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May 06, 2010


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I was wondering this information only.We friends had discussions on it but didn't have any deep idea.One of my friends was also saying that Abrams has a strong emotional connection to the early work of Steven Spielberg.Well thanks for listing everything here.

I'm reasonably certain this flick will involve a hovering brain globe. I have the definitive pic:


This trailer looks incredible! In 2008, Cloverfield was the movie I could not wait to see on screen. I now know that next year's will be Super 8 for me. JJ Abrams is on such a hot streak right now, I don't know how his fans couldn't be excited. Aliens, Steven Spielberg, and JJ Abrams all rolled into one equal major summer blockbuster. The buzz that will build around this movie is going to be MASSIVE. I can't wait. More details and the leaked trailer is here: http://thesmogger.com/2010/05/07/super-excited-for-super-8/

I love how authors (cough, cough) Ace Fernandez and Borys Kit throw so much credit and praise at so much...nothing. The Super 8 trailer looks like a amatuerish outtake of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Any person with a film school training (or not) could shoot on mini-DV what we see on screen - whic isn't much. What this really is about is two Jewish filmmakers - side-by-side - and just as Lou Wasserman gave to Speilberg, Speilberg gives to Abrams. Will the dradle spin unbroken, Jew said Gentile bye bye...

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