Page last updated at 18:44 GMT, Tuesday, 21 July 2009 19:44 UK

Funeral date set for oldest man

Henry Allingham
Henry Allingham was the last surviving founding member of the RAF

A public funeral with military honours will be held for Henry Allingham, who was the world's oldest man before his death at the weekend at the age of 113.

Mr Allingham, one of the last surviving World War I servicemen, died at a care home for blind ex-service personnel in Ovingdean, near Brighton, on Saturday.

He joined the Royal Naval Air Service in 1915, later transferring to the RAF.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said his funeral would take place at St Nicholas Church in Brighton on 30 July.

Mr Allingham, whose life spanned three centuries, was the last survivor of the Battle of Jutland.

An MoD spokesman said space within the church would be limited for members of the public wishing to pay their respects.

'Extremely unique'

He explained: "The funeral will be attended by Mr Allingham's family, who will be travelling from America for the service, and by senior representatives of HM Government and the Armed Forces.

"The Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force in particular will be represented, with regard to Mr Allingham's service record."

Following his death at St Dunstan's care home, tributes were paid by Prime Minister Gordon Brown and spokesmen on behalf of the Queen and Prince Charles, plus commanders of the two branches of the armed forces in which he served.

He was described by his friend and chaperone, Dennis Goodwin, as one of an "extremely unique and special generation of people".

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