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Last Updated: Sunday May 08 2005 13:50 GMT

Potter four film trailer released

Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint star in the trailer
Potter fans are finally able to get a look at the Goblet of Fire trailer after it was released on Sunday.

The trailer starts by showing how Harry, Ron and Hermione have grown up over the years, then cuts to Dumbledore announcing the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

Glimpses of Harry battling the merpeople and using his Quidditch skills to beat the Horntail follow.

The trailer will be seen in US cinemas from next week, but a date for the UK cinema release has yet to be confirmed.

Sneaky peek
Neville, Hermione and Ron

Film fans still have a wait a while to see the film in full, as Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire won't be released until November 18th.

New young actors set to star in the fourth film include Robert Pattinson as Cedric Diggory, Katie Leung as Cho Chang, Stanislav Ianevski as Quidditch star Viktor Krum and Clemence Poesy as Fleur Delacour.

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