IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi says time in Korea was prosperous

K-POP / 연합뉴스 / 2022-05-16 10:08:27
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▲ This photo, provided by CJ ENM, shows Honda Hitomi. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap)


▲ This file photo shows Honda Hitomi. (Yonhap)



SEOUL, May 16 (Yonhap) -- AKB48’s Honda Hitomi, who’s been active as a member of the Korean-Japanese project girl group IZ*ONE, said the 2 years and a half in Korea was, “a prosperous time in my life.”

In an exclusive interview with Yonhap News, Honda, who stood as one of the hosts of the ‘KCON 2022 Premiere in Tokyo’ held by CJ ENM from 14th to 15th in Chiba Prefecture, said, “Every day was a precious and a time I’ve never experienced before. I gained so much confidence through it.”

Honda said being in IZ*ONE helped enhance her dance and facial expressions, and also became a chance for an image transformation.

The artist, who returned to AKB48 after her Korean activities mentioned her improved dancing skills, “The concept of practice has changed. In Korea, I learned that it’s not just about memorizing the dance moves but improving the level of perfection. I’m trying hard to reflect on that experience."

Honda expressed her desire to go back to Korea amid restrictions on travel due to COVID-19 and mentioned her favorite yogurt restaurant, cafe, and memories in Jeju Island.

The artist chose the year-end award as the most memorable moment in Korea.

Honda reminisced, “I had a lot of fun preparing for the performance and was inspired by looking at how other artists’ prepared at a closer distance.”

Thanks to the large number of Korean fans participating in the event where AKB28 and fans make video calls, the artist said support continues as she can maintain her Korean skills, and said, “Thank you for supporting me wherever or how far I am.”

Honda who participated as a member of IZ*ONE through the audition program “Produce 48,” shared the special emotions of being the host of the KCON stage where junior groups JO1 and INI, from “Produce 101 Japan,” will perform.

“After seeing them sweat a lot and do their best like how they performed during rehearsal, I thought about how they were people who passed the great audition,” adding, “I was impressed with their attitude and realized I shouldn’t forget my first commitment.”

(This article is translated from Korean to English by An Hayeon.)



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