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Last Updated: Wednesday, 23 March, 2005, 09:39 GMT
Pavarotti recovers from surgery
Luciano Pavarotti
Luciano Pavarotti has said he wants to become a teacher
Opera superstar Luciano Pavarotti had neck surgery to repair two vertebrae earlier this month.

The 69-year-old tenor spent two days in hospital in New York for the operation, which was described as "routine and regular" by his spokesperson.

Pavarotti is to return to Italy this weekend before continuing his farewell tour in South Africa next month.

The spokesperson said Pavarotti was rehearsing and doctors were "delighted with Luciano's fast recovery".

"He is currently rehearsing with his conductor, Leone Magiera, every day," spokeperson Terri Robson added.

Pavarotti was admitted to Lenox Hill Hospital on 9 March. He has been recovering at his apartment in New York and will resume his tour in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 2 April.

The star, who has sold more than 100 million records during his 40-year career, has said he will retire from singing after the tour and become a teacher.

The tour will end with a final gala concert in New York next year.

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