[graphic] National Historic Landmarks Program header [graphic]NPS Arrowhead and link to www.nps.gov[photo] Chrysler Building, New York[photo] Brown Chapel, Selma AL[phtoto] Cape Hatteras Light Station, Buxton, North Carolina[photo] Pioneer Deep Space Station, Fort Irwin, CA
Mount Vernon

Alexandria, Virginia
County of Fairfax.
7 miles south of Alexandria on George Washington Memorial Parkway
National Register Number: 66000833
Resource type: Building.
Property type: Domestic - single dwelling. The threat level was Satisfactory in
Certified Local Government: YES
This NHL offers public access.
Please contact the NHL directly for visitor information.
Current use/information: House Museum.

Statement of Significance (as of designation - December 19, 1960):
This 2-1/2 story frame Georgian house facing the Potomac River was the long-time home of George Washington (1732-1799), Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary forces and 1st President of the United States (1789-97). Washington returned to Mount Vernon after his term as President, and lived here in retirement until his death.

There is no threat to the landmark at this time

There have been no changes to the landmark since the last reporting period.

Comments and questions about the database may be directed to NHL_info@nps.gov