Touch-3D 2.1

Touch-3D 2.1 is a sister program to TouchCAD 3.0. These programs may seem very similar as both are 3D modeling and unfolding programs, but they work in different ways and have different uses.

Touch3D 2.1 is program for 3D modeling and unfolding / unwrapping 3D models into flat 2D patterns. It can for example be used for concept design, industrial design, quick prototyping, mock-ups, scale models, marine design, physical renderings, production preparation, etc.

Touch-3D 2.1 can be used both as a separate stand-alone 3D modeling and unfolding program, as well as for unfolding models from other 3D modeling, illustration, and CAD programs.

Touch-3D 2.1 is based on individual three and four-sided 3D polygons and not 3D math curve based objects as TouchCAD 3.0 is. This allows you to combine the unfolded elements in just about any possible way, which makes it very flexible.

Touch-3D 2.1 is available for MacOS Classic but can also be used on Windows using a Mac emulator.

A more detailed description of Touch-3D 2.1 can be found here.


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