Significado de common currency en en Inglés

common currency

Traducir common currency al español


  • 1A system of money shared by two or more countries.

    ‘I should be happy to see a common currency.’
    • ‘You have to make them all match up to a common currency.’
    • ‘The first time the British specifically approached the question of joining a common currency was in 1979.’
    • ‘In West Africa, leaders have set a new target date for the introduction of a common currency.’
    • ‘In a monetary union the participating countries have either entirely fixed exchange rates or a common currency.’
    • ‘Both leaders noted their now common currency, the euro.’
    • ‘The decision at Maastricht to adopt a common currency was momentous.’
    • ‘The euro became the common currency unit for 304 million Europeans.’
    • ‘The mere creation of a common currency does not provide the basis for the harmonious development of economic life across the continent.’
    • ‘A common currency removes a significant barrier to free competition across national borders.’
  • 2Something shared by different groups.

    ‘a shared humanity is the common currency’
    • ‘At the hub is the hairdresser, doing what they love, surrounded by their friends in a world where compliments are common currency.’
    • ‘Images of all imaginable sorts are the common currency of the internet-connected business place.’
    • ‘Given the limitations of all terminologies in common currency there is a difficulty about how best to proceed.’
    • ‘Also sports is a common currency of casual conversation for many people in the U.S., especially men.’
    • ‘Celebrities are also common currency in our socially fractured world.’
    • ‘The idea that many people making small changes can bring major shifts is now common currency.’
    • ‘A generation later this reproach no longer had any common currency.’
    • ‘In an arena like this, full of intelligent storytellers, ideas seem to be a common currency.’
    • ‘The esthetic issues that uniquely fascinated Daniel Spoerri four decades ago are today common currency.’