo Bridge in the United Kingdom, between 1924 and 1937 in detail and to realise features of discussion of the day in the United Kingdom. The findings of this study can be London County Council, which was owner or the bridge, changed from their demolition policy of the bridge to conservation three times by conservationists protest.
  • 30年代英国ロンドンにおけるコスモポリタンの活躍 その2
    塚口 眞佐子
    日本インテリア学会 研究発表 梗概集
    2013年 25 巻 69-70
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2022/06/01
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 片木 篤
    1989年 404 巻 121-131
    発行日: 1989/10/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper is an attempt to re-evaluate the architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens (1869-1944) through the analysis of his house planning. Lutyens, one of the leading architects in Edwardian England, has been almost neglected in the history of modern architecture because of his conversion from the Arts and Crafts vernacular style to Neo-Georgian style at the turn of the century. He, however, excelled in house planning, especially skillful manipulation of axes in its plan. From this viewpoint, three small houses with the central staircase are analysed here: 1) Tiebourne Court, Witley, Surrey, 1899-1901 2) Homewood, Knebworth, Hertfordshire, 1901 3) The Salutation, Sandwich, Kent, 1911 As Lutyens' stilistic interst shifted from the vernacular to the classical, his house plan changed from the informal and additive to the formal and divisional. The functional relationship between the major living rooms and the rather complicated circulation around the central staircase, however, hardly changed. It indicates that the apparently divisional plan of the later house was developed through compressing the additive plan of the earlier house into the more rigid geometrical framework.
  • 岡本 美樹
    2003年 68 巻 566 号 209-214
    発行日: 2003/04/30
    公開日: 2017/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this research is analyze the design method of Edmund Blacket (1817-1833) who was born in England and settled in the New South Wales colony in 1842. He designed many Anglican Churches, his works are well known in Australia, and he was appointed as NSW Government Architect in 1849. He uses Gothic style for Church Architecture and Classical style for commerce architecture. In this research, I did the constitution analysis of the facade of commerce architecture designed by Blacket which were built from 1850 to 1881 in Sydney. As a result, it was revealed that Blacket used Golden Ratio in composing the facade of commerce architecture. Also it was revealed that several patterns are seen to the usage of a golden rectangle, especially the formulas such as "Golden rectangle = Golden rectangle + Square " and "Square = 2 Golden rectangle + 2 Square" were used.
  • 岡本 美樹
    1999年 64 巻 526 号 273-278
    発行日: 1999/12/30
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of the study is to examine the exterior design of verandaed houses in New South Wales of Australia focusing on the elements of exterior design, roof framing, style of ridge, style of pillars of the veranda and so on. Roof framing was classified into 2 types ; Unified type and Separate type. Ridge style was classified into 5 types ; rectangular hipped roof, gable roof, broken hipped roof, bent hipped roof and concealed roof. After the comparative analysis on 41 samples of verandaed houses in New South Wales which were built from 1788 to 1850, it became clear that the Separate-rectangular hipped roof style and the Unifiede-broken hipped roof style holds a majority. Also, there were 32samples whose main facade is formed by single roof. The fact suggests that the Independent:rectangular hipped roof style and the Unified-broken hipped roof style compose one of the distinctive feature of exterior design.
  • 嶋田 武夫
    Techno marine 日本造船学会誌
    2004年 882 巻 795-802
    発行日: 2004/11/10
    公開日: 2018/03/28
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • イギリスの実例の分析‐ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブを中心にして‐
    香山 壽夫, 片木 篤
    1986年 12 巻 231-242
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     本研究は,19世紀後半から20世紀初頭にかけて建設され,その後の近代都市計画や建築に大きな影響を与えたと考えられる郊外住宅地計画とその住宅建築を研究するものである。本年度は,イギリスにおける事例を取り上げるが,その中でも特に田園郊外の傑作,ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブの都市計画と建築を詳細に分析する。本年度研究報告は5章から成る。第1章では,ハムステッド・ザーデン・サバーブの開発経緯を論ずる。まず開発の背景,契機,諸組織の活動について,創設者たるバーネット夫人の活動を中心に見てゆき,次にアンウィンの全体計画とラッチェンスのセントラル・スクエアのデザイン・プロセスを追跡する。 第2章では,ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブに至るまでのアンウィンの都市計画例とアンウィンの主著『都市計画の実践』(1909)を分析することにより,彼の都市計画の特質を明らかにし,それを近代都市計画史に位置付けることが試みられた。第3章では,パーカーとアンウィンの住宅建築を論ずる。1870年代以降の「住宅復興」(Domestic Revival)において,住宅に対する新しい理論と実践が展開された。ここではそれがパーカーとアンウィンに及ぼした影響を分析し,彼等の住宅理論や作品における平面,立面構成の特色を明らかにしている。第4章では,パーカーとアンウィンの住棟配置計画を,経済性,社会性,芸術性の観点から論ずる。その内,芸術的観点から見た住棟配置計画については,1)直線,あるいは曲線道路に沿った住棟配置,2)クルドサック道路とクアドラングル型住棟配置,3)道路交差点を囲むバタフライ型住棟配置の3つの場合を分析する。第5章では,ハムステッド・ガーデン・サバーブにおけるクルドサック道路とクアドラングル型住棟配置及び道路交差点を囲むバタフライ型住棟配置の実例を詳細に分析している。
  • 江上 徹
    1996年 61 巻 485 号 77-85
    発行日: 1996/07/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    The English living room came into existence in proposals of the cottages for farm labourers at the end of the eighteenth century. The cottage drew their attention from two standpoints, of social reformism and picturesque. The main point of the former was that the cottager should establish the minimum order of their domestic life by the separation of the function for sleeping from one-room dwelling. The main point of the latter in connection with a living room was criticism of conventional formalism. H. Repton insisted on the conversion of the communication space from a parlour to a living room from this viewpoint even in the upper class houses.
  • 富岡 義人
    1995年 60 巻 469 号 229-238
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper is to reconstruct the design process of Louis I. Kahn's Phillips Exeter Academy Library through a morphological analysis of the basic form which was applied by the Architect. The sequence of the discussion is as following : 1) An analysis of chronologically ordered design sketches etc.to induce the basic form. 2) An examination of their adaptability to the Library's architectural program. 3) An discussion on the basic form, which plays an important role in controlling the relationship between program requirements and formal transformations in the design.
  • 片木 篤
    1994年 59 巻 462 号 195-204
    発行日: 1994/08/30
    公開日: 2017/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Here is analyzed the syntactic relations between urban and housing designs in the English garden suburbs, which is epitomized in Hampstead Garden Suburb, Middlesex, planned by Raymond Unwin from 1906. The model designs of road junction illustrated in Unwin's book, Tom Planning in Practice,1909, are compared to the executed designs in Hampstead Garden Suburb, where most of the important road junctions are formed as hexagonal plazas surrounded by so-called butterfly houses. Cnwin wisely combined Sitte's idea of the plaza with the Edwardian experiments of butterfly house, while other architects, such as M.H.Baillie Scott, G.L.Sutcliffe and C. M.Crickmer, transformed Onwin's concept into various designs to create a series of characteristic nodes in Homestead Garden Suburb.
  • 五大銀行の建物外観に共通する建築要素について
    中村 弘, 篠崎 道彦
    2017年 82 巻 732 号 547-554
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー
     The history of bank buildings in Japan commenced with the establishment of the First National Bank in 1872. To date, only minimal research on the historical changes in the bank buildings constructed between 1872 and present day has been conducted.
     Focusing on building exteriors, this study aims to examine the common architectural elements in the bank buildings constructed between 1890 and 1929. This study serves as an introductory account of the historical changes in the bank buildings constructed between 1872 and present day. The Western European-style architecture introduced by the Meiji-period policy belonged to the 19th-century European eclecticism.
     Therefore, no building in that period was constructed in a unified architectural style.
     This eclectic architectural style was possibly not appreciated by the Meiji-period society. It can be presumed that people who looked at bank buildings did not look at the architectural style but rather appreciated distinct parts of the buildings' exterior.
     Therefore, this study extrapolates the architectural elements of the exteriors of the buildings constructed in the classical style and contrasts these elements with examples of such bank buildings.
     Thereafter, on the basis of the results, this study discusses the common architectural elements in the bank buildings constructed between 1890 and 1929.
     The buildings of the five major banks in Japan (Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda, and Daiichi) constitute the research subjects of this study. The period chosen ranges from 1890 (when commercial banking started) to 1929 (after the Order for Enforcement of the Banking Act). Herein, 20 different architectural elements related to the exteriors of 121 individual buildings were examined and the architectural elements common in the exteriors of various buildings were analyzed.
     The results reveal that corner lots, window grilles and railings, exterior stone, basements, perrons, architectural orders, cornices, reliefs, and flat roofs are found in over 60% of the buildings.
     Considering the understanding of historical design and trends that it offers, this study can serve as a guideline for the construction of future bank buildings with new, creative designs.
  • 今川 朱美, 布野 修司
    1998年 63 巻 514 号 147-154
    発行日: 1998/12/30
    公開日: 2017/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the eighteenth century, in Glasgow, the merchants who run trade business with colonial America proceeded the new town development. This new town was planned with the concept of "point-de-vue", and became known as "Merchant City". After this Merchant City development, the new town was extended to the west, and planned with the concept of grid plan by James Barry. After Barry's plan, the varieties of the new town developments were carried out, and consequently the industrial area north of Clyde River, Trade Town south side of the river, and the new town in Blythwood came into existence. Now the area to the north east of Merchant City is being developed as a residential area. This paper aims to clarify difference of the concept in the grid planning process in so-called Glasgow New Town, particularly for thirty years since Merchant City had been planned at the end of the eighteenth century. The author proposes that this thirty year new town development can be divided into six phases, each of which were planned with different concepts. The main purpose of this study is to analyze these different concepts and the contexts which necessitated the different planning only for thirty years.
  • 根田 克彦
    2020年 13 巻 3 号 179-196
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 「工業」「芸術」「類縁性」
    千代 章一郎, 田所 辰之助, 杉山 真魚
    2021年 86 巻 779 号 297-307
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper aims to clarify the formation of "decor" focusing on the study of the decorative art movement in Germany by Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier) in 1910. At first, we reorganize the subjects concerning "decor" of the interior space from the description in the report of his research study. Next, through the notebooks and sketches drawn during his German journey, we analyze specific decorative elements for each subject. And finally, we consider the relationship between the subjects.

     Jeanneret's report is the result of the survey of workshops, factories, and school education facilities regarding the production of furniture that are directly related to our daily lives. His consistent logic of the description contrasts the late decorative art in France with the modern decorative art in Germany. According to Jeanneret, German decorative arts transform the "art" in France into general applied arts introducing the "industry" in Germany. The "kinship" created between the elements of the interior decoration is the outcome of the machine-production.

     In the notebooks and sketches drawn during Jeannere’s journey in Germany, which is the source of his report, there are 32 direct descriptions about interior decoration. In addition to "house" (18 places) as living spaces, He also mentions building types such as "theater" (6 places) and "department store / cafe" (2 places) that are not directly related to living spaces, and study the same subject as "house".

     It is the fact that in the notebook, Jeanneret inspects the decorative elements in the interior space attributed to "industry". Above all, he analyzes in detail the mobility of furniture as a mechanical product with a mechanism of rotation and folding. however, At the same time, he researches forms and colors that cannot be mechanized like works of "art", even on the subject of "industry". His interest spreads from the independent decorative elements to the method of fixing to the wall, to the color of the wall surface. That is, the "kinship" between the decorative elements as a characteristic of German decorative arts indicated in his report is established in the spatial relationship of the elements.

     Jeanneret's appreciation for German decorative arts in his notebook is ambiguous. In the latter half of his study journey for the German decorative arts movement, he comes to regard the products produced in Germany as reference systems such as the Biedermeier style and the Empire style. In addition, his evaluation of material quality and color decoration is not directly linked to cost reduction through mechanization. He evaluates the color of the wall itself as a decoration, and the artistic painting works as a decorative element at the same time.

     In the case of Jeanneret, there is no boundary between "industry" and "art". He verifies the quality of products and works, and questions their spatial characteristics regardless of whether they are mechanized or hand-crafted. Jeanneret's concept of "decor" in the interior space is understood by the spatial relationship of the decorative elements called "kinship", which coexists the subject of "industry" by machine technology and the subject of "arts" with human hands.

  • 風俗宿泊施設からみた人間と景観の相互関係
    阿部 一
    地理学評論 Ser. A
    1991年 64 巻 4 号 265-279
    発行日: 1991/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes in architecture reflect interactions among social groups, each of which seems to have a certain “meaning matrix” that is the implicit knowledge required for understanding the meaning of things. Disagreements over meaning matrices occasionally bring about laws regulating the style of architecture. In this paper, the author examines the relation between law and the architecture of Japanese “lovers' inns, ” which are inns with eye-catching facades and screened entrances, catering to couples for short-time or overnight stays, from the viewpoint of the interaction of two social groups; the owners of these inns and local residents.
    1) The historical changes in lovers' inns architecture are as follows:
    1950s: Inns displaying hot spring symbols were located in city centers.
    1960s-early 1970s: Western-style architecture appeared, and “gorgeous” motels imitating Western castles or cruisers proliferated along suburban highways.
    Late 1970s-1980s: The appearance of love-hotels (lovers' inns located on urban streets) has become “subdued.”
    2) The owners and planners of lovers' inns have had a tendency to use striking decor in order to attract people's attention.
    3) Local residents have a desire to conceal things concerning sex, which results in demands for a “subdued” appearance and the exclusion of lovers' inns from residential areas.
    4) Reflecting the viewpoint of local residents, regulations covering the appearance, the inside structure, and the location of lovers' inns have been established.
    5) The relation between law, architecture, and meaning matrices is shown in Fig. 4. Owners and planners build the inns. Local residents perceive the inns' appearance through their own meaning matrix. When the architecture is not acceptable to the local residents, laws are established, which are implicitly recognized by them. The owners understand the laws and change the style of architecture.
  • 江上 徹, 三宅 朋博
    1995年 21 巻 187-200
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     イギリスのLiving Roomは18世紀末に,農場労働者のためのCottageに於て成立したと考えられる。18世紀後半から19世紀にかけてCottageは,社会改良主義及びpicturesqueという二つの観点から注目を集めた。前者の主要な論点は,不衛生でプライバシーも保てないワンルーム的段階から,少なくとも就寝機能を分離させて生活の秩序化を図ろうとするものであった。当初この部屋は単にRoomと呼ばれたり,Principal RoomやDwelling Room等とも呼ばれたが,次第にLiving Roomという名称に収束していった。Living Roomとの関連での後者の主要な論点は,旧来のフォーマリズムの否定である。この観点からH.Reptonは上流階級の住居に於てさえ,古いParlourから新しいLiving Roomへの転換を説いたのである。しかし20世紀前半に至るまでこのクラスの住居ではLiving Roomははとんど普及しなかったし,労働者階級や下層中流階級の住居でもParlour的な部屋の設置が志向され,Parlourをオモテに配し,条件の悪いウラにLiving Roomを配するプランが一般化した。これに対し,今世紀初頭にR.Unwinは,いわばこの両者を一体化させた,広く明るい,通風も良い新たなLiving Roomの提案を行なった。しかし,このUnwin等の提案は当時のイギリスですぐに受け入れられた訳ではなく,その後も長くParlourを持つ住戸がつくられた。この背景には,イギリスのLiving Roomはその誕生以来ずっと主たる調理の場でもあったという事情がある。この点ではUnwinのLiving Roomも同様であった。Living Roomからの調理機能の分離は,1918年の「Tudor Walters Report」でも重視され,1944年の「Dudley Report」ではついに調理機能から解放されたLiving Roomが提示され,1961年の「Parker Morris Report」を経て,そのようなプランが普及し今日に至っている。Living Room誕生以来の200年を顧みれば,この空間の特質は多様な行為の場,即ち多目的性であり,又,複数の人間が一緒に時を過ごす場,即ちコミュニケーション空間であることと言えよう。
  • 平松 晃一
    地理学評論 Series A
    2016年 89 巻 6 号 283-302
    発行日: 2016/11/01
    公開日: 2019/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー

