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Rachel Carson's birthday bashing

The right has revved up its claim that the environmental pioneer who criticized DDT was responsible for the spread of malaria that killed millions. The facts say otherwise.

By Kirsten Weir

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June 29, 2007 | Rachel Carson has been shouldering a lot of blows lately, especially for a woman who has been dead more than 40 years. Last month marked the 100th birthday of the woman whose 1962 book, "Silent Spring," is credited with launching the modern environmental movement. While environmentalists paused to celebrate Carson's legacy, those politically opposed to environmental regulation took the opportunity to engage in some birthday-bashing. They blame Carson and her successors for millions of deaths by malaria -- deaths, they say, that could have been prevented if she hadn't scared the world away from the potent pesticide DDT.

Foremost among the finger-pointers is Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who blocked bills to honor Carson and name a Pennsylvania post office for her. Coburn's Web site links visitors to Rachel Was Wrong, a site hosted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (a free-market think tank known for, among other things, disputing evidence that human activity is driving climate change). Beside a grim photo gallery of malaria victims, the site claims "millions of people around the world suffer the painful and often deadly effects of malaria because one person sounded a false alarm. That person is Rachel Carson."

Novelist Michael Crichton has a front seat on the bandwagon. He took on DDT and climate change in his footnote-studded 2004 novel, "State of Fear." "Banning DDT killed more people than Hitler," his protagonist alleges. "And the environmental movement pushed hard for it."

The Coburn/Crichton talking points have infected the mainstream press. In his New York Times Science column this month, John Tierney thrashed Carson's warnings about insecticides and argued that her voice still "drowns out real science." Over at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Bill Steigerwald blamed "environmentalists spooked by Rachel Carson" for banning a "miracle weapon" that is "like Kryptonite to the mosquitoes."

Malaria's burden is enormous. Each year, the disease infects 350 to 500 million people and kills at least a million -- the vast majority in Africa, mostly children under 5. As decades have passed, science has shown that Carson was wrong about some of the dangers she associated with DDT. It's also true that the insecticide can be a valuable tool in the arsenal against malaria. But blaming Carson and the environmental movement for malaria's death toll is not supported by evidence from generations of scientists and malaria researchers.

"Groups are latching onto the emotional impact of the malaria story, which is truly a human tragedy, to discredit environmentalists," says John M. Balbus, chief health scientist with Environmental Defense. "Are there places where DDT may have been beneficial? Probably, yes." But is the 1970s DDT ban "the cause for rampant malaria and millions of deaths? Absolutely not."

Historians and scientists have shown that despite some benefits of DDT, few African countries made the pesticide a part of their malaria control efforts over the past quarter century. Many factors led to the decreased use of DDT -- factors that had nothing to do with Carson. In fact, the decline in DDT use coincided with a drop in malaria rates.

Socrates Litsios, a historian and former scientist for the World Health Organization (the agency that has headed global malaria control efforts since the 1960s), says the assertion that "Silent Spring" and the DDT ban led to millions of deaths is "outrageous." May Berenbaum, head of the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who has studied mosquitoes and malaria, says that "to blame environmentalists who oppose DDT for more deaths than Hitler is worse than irresponsible."

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DDT was first created, for no practical purpose, in 1874 as a science project of a German chemistry student. It earned little attention until 1939, when Swiss scientist Paul Hermann Muller discovered that the chemical was deadly to insects. During World War II, Allied soldiers were dusted with DDT to rid them of the lice that spread typhus. Around the same time, governments in Europe and elsewhere began using the compound to control the mosquitoes that carried malaria. DDT was so successful at killing disease-carrying insects that Muller was awarded the 1948 Nobel Prize in medicine.

In 1955, an anti-malaria crusader named Fred Soper launched the Global Malaria Eradication Program with backing from the World Health Organization. He'd successfully battled malarial mosquitoes in countries such as Brazil years earlier, before DDT was available. Now, DDT was his weapon of choice. Sprayed on the inside walls of homes, it repelled many mosquitoes and killed those that lingered too long. With Soper's help, malaria rates plummeted in countries around the world, including Taiwan, India, Australia and large parts of the Caribbean.

Advocates of DDT often argue that the chemical was instrumental in eliminating malaria from the United States as well. "The U.S. and western European countries all used DDT in the mid 20th century to eliminate malaria from their territories," Coburn has said, "but then banned the substance for use by poor countries today to combat their number one health threat."

In fact, malaria "was pretty well gone" from the United States before DDT appeared on the scene in the 1940s, says Jay Ellenberger, associate director of field and external affairs for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Improvements in sanitation and a higher standard of living played a big role, as did public health measures such as installing window screens and draining the swamps where mosquitoes bred. Insecticides, including DDT, did help deal the disease a final blow, and by 1952 malaria had been eradicated from the country.

Meanwhile, DDT continued to be used widely to control agricultural pests in the United States. Mass quantities were dumped from airplanes onto crops, and more was sprayed in forests to exterminate the beetles that spread Dutch elm disease. The indiscriminate use of the chemical caught the eye of Carson, a former marine biologist who worked as a publications editor at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Carson wasn't the first to sound the alarm about DDT. In the 1950s, various lawsuits, brought by ornithologists, beekeepers and concerned citizens, sought court injunctions to end DDT spraying. But Carson's passionate and poetic treatise, "Silent Spring," captured the public's attention. Carson warned that man-made chemicals spelled nearly certain doom for the environment and human health, and that DDT was among the chief villains. "The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials," she wrote. In a chapter titled "Elixirs of Death," she described DDT in no uncertain terms. "Dissolved in oil, as it normally is, DDT is definitely toxic," she wrote.

The author filled most of her pages by describing the harm that chemicals such as DDT can inflict on wildlife and human health. She only briefly mentioned DDT's role in fighting diseases transmitted by insect vectors. Yet she allowed that insecticides could play a role in the fight against disease. "No responsible person contends that insect-borne disease should be ignored," she wrote. "It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never be used. I contend ... that we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect on soil, water, wildlife, and man himself."

Mark H. Lytle, a professor of history at Bard College and author of "The Gentle Subversive," a biography of Carson, explains that context is key to understanding why "Silent Spring" had the power it did. In 1959, mild panic had ensued when the U.S. government announced, just days before Thanksgiving, that cranberries were contaminated with a weed-killing chemical. Over the next few years, the public witnessed the disaster of thalidomide (a drug prescribed to treat morning sickness that resulted in thousands of babies born with birth defects) and a scare over the radioactive element strontium 90 (which was found to have accumulated in people's bones in the years following nuclear testing). "When Carson wrote, there had been a whole series of environmental events that were scary," Lytle says. "It made her all the more credible."

In 1972, the EPA banned DDT in America. Carson's solid reputation may have contributed to the decision, Lytle says. But Carson was by no means the sole reason for the ban. According to the EPA's Ellenberger, the decision was backed by sound science, with evidence of DDT's negative effects on wildlife continuing to mount. At the same time, after years of dumping DDT on agricultural pests, insects were becoming increasingly resistant to the chemical. "The risks were increasing, and the benefits were declining," Ellenberger says. "If risks exceed benefits, EPA is supposed to take action."

Next page: In retrospect, the facts have borne out Carson's concerns

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