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Last Updated: Sunday, 1 June, 2003, 13:20 GMT 14:20 UK
McCartney makes up with Ono
John Lennon and Paul McCartney
The Lennon-McCartney "trademark" stays, says Sir Paul

Sir Paul McCartney has patched up a row with Yoko Ono over Beatles songs credits, as he prepares to play the final show of his world tour in Liverpool.

The pair had argued over whose name should come first in the Beatles' legendary writing credit Lennon-McCartney.

Sir Paul, who will play to 30,000 fans in the city's Kings Dock, had orginally asked Ono to approve the change to denote which songs were, in the most part, his creation.

But she refused, and on his recent Back In The US live album, all Beatles tracks were credited to McCartney-Lennon.

Now Sir Paul has told the the Glasgow-based Sunday Herald he is content to let the matter lie.

He said: "I'm happy with the way it is and always has been.

Yoko Ono
Ono refused a request to switch the credits
"Lennon and McCartney is still the rock 'n' roll trademark I'm proud to be a part of - in the order it has always been."

Home city show

Thousands of fans are in the Beatles' home city for Sunday's final date of the Back in the World tour, during which Sir Paul will have played to two million people.

On the playlist are Beatles classics including Hey Jude and Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

The European leg of the year-long tour began in Paris and included dates in Rome, Dublin and Moscow.

When he announced that Liverpool would be the final date, Sir Paul said: "I can't do a world tour without bringing it home."

The former Beatle last played in Liverpool more than a decade ago.

One fan, Eleanor Wilde, said she had gone to great lengths to make sure she had a ticket for the final concert.

The McCartneys after his Sheffield concert
Sir Paul's wife Heather is expected to be in the audience in Liverpool
"I tried to find them anyway I could, even the internet. It's his home town. He's going to feel comfortable and the audience will be behind him 100%," she said.

Cavern show

On Friday night, Sir Paul played a secret gig at the city's Cavern Club - close to the original club of the same name where the Beatles made their name in the 1960s.

He played three songs, including Let It Be and We Are Family, at the crew's end-of-tour party.

His pregnant wife Heather attended the party, along with around 150 crew members and a few of McCartney's close friends and family.

Sir Paul will mark the end of the tour by giving a £17,000 Volkswagen Beetle to one audience member.

The BBC's Judith Moritz
"The fans have waited 13 years to see McCartney play in Liverpool"

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