Online ISSN : 2185-8519
Print ISSN : 0287-9700
ISSN-L : 0287-9700
前林 清和中林 信二
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 18 巻 3 号 p. 6-15


From ancient times, Meiso (meditation) has shaped the core of the ascetic exercises, “Syugyo” in case of orientalism. Meiso (meditation) has also been introduced into the process of “Syugyo” by Japanese military arts. So, this study intended to classify the concept of Meiso (meditation) and to investigate what Meiso (meditation) in the military arts had been.
Summaries are as follows;
(1) Meiso (meditation) is the method to experience a state of unconsciousness above consciousness, and to unify both.
(2) According to the psychological point of view, Meiso (meditation) has two aspects; the one is accompanied with active image (for example Yoga) the other is not (Za-Zen). The former refuses external stimuli, the latter is openminded and then keeps awaking situation.
(3) From the physical viewpoint has static manner (Za-Zen) and active ones (Kinhin, Jogyozanmai).
(4) Statical meditation in the military arts has been used in order to extinguish worldly thoughts and get to the higher state of mind.
(5) Performing the practice the military arts, Keiko (Kata) itself can be explained as active meditation with physical exercise, that has made much of the respiratory method. That state of mind is similar to that of Zen.

© 日本武道学会
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