Astr 1 P 1 Lyte Lowys my sone, I aperceyve wel by certeyne Astr 1 P 2 evydences thyn abilite to lerne sciences Astr 1 P 3 touching nombres and proporciouns; and as wel Astr 1 P 4 considre I thy besy praier in special to lerne the Astr 1 P 5 tretys of the Astrelabie. Than for as moche as a Astr 1 P 6 philosofre saith, "he wrappith him in his frend, Astr 1 P 7 that condescendith to the rightfulle praiers of his Astr 1 P 8 frend," therfore have I yeven the a suffisant Astrolabie Astr 1 P 9 as for oure orizonte, compowned Astr 1 P 10 after the latitude of Oxenforde; upon Astr 1 P 11 which, by mediacioun of this litel tretys, I Astr 1 P 12 purpose to teche the a certein nombre of conclusions Astr 1 P 13 aperteynyng to the same instrument. I Astr 1 P 14 seie a certein of conclusions, for thre causes. The Astr 1 P 15 first cause is this: truste wel that alle the conclusions Astr 1 P 16 that han be founde, or ellys possibly Astr 1 P 17 might be founde in so noble an instrument as is Astr 1 P 18 an Astrelabie ben unknowe parfitly to eny mortal Astr 1 P 19 man in this regioun, as I suppose. Another Astr 1 P 20 cause is this, that sothly in any tretis of the Astr 1 P 21 Astrelabie that I have seyn, there be somme Astr 1 P 22 conclusions that wol not in alle thinges parformen Astr 1 P 23 her bihestes; and somme of hem ben to Astr 1 P 24 harde to thy tendir age of ten yeer to conceyve. Astr 1 P 25 This tretis, divided in 5 parties, wol I shewe Astr 1 P 26 the under full light reules and naked wordes in Astr 1 P 27 Englissh, for Latyn canst thou yit but small, Astr 1 P 28 my litel sone. But natheles suffise to the these Astr 1 P 29 trewe conclusions in Englissh as wel as sufficith Astr 1 P 30 to these noble clerkes Grekes these Astr 1 P 31 same conclusions in Grek; and to Arabiens Astr 1 P 32 in Arabik, and to Jewes in Ebrew, and to Astr 1 P 33 Latyn folk in Latyn; whiche Latyn folk had Astr 1 P 34 hem first out of othere dyverse langages, and Astr 1 P 35 writen hem in her owne tunge, that is to seyn, Astr 1 P 36 in Latyn. And God woot that in alle these Astr 1 P 37 langages and in many moo han these conclusions Astr 1 P 38 ben suffisantly lerned and taught, and yit Astr 1 P 39 by diverse reules; right as diverse pathes Astr 1 P 40 leden diverse folk the righte way to Rome. Astr 1 P 41 Now wol I preie mekely every discret persone Astr 1 P 42 that redith or herith this litel tretys to have Astr 1 P 43 my rude endityng for excusid, and my superfluite Astr 1 P 44 of wordes, for two causes. The firste cause Astr 1 P 45 is for that curious endityng and hard sentence Astr 1 P 46 is ful hevy at onys for such a child to lerne. Astr 1 P 47 And the secunde cause is this, that sothly me Astr 1 P 48 semith better to writen unto a child twyes a Astr 1 P 49 god sentence, than he forgete it onys. Astr 1 P 50 And Lowys, yf so be that I shewe the in Astr 1 P 51 my lighte Englissh as trewe conclusions Astr 1 P 52 touching this mater, and not oonly as trewe Astr 1 P 53 but as many and as subtile conclusiouns, as Astr 1 P 54 ben shewid in Latyn in eny commune tretys Astr 1 P 55 of the Astrelabie, konne me the more thank. Astr 1 P 56 And preie God save the king, that is lord of Astr 1 P 57 this langage, and alle that him feith berith and Astr 1 P 58 obeieth, everich in his degre, the more and Astr 1 P 59 the lasse. But considre wel that I ne usurpe Astr 1 P 60 not to have founden this werk of my labour Astr 1 P 61 or of myn engyn. I n' am but a lewd compilator Astr 1 P 62 of the labour of olde astrologiens, and have it Astr 1 P 63 translatid in myn Englissh oonly for thy doctrine. Astr 1 P 64 And with this swerd shal I sleen envie. Astr 1 P 65 Prima pars. -- The firste partie of this tretys Astr 1 P 66 shal reherse the figures and the membres of Astr 1 P 67 thyn Astrelabie by cause that thou shalt have Astr 1 P 68 the gretter knowing of thyn oune instrument. Astr 1 P 69 Secunda pars. -- The secunde partie Astr 1 P 70 shal techen the worken the verrey practik Astr 1 P 71 of the forseide conclusiouns, as ferforth and Astr 1 P 72 as narwe as may be shewed in so small an Astr 1 P 73 instrument portatif aboute. For wel woot Astr 1 P 74 every astrologien that smallist fraccions ne Astr 1 P 75 wol not be shewid in so small an instrument as Astr 1 P 76 in subtile tables calculed for a cause. Astr 1 P 77 Tertia pars. -- The thirde partie shal contene Astr 1 P 78 diverse tables of longitudes and latitudes Astr 1 P 79 of sterres fixe for the Astrelabie, and tables Astr 1 P 80 of the declinacions of the sonne, and tables Astr 1 P 81 of longitudes of citees and townes; and Astr 1 P 82 tables as well for the governaunce of a clokke, as Astr 1 P 83 for to fynde the altitude meridian; and many anothir Astr 1 P 84 notable conclusioun after the kalenders Astr 1 P 85 of the reverent clerkes, Frere J. Somer and Astr 1 P 86 Frere N. Lenne. Astr 1 P 87 Quarta pars. -- The fourthe partie shal ben Astr 1 P 88 a theorike to declare the moevyng of the celestiall Astr 1 P 89 bodies with the causes. The whiche Astr 1 P 90 fourthe partie in speciall shal shewen a Astr 1 P 91 table of the verrey moeving of the mone Astr 1 P 92 from houre to houre every day and in every Astr 1 P 93 signe after thyn almenak. Upon which table Astr 1 P 94 there folewith a canoun suffisant to teche as Astr 1 P 95 wel the manere of the worchynge of the same Astr 1 P 96 conclusioun as to knowe in oure orizonte with Astr 1 P 97 which degre of the zodiak that the mone arisith Astr 1 P 98 in any latitude, and the arisyng of any planete Astr 1 P 99 after his latitude fro the ecliptik lyne. Astr 1 P 100 Quinta pars. -- The fifthe partie shal Astr 1 P 101 be an introductorie, after the statutes of Astr 1 P 102 oure doctours, in which thou maist lerne a gret Astr 1 P 103 part of the generall rewles of theorik in astrologie. Astr 1 P 104 In which fifthe partie shalt thou fynden Astr 1 P 105 tables of equaciouns of houses after the latitude of Astr 1 P 106 Oxenforde; and tables of dignitees of planetes, Astr 1 P 107 and othere notefull thinges, yf God wol vouche Astr 1 P 108 saaf and his Moder the Maide, moo then I behete. Astr 1 1 1 Thyn Astrolabie hath a ring to putten on Astr 1 1 2 the thombe of thi right hond in taking the Astr 1 1 3 height of thinges. And tak kep, for from henes Astr 1 1 4 forthward I wol clepen the heighte of any thing Astr 1 1 5 that is taken by the rewle "the altitude," withoute Astr 1 1 6 moo wordes. Astr 1 2 1 This ryng renneth in a maner toret fast Astr 1 2 2 to the moder of thyn Astrelabie in so rowme a Astr 1 2 3 space that it distourbith not the instrument to Astr 1 2 4 hangen after his right centre. Astr 1 3 1 The moder of thin Astrelabye is thikkest Astr 1 3 2 plate, perced with a large hool, that resceiveth Astr 1 3 in hir wombe the thynne plates compowned Astr 1 3 4 for diverse clymates, and thy reet shapen in Astr 1 3 5 manere of a nett or of a web of a loppe. Astr 1 4 1 This moder is dividid on the bakhalf with Astr 1 4 2 a lyne that cometh descending fro the ring Astr 1 4 3 doun to the netherist bordure. The whiche Astr 1 4 4 lyne, fro the forseide ring unto the centre of Astr 1 4 5 the large hool amidde, is clepid the south lyne, Astr 1 4 6 or ellis the lyne meridional. And the remenaunt Astr 1 4 7 of this lyne doun to the bordure is Astr 1 4 8 clepid the north lyne, or ellis the lyne of midnyght. Astr 1 5 1 Overthwart this forseide longe lyne ther Astr 1 5 2 crossith him another lyne of the same lengthe Astr 1 5 3 from eest to west. Of the whiche lyne, from Astr 1 5 4 a litel cros (+) in the bordure unto the centre Astr 1 5 5 of the large hool, is clepid the est lyne, or Astr 1 5 6 ellis the lyne orientale. And the remenaunt of Astr 1 5 7 this lyne, fro the forseide centre unto the bordure, Astr 1 5 8 is clepid the west lyne, or ellis the lyne Astr 1 5 9 occidentale. Now hast thou here the foure Astr 1 5 10 quarters of thin Astrolabie divided after the Astr 1 5 11 foure principales plages or quarters of the firmament. Astr 1 6 1 The est syde of thyn Astrolabie is clepid Astr 1 6 2 the right syde, and the west syde is clepid the Astr 1 6 3 left syde. Forget not thys, litel Lowys. Put Astr 1 6 4 the ryng of thyn Astrolabie upon the thombe Astr 1 6 5 of thi right hond, and than wol his right side Astr 1 6 6 be toward thi lift side, and his left side wol be Astr 1 6 7 toward thy right side. Tak this rewle generall, Astr 1 6 8 as wel on the bak as on the wombe syde. Upon Astr 1 6 9 the ende of this est lyne, as I first seide, is Astr 1 6 10 marked a litel cros (+), where as evere Astr 1 6 11 moo generaly is considerid the entring of Astr 1 6 12 the first degre in which the sonne arisith. Astr 1 7 1 Fro this litel cros (+) up to the ende Astr 1 7 2 of the lyne meridionall, under the ryng, shalt Astr 1 7 3 thou fynden the bordure divided with 90 degrees; Astr 1 7 4 and by that same proporcioun is every Astr 1 7 5 quarter of thin Astrolabie divided. Over the Astr 1 7 6 whiche degrees there ben noumbres of augrym Astr 1 7 7 that dividen thilke same degres fro 5 to 5, as Astr 1 7 8 shewith by longe strikes bitwene. Of whiche Astr 1 7 9 longe strikes the space bitwene contenith Astr 1 7 10 a myle wey, and every degre of the bordure Astr 1 7 11 conteneth 4 minutes; this is to seien, Astr 1 7 12 mynutes of an houre. Astr 1 8 1 Under the compas of thilke degrees ben Astr 1 8 2 writen the names of the 12 Signes: as Astr 1 8 3 Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Astr 1 8 4 Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Astr 1 8 5 Piscis. And the nombres of the degrees of Astr 1 8 6 thoo signes be writen in augrym above, and Astr 1 8 7 with longe divisiouns fro 5 to 5, dyvidid fro Astr 1 8 8 the tyme that the signe entrith unto the last Astr 1 8 9 ende. But understond wel that these degres Astr 1 8 10 of signes ben everich of hem considred Astr 1 8 11 of 60 mynutes, and every mynute of Astr 1 8 12 60 secundes, and so furth into smale fraccions Astr 1 8 13 infinite, as saith Alkabucius. And therfore Astr 1 8 14 knowe wel that a degre of the bordure contenith Astr 1 8 15 4 minutes, and a degre of a signe conteneth Astr 1 8 16 60 minutes, and have this in mynde. Astr 1 9 1 Next this folewith the cercle of the daies, Astr 1 9 2 that ben figured in manere of degres, that contenen Astr 1 9 3 in nombre 365, dividid also with longe Astr 1 9 4 strikes fro 5 to 5, and the nombre in augrym Astr 1 9 5 writen under that cercle. Astr 1 10 1 Next the cercle of the daies folewith the Astr 1 10 2 cercle of the names of the monthes, that is to Astr 1 10 3 say, Januarius, Februarius, Marcius, Aprilis, Astr 1 10 4 Maius, Junius, Julius, Augustus, September, Astr 1 10 5 October, November, December. The names Astr 1 10 6 of these monthes were clepid somme for Astr 1 10 7 her propirtees and somme by statutes of Astr 1 10 8 Arabiens, somme by othre lordes of Rome. Astr 1 10 9 Eke of these monthes, as liked to Julius Astr 1 10 10 Cesar and to Cesar Augustus, somme were Astr 1 10 11 compouned of diverse nombres of daies, as Astr 1 10 12 Julie and August. Than hath Januarie 31 daies, Astr 1 10 13 Februarie 28, March 31, Aprill 30, May 31, Astr 1 10 14 Junius 30, Julius 31, Augustus 31, Septembre Astr 1 10 15 30, Octobre 31, Novembre 30, Decembre 31. Astr 1 10 16 Natheles, all though that Julius Cesar toke 2 Astr 1 10 17 daies out of Feverer and putte hem in his Astr 1 10 18 month of Juyll, and Augustus Cesar clepid the Astr 1 10 19 month of August after his name and ordeined Astr 1 10 20 it of 31 daies, yit truste wel that the Astr 1 10 21 sonne dwellith therfore nevere the more Astr 1 10 22 ne lasse in oon signe than in another. Astr 1 11 1 Than folewen the names of the holy Astr 1 11 2 daies in the Kalender, and next hem the lettres Astr 1 11 3 of the A B C on whiche thei fallen. Astr 1 12 1 Next the forseide cercle of the A B C, Astr 1 12 2 under the cross lyne, is marked the skale in Astr 1 12 3 manere of 2 squyres, or ellis in manere of laddres, Astr 1 12 4 that serveth by his 12 pointes and his Astr 1 12 5 dyvisiouns of ful many a subtil conclusioun. Astr 1 12 6 Of this forseide skale fro the cross lyne unto Astr 1 12 7 the verrey angle is clepid Umbra Versa, and Astr 1 12 8 the nethir partie is clepid Umbra Recta, or Astr 1 12 9 ellis Umbra Extensa. Astr 1 13 1 Than hast thou a brod reule, that hath Astr 1 13 2 on either ende a square plate perced with certein Astr 1 13 3 holes, somme more and somme lasse, to Astr 1 13 4 resceyve the stremes of the sonne by day, and Astr 1 13 5 eke by mediacioun of thin eye to knowe the Astr 1 13 6 altitude of sterres by night. Astr 1 14 1 Than is there a large pyn in manere of Astr 1 14 2 an extre, that goth thorugh the hole that halt Astr 1 14 3 the tables of the clymates and the riet in the Astr 1 14 4 wombe of the moder; thorugh which pyn ther Astr 1 14 5 goth a litel wegge, which that is clepid the Astr 1 14 6 hors, that streynith all these parties to-hepe. Astr 1 14 7 Thys forseide grete pyn in manere of an extre Astr 1 14 8 is ymagyned to be the Pool Artik in thyn Astr 1 14 9 Astralabie. Astr 1 15 1 The wombe syde of thyn Astrelabie is Astr 1 15 2 also divided with a longe cros in 4 quarters Astr 1 15 3 from est to west, fro southe to northe, fro Astr 1 15 4 right syde to left side, as is the bakside. Astr 1 16 1 The bordure of which wombe side is Astr 1 16 2 divided fro the point of the est lyne unto the Astr 1 16 3 point of the south lyne under the ring, in 90 Astr 1 16 4 degrees; and by that same proporcioun is every Astr 1 16 5 quarter divided, as is the bakside. That Astr 1 16 6 amountith 360 degrees. And understond wel Astr 1 16 7 that degres of this bordure ben aunswering and Astr 1 16 8 consentrike to the degrees of the equinoxiall, Astr 1 16 9 that is dividid in the same nombre as every Astr 1 16 10 othir cercle is in the highe hevene. This Astr 1 16 11 same bordure is divided also with 23 Astr 1 16 12 lettres capitals and a small cross (+) above Astr 1 16 13 the south lyne, that shewith the 24 houres Astr 1 16 14 equals of the clokke. And, as I have seid, 5 Astr 1 16 15 of these degres maken a myle wey, and 3 mile-wei Astr 1 16 16 maken an houre. And every degre of thys Astr 1 16 17 bordure contenith 4 minutes, and every minute Astr 1 16 18 60 secundes. Now have I told the twyes. Astr 1 17 1 The plate under the riet is discrived Astr 1 17 2 with 3 cercles, of whiche the leest is Astr 1 17 3 clepid the cercle of Cancre by cause that the Astr 1 17 4 heved of Cancre turnith evermo consentrik Astr 1 17 5 upon the same cercle. In this heved Astr 1 17 6 of Cancer is the grettist declinacioun northward Astr 1 17 7 of the sonne, and therfore is he clepid Astr 1 17 8 solsticium of somer; which declinacioun, after Astr 1 17 9 Ptholome, is 23 degrees and 50 minutes as Astr 1 17 10 wel in Cancer as in Capricorn. This signe Astr 1 17 11 of Cancer is clepid the tropik of somer, of Astr 1 17 12 tropos, that is to seien "ageynward." For than Astr 1 17 13 beginneth the sonne to passen from us-ward. Astr 1 17 14 The myddel cercle in wydnesse, of these 3, Astr 1 17 15 is clepid the cercle equinoxiall, upon which Astr 1 17 16 turnith evermo the hevedes of Aries and Libra. Astr 1 17 17 And understond wel that evermo thys cercle Astr 1 17 18 equinoxiall turnith justly from verrey est to verrey Astr 1 17 19 west as I have shewed the in the speer Astr 1 17 20 solide. This same cercle is clepid also Astr 1 17 21 Equator, that is the weyer of the day; for Astr 1 17 22 whan the sonne is in the hevedes of Aries and Astr 1 17 23 Libra, than ben the dayes and the nightes ylike Astr 1 17 24 of lengthe in all the world. And therfore ben Astr 1 17 25 these 2 signes called the equinoxiis. And all Astr 1 17 26 that moeveth withinne the hevedes of these Astr 1 17 27 Aries and Libra, his moevyng is clepid northward; Astr 1 17 28 and all that moevith withoute these Astr 1 17 29 hevedes, his moevyng is clepid southward, Astr 1 17 30 as fro the equinoxiall. Tak kep of these Astr 1 17 31 latitudes north and south, and forget it nat. Astr 1 17 32 By this cercle equinoxiall ben considred the Astr 1 17 33 24 houres of the clokke; for evermo the arisyng Astr 1 17 34 of 15 degrees of the equinoxiall makith an Astr 1 17 35 houre equal of the clokke. This equinoxiall is Astr 1 17 36 clepid the gurdel of the first moeving, or ellis Astr 1 17 37 of the firste moevable. And note that the firste Astr 1 17 38 moevyng is clepid moevyng of the firste moevable Astr 1 17 39 of the 8 speer, which moeving is from Astr 1 17 40 est to west, and eft ageyn into est. Also Astr 1 17 41 it is clepid girdel of the firste moeving for it Astr 1 17 42 departith the firste moevable, that is to seyn Astr 1 17 43 the spere, in two like partyes evene distantz Astr 1 17 44 fro the poles of this world. Astr 1 17 45 The widest of these 3 principale cercles is Astr 1 17 46 clepid the cercle of Capricorne, by cause that Astr 1 17 47 the heved of Capricorne turneth evermo consentrik Astr 1 17 48 upon the same cercle. In the heved of Astr 1 17 49 this forseide Capricorne is the grettist declinacioun Astr 1 17 50 southward of the sonne, and therfore Astr 1 17 51 it is clepid the solsticium of wynter. Astr 1 17 52 This signe of Capricorne is also clepid the Astr 1 17 53 tropic of wynter, for than begynneth the sonne Astr 1 17 54 to come ageyn to us-ward. Astr 1 18 1 Upon this forseide plate ben compassed Astr 1 18 2 certeyn cercles that highten almycanteras, of Astr 1 18 3 whiche somme of hem semen parfit cercles and Astr 1 18 4 somme semen inparfit. The centre that stondith Astr 1 18 5 amyddes the narwest cercle is clepid the Astr 1 18 6 cenyth. And the netherist cercle, or the firste Astr 1 18 7 cercle, is clepid the orizonte, that is to seyn, Astr 1 18 8 the cercle that divideth the two emysperies, Astr 1 18 9 that is, the partie of the hevene above the Astr 1 18 10 erthe and the partie bynethe. These almykanteras Astr 1 18 11 ben compowned by 2 and 2, all Astr 1 18 12 be it so that on diverse Astrelabies somme Astr 1 18 13 almykanteras ben divided by oon, and somme Astr 1 18 14 by two, and somme by thre, after the quantite Astr 1 18 15 of the Astrelabie. This forseide cenyth is Astr 1 18 16 ymagined to ben the verrey point over the Astr 1 18 17 crowne of thin heved. And also this cenyth Astr 1 18 18 is the verray pool of the orizonte in every regioun. Astr 1 19 1 From this cenyth, as it semeth, there Astr 1 19 2 comen a maner croked strikes like to the clawes Astr 1 19 3 of a loppe, or elles like the werk of a wommans Astr 1 19 4 calle, in kervyng overthwart the almykanteras. Astr 1 19 5 And these same strikes or divisiouns Astr 1 19 6 ben clepid azimutz, and thei dividen the orisounte Astr 1 19 7 of thin Astrelabie in 24 divisiouns. And Astr 1 19 8 these azymutz serven to knowe the costes of Astr 1 19 9 the firmament, and to othre conclusions, as Astr 1 19 10 for to knowe the cenyth of the sonne and Astr 1 19 11 of every sterre. Astr 1 20 1 Next these azymutz, under the cercle Astr 1 20 2 of Cancer, ben there 12 divisiouns embelif, Astr 1 20 3 muche like to the shap of the azemutz, that Astr 1 20 4 shewen the spaces of the houres of planetes. Astr 1 21 1 The riet of thin Astrelabie with thy zodiak, Astr 1 21 2 shapen in manere of a net or of a lopweb Astr 1 21 3 after the olde descripcioun, which thou maist Astr 1 21 4 turnen up and doun as thiself liketh, contenith Astr 1 21 5 certein nombre of sterres fixes, with her longitudes Astr 1 21 6 and latitudes determinat, yf so be that the Astr 1 21 7 maker have not errid. The names of the sterres Astr 1 21 8 ben writen in the margyn of the riet there as thei Astr 1 21 9 sitte, of whiche sterres the smale point is Astr 1 21 10 clepid the centre. And understond also that Astr 1 21 11 alle the sterres sitting within the zodiak of Astr 1 21 12 thin Astrelabie ben clepid sterres of the north, Astr 1 21 13 for thei arise by northe the est lyne. And all the Astr 1 21 14 remenaunt fixed oute of the zodiak ben clepid Astr 1 21 15 sterres of the south. But I seie not that thei arisen Astr 1 21 16 alle by southe the est lyne; witnesse on Aldeberan Astr 1 21 17 and Algomeysa. Generaly understond this Astr 1 21 18 rewle, that thilke sterres that ben clepid sterres Astr 1 21 19 of the north arisen rather than the degre of Astr 1 21 20 her longitude, and alle the sterres of the Astr 1 21 21 south arisen after the degre of her longitude -- Astr 1 21 22 this is to seyn, sterres fixed in thyn Astr 1 21 23 Astrelabie. The mesure of this longitude of Astr 1 21 24 sterres is taken in the lyne ecliptik of hevene, Astr 1 21 25 under which lyne, whan that the sonne and the Astr 1 21 26 mone be lyne-right, or ellis in the superficie of Astr 1 21 27 this lyne, than is the eclipse of the sonne or of Astr 1 21 28 the mone, as I shal declare, and eke the cause Astr 1 21 29 why. But sothly the ecliptik lyne of thy Astr 1 21 30 zodiak is the utterist bordure of thy zodiak Astr 1 21 31 there the degrees be marked. Astr 1 21 32 Thy zodiak of thin Astrelabie is shapen as Astr 1 21 33 a compas which that contenith a large brede Astr 1 21 34 as after the quantite of thyn Astrelabie, in ensample Astr 1 21 35 that the zodiak in hevene is ymagyned Astr 1 21 36 to ben a superfice contenyng a latitude of 12 Astr 1 21 37 degrees, whereas alle the remenaunt of cercles Astr 1 21 38 in the hevene ben ymagyned verrey lynes withoute Astr 1 21 39 eny latitude. Amiddes this celestial Astr 1 21 40 zodiak is ymagined a lyne which that is Astr 1 21 41 clepid the ecliptik lyne, under which lyne Astr 1 21 42 is evermo the wey of the sonne. Thus ben Astr 1 21 43 there 6 degres of the zodiak on that oo syde Astr 1 21 44 of the lyne and 6 degrees on that othir. This Astr 1 21 45 zodiak is dividid in 12 principale divisiouns that Astr 1 21 46 departen the 12 signes, and, for the streitnesse Astr 1 21 47 of thin Astrolabie, than is every smal divisioun Astr 1 21 48 in a signe departed by two degrees and two, I Astr 1 21 49 mene degrees contenyng 60 mynutes. And Astr 1 21 50 this forseide hevenysshe zodiak is clepid Astr 1 21 51 the cercle of the signes, or the cercle of the Astr 1 21 52 bestes, for "zodia" in langage of Grek sowneth Astr 1 21 53 "bestes" in Latyn tunge. And in the zodiak Astr 1 21 54 ben the 12 signes that han names of bestes, Astr 1 21 55 or ellis for whan the sonne entrith in eny Astr 1 21 56 of tho signes he takith the propirte of suche Astr 1 21 57 bestes, or ellis for that the sterres that ben Astr 1 21 58 ther fixed ben disposid in signes of bestes or Astr 1 21 59 shape like bestes, or elles whan the planetes Astr 1 21 60 ben under thilke signes thei causen us by Astr 1 21 61 her influence operaciouns and effectes like Astr 1 21 62 to the operaciouns of bestes. Astr 1 21 63 And understond also that whan an hot planete Astr 1 21 64 cometh into an hot signe, than encrescith Astr 1 21 65 his hete; and yf a planete be cold, than amenusith Astr 1 21 66 his coldnesse by cause of the hoote sygne. Astr 1 21 67 And by thys conclusioun maist thou take ensample Astr 1 21 68 in alle the signes, be thei moist or drie, Astr 1 21 69 or moeble or fixe, reknyng the qualite of the Astr 1 21 70 planete as I first seide. And everich of Astr 1 21 71 these 12 signes hath respect to a certeyn Astr 1 21 72 parcel of the body of a man, and hath it in Astr 1 21 73 governaunce; as Aries hath thin heved, and Astr 1 21 74 Taurus thy nekke and thy throte, Gemini thin Astr 1 21 75 armholes and thin armes, and so furth, as shall Astr 1 21 76 be shewid more pleyn in the 5 partie of this Astr 1 21 77 tretis. Astr 1 21 78 This zodiak, which that is part of the 8 speer, Astr 1 21 79 over-kervith the equinoxial, and he over-kervith Astr 1 21 80 him ageyn in evene parties; and Astr 1 21 81 that oo half declineth southward; and that Astr 1 21 82 othir northward, as pleinly declarith the Tretys Astr 1 21 83 of the Speer. Astr 1 21 84 Than hast thou a label that is shapen like Astr 1 21 85 a reule, save that it is streit and hath no plates Astr 1 21 86 on either ende with holes. But with the smale Astr 1 21 87 point of the forseide label shalt thou calcule Astr 1 21 88 thin equaciouns in the bordure of thin Astralabie, Astr 1 21 89 as by thin almury. Astr 1 21 90 Thin almury is clepid the denticle of Astr 1 21 91 Capricorne, or ellis the calculer. This same Astr 1 21 92 almury sitt fix in the heved of Capricorne, and Astr 1 21 93 it serveth of many a necessarie conclusioun in Astr 1 21 94 equacions of thinges as shal be shewid.