books.google.com からの"KEIT"
" Spiritual Spoken Word is an intimate collection of dialog between God and the author, Tory A. Keit. This book offers a soul-stirring reflection of personal conversations about love, trials, and triumph based upon God's word.
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit , f . || undeniableness . Un'lauter , I. adj . impure ; unclean ; sordid ; II . U - keit , f . impurity , & c . Un'leidlich , I. adj . 1. insufferable , intolerable , insupportable ; 2. impatient , intolerant ; II . U - keit , f ...
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit , f . undeniableness . Un'lauter , I. adj . impure ; unclean ; sordid ; II . U - keit , f . impurity , & c . Un'leidlich , I. adj . 1. insufferable , intolerable , insupportable ; 2. impatient , intolerant ; II . U - keit , f ...
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
This selection is a compilation of poems by the author. They range from love and romance, relationships, history and modern day issues. Inside you will find subject matter that is touching, passionate, inspirational and spiritual.
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit ! less Day ! al - ler Din for Cre - a - E ge wig · keit ! tion end less Day ! E end wig - keit ! less Day ! al - ler Din - ge E for Cre - a- tion end wig less · keit ! Day ! E end Q wig - keit ! less Day ! al - ler Din for Cre - a ...
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit , [ and in E ver - more , ] wig - keit , P [ and ver - more , ] in E wig - keit , 348 18 356 p p f [ and ver - more , and บ in E wig - keit , in E P [ and in E ver - more , wigkeit , and in E p [ and ver - more , and e in E wig ...
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit zu E wig # Thou art God from # - ver last ing to e ver bo bist be du , Gott , bo von - wigkeit zu E wig ffe bist du , Gott , Thou art God bist du , Gott , Thou art God bg 84 rfz PIPEN e von from E e e von E wig - keit . from e ver ...
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit , ( w . ) f . unservice- ableness , & c . Un'dienst , ( str . ) m . disservice . Un'dienstbär , adj . see Dienstunfähig . Un'dienstfertig , adj . inofficious , disobli- [ Undine , water - spirit . * Undi'ne , ( w . ) f . ( Lat ...
books.google.com からの"KEIT"
... keit , ( w . ) ƒ . infeasible- ness , impracticableness . Un'veränderlich , I. adj . immutable ; in- variable , unchangeable , unalterable , fixed ; II . U - keit , ( w . ) f . immutability , invariable- Un'tief , adj . not deep , low ...