We all know Quentin Tarantino likes to change our perception of actors and pluck them out of their comfort zone to see what they can do in a different genre environment (usually he sees something in an actor’s previous work and wants to heighten it) and this week it was revealed that he tried to take Jonah Hill out of comedy/drama’s and portray him in a new light.

Speaking to MTV, Hill said;  ”I got offered the new Quentin Tarantino movie, and I can’t do it because of my schedule… Doing Quentin’s movie would have obviously been amazing, but my schedule didn’t work out, which sucks.”

The role he was likely offered is that of Scott Harmony, a 24 year old overweight guy whose rich daddy purchases the slave Broomhilda for him. Sure, he’s dropped the pounds recently but there’s no reason he couldn’t have played the part but it wasn’t to be.

It’s been a little while since my last update on Django Unchained but in the mean time Quentin Tarantino has certainly been busy picking up mostly TV actors for the smaller roles in his film.

In the past week or so the cast has added;

Rex Linn, who plays Detective Frank Tripp from CSI: Miami, who has nabbed the role of Tennessee Harry.

Tom Wopat, who is best known as playing Luke Duke in The Dukes of Hazzard, will play Marshall Gill Tatum.

James Remaer, who plays Dexter’s Dad is Ace Speck and James Russo is Dicky Speck. They are two slave trading brothers who appear early in the film, picking up the black slave Django at the Greenville Slave Auction.

Todd Allen will play Dollar Bill, the plantation overseer. Rather interestingly Allen is a former class mate of Tarantino from acting school in the mid 80′s!

Anthony LaPaglia will play one of the Australian hicks.

Misty Upham, actress from the film Frozen River is also on board as the owner of a trading post bar.

Also added to the cast was RZA, who worked on the Kill Bill soundtrack for Quentin will play Thaddeus, a violent slave working at a plantation.


As I’m sure you all know by now Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Kerry Washington and Leonardo DiCaprio have the three of the four main roles and Samuel L. Jackson and Kurt Russell have the two key supporting parts with lots of cameo’s in place for forgotten 80′s t.v. legends.

You can read all our casting updates HERE.

Django Unchained is deep into pre-production for a January start and will be released on Christmas Day 2012 by The Weinsteins and by Sony Pictures overseas.

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