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クエリ検索: "朝倉昭"
289件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • アドバンス・レーザー血流計ALF-2100の使用経験
    坂元 晴彦, 今井 裕, 笠倉 達雄, 横倉 幸弘, 猪瀬 正亮, 永島 知明, 豊橋 真成, 朝倉 昭人
    1988年 37 巻 3 号 581-585
    発行日: 1988/07/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The extent of increase in the peripheral circulation of the hamster's buccal pouch by the actions of varying magnetic field of 2 kinds of permanent magnets of different gauss was determined by the advance laser flowmeter·ALF 2100, and the following conclusions were obtained:
    1) Control (blood flow in the buccal pouch):
    Blood flow of 3.8±0.4ml/min/100 g was observed.
    2) Blood flow in the buccal pouch as applied with a magnet of 1200 gauss (9 mmdiameter, 7 mm-height, cylindrical):
    Blood flow of 10.2±1.3ml/min/100g was observed with a significant diffecence (p<0.01) from the control.
    3) Blood flow in the buccal pouch as applied with a magnet of 1200 gauss (15 mmdiameter, 7 mm-height, cylindrical):
    Blood flow of 17.1±1.7ml/min/100g was observed with a significant difference (p<0.001) from the control.
    The above results confirmed that a magnet of larger diameter caused more blood flow than that of smaller diameter. It was also revealed that this action of the applied magnet was exerted immediately upon the blood flow and kept this constant regardless of the time, and returned to original values immediately after stopping.
  • 極性 (N極, S極) のちがいについて
    坂元 晴彦, 横倉 幸弘, 笠倉 達雄, 猪瀬 正亮, 永島 知明, 朝倉 昭人
    1988年 37 巻 2 号 369-373
    発行日: 1988/04/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The respective actions of N-pole and S-pole of 2 kinds of permanent magnets of different gauss on the peripheral circulatory kinetics of the hamster's buccal pouch were determined by the laser doppler flowmeter (LDF), and the following conclusions were obtained:
    1) Cylindrical N-pole of 15 mm-diameter and 7 mm-height of a magnet of 1200 gauss caused an increase in blood flow of 0.44±0.07 V compared with a decrease of -0.37±0.05 V for S-pole.
    2) Cylindrical N-pole of 9 mm-diameter and 7 mm-height of the same magnet caused an increase in blood flow of 0.20±0.03 V, parallel to that of 0.19±0.03 V for S-pole.
    The above results confirmed that a permanent magnet of a constant gauss N-pole caused increased blood flow regardless of its magnitude but S-pole caused an alternation of increase and decrease according to its magnitude. It was also proved that the action of the magnet applied was exerted immediately upon the blood flow and kept this constant regardless of time, and returned to original values immediately after stopping.
  • 極性 (N極, S極) の組み合せについて
    坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人
    1990年 39 巻 1 号 16-20
    発行日: 1990/01/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The application of a permanent magnet of 1200 gauss (cylindrical 9 mm in diameter, 7 mm in height) onto the hamster's buccal pouch gave the following interesting results by the laser flowmeter of the peripheral circulatory kinetics according to a change in the combination of polarities (N-pole, S-pole):
    1) Group (N-group) of hamsters, whose buccal pouch was subjected to the N-pole of the magnet for one minute and then for nine consecutive minutes.
    The application of the N-pole caused an instantaneous increase in blood flow (one minute-value: 10.8±0.4ml/min/100g); this increment was constant, lasting up the ninth minute.
    2) Group (NS-group) of hamsters, whose buccal pouch was subjected to the N-pole of the magnet for one minute and immediately thereafter to the S-pole for nine minutes.
    The application of the S-pole after the N-pole caused only an increase in blood flow of 0.8±0.2ml/min/100g in one minute, but caused gradual increases up to the ninth minute. However, a significant difference from the N-group (p<0.001) was noted.
    3) Group (S-group) of hamsters, whose buccal pouch was subjected to the S-pole for one minute and then for nine consecutive minutes.
    The application of the S-pole caused an instantaneous increase in blood flow (one minutevalue: 10.6±0.8ml/min/100g): this increment was constant, lasting up to the ninth minute.
    4) Group (SN-group) of hamsters, whose buccal pouch was subjected to the S-pole of the magnet for one minute and immediately thereafter to the N-pole for nine minutes. The application of the N-pole after the S-pole only an increase in blood flow of 0.9±0.2 ml/min/100g in one minute, but caused gradual increases up to the ninth minute. However, a significant diffecence from the S-group (p<0.001) was noted.
    The above results revealed increases in blood flow of the buccal pouch for the N-group and the S-group, but not for the NS-group and the SN-group in combination of both poles, rather with significant differences from the N-group and the S-group.
    This suggests that the application of a permanent magnet for the purpose of improving the blood flow leads to insuffecient improvement in the peripheral blood flow without due consideration of the combination of polarities.
  • 板垣 光信, 手島 貞一, 前田 栄一
    1975年 24 巻 1 号 93-100
    発行日: 1975年
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 林 克敏, 冨増 邦夫, 辻 芳郎
    The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics
    1985年 38 巻 10 号 3065-3069
    発行日: 1985/10/25
    公開日: 2013/05/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ceftizoxime (CZX) は, 藤沢薬品工業 (株) で開発された第3世代のCephem系抗生物質で, 広い抗菌スペクトルを持ち, 特にグラム陰性菌に対する抗菌力が強く, 従来のCephem系抗生物質に対して感受性の低いCitrobacter, Enterobacter, Serratia及びBacteroidesを含む嫌気性菌などにも優れた抗菌力を示し, その作用は殺菌的であり, β-Lactamaseに安定で, β-Lactamase産生菌にも強い抗菌力を示すことなどがすでに知られており1), 小児科領域の臨床においても有用性が認められてきている2, 3)。この度, 同社と京都薬品工業 (株) で, Ceftizoxime坐剤 (CZX-S) が開発され, 小児科領域の感染症の若干例に使用する機会を得たので, その成績について報告する。
  • 鈴木 克昌, 今井 裕, 佐々木 忠昭, 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人
    1992年 38 巻 8 号 1325-1326
    発行日: 1992/08/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中山 佐和子, 吉田 広, 舘野 孝行, 根本 敏行, 大野 康亮, 道 健一, 立川 哲彦
    1988年 8 巻 4 号 482-487
    発行日: 1988/12/31
    公開日: 2012/08/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    多形性腺腫は大小唾液腺に発生する唾液腺腫瘍であり, 小唾液腺では口蓋に多発し, 頬部に発生することは比較的少ないとされている.今回, われわれは頬部に発生した多形性腺腫を2例経験したので報告した.症例1は30歳, 男性, 左上小臼歯相当部頬粘膜部, 症例2は62歳, 女性, 耳下腺開口部上方頬部にいずれも境界明瞭, 弾性硬, 可動性で無痛性の腫瘤がみられた.腫瘤を局所麻酔下で摘出し, 病理組織学的に検索したところ, 良性多形性腺腫と診断された.症例1は術後5年目, 症例2は術後6年目の現在, 再発なく順調に経過している
  • 笠倉 達雄, 朝倉 昭人, 坂元 晴彦, 乙貫 典子, 神山 卓久, 中山 晃, 橋本 等, 大場 正亮, 小守 昭
    1985年 31 巻 3 号 675-681
    発行日: 1985/03/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    A pleomorphic adenoma is the most common of all salivary gland tumors.
    The most frequently affected gland is the parotid in major salivary glands and the palate in minor salivary glands is often observed. Incidences on the cheek, lip, floor of the mouth and tongue are comparatively rare.
    The writers experienced three cases of the pleomorphic adenoma originating in the cheeks and report as follows.
    All were females who complained of swelling of the buccal mucosa. The masses were indolent, circumscribed, well-demarcated, elastically hard and movable. In all cases, the masses were enucleated from the oral, examinated histopathologically and diagnosed as the pleomorphic adenoma.
    They were diverse and part calcification was seen in only one case.
    The prognosies were excellent.
  • 渡辺 裕三, 小原 希生, 相良 成実, 鈴木 茂, 斉藤 文明, 鮎瀬 公彦, 田辺 晴康
    1988年 34 巻 6 号 1119-1122
    発行日: 1988/06/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumor found in the salivary glands. Its most comon site is the parotid gland in the major salivary glands, and the palate in the minor salivary glands. Among the minor salivary glands, incidence at the cheek is comparatively rate.
    We recently experienced a case of pleomorphic adenoma of the cheek. The patient was a 63 year old man who complained of swelling in the buccal mucosa. The tumor was enucleated under general anesthesia. Pathological finding showed pleomorphic adenoma. Prognoses was excellent, and there is no evidence of recurrence.
  • 前田 玲子, 笠倉 達雄, 坂元 晴彦, 乙貫 典子, 横倉 幸弘, 猪瀬 正亮, 佐藤 克典, 朝倉 昭人
    1987年 33 巻 4 号 740-743
    発行日: 1987/04/20
    公開日: 2011/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case is presented of a little girl with incontinentia pigmenti.
    The patient had seen a dermatologist soon after birth because of erythematous eruption of the whole body.
    At 7 days old, desquamation occured on extremities, body and face.
    At 14 days old, pigmentation occured on same lesion of the eruption.
    A panoramic film showed, at age of two, eight missing milk teeth and shortage of permanent teeth and deformity of some teeth.
    General condition was good and physical features were medium. But vertical hair was falling out within 2.7cm×1.2cm area, and on trunk and legs and arms, pigmentation were observed.
    At 4 years of age, she had denture put in, and problems of beauty and function of occulusion were solved.
    Now the patent is 5 years old, the pigmentation is still existent and no resuscitation is shown of the vertical hair. Denture is now stabilized.
  • 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人, 村本 明, 山口 清
    1979年 25 巻 6 号 1437-1439
    発行日: 1979/12/15
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 立体感覚を与える景観図を対象として
    犬飼 操
    1968年 6 巻 4 号 8-17
    発行日: 1968/12/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人
    1987年 33 巻 3 号 501-504
    発行日: 1987/03/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using permanent magnets of 50 gauss (control), 800 guass and 2700 gauss, the influence of the actions of the magentic field on the peripheral circulatory kinetics of the hamster's buccal pouch was determined by the laser doppler flowmeter (LDF), and the following conclusions were made.
    The magnets of 800 and 2700 gauss caused increases in blood flow 4-fold (p<0.01) and 17-fold ( <0.001) as much as the control, respectively.
    The blood flow proved to increase immediately after applying the magnet and to be constant regardless of time. It also proved to decrease immediately after stopping the application.
    These results are thought to have elucidated one of the effects of magnetism.
  • 武田 進, 砂田 修, 矢島 幹人, 峯村 俊一, 山崎 正, 倉科 憲治
    1986年 32 巻 7 号 1319-1322
    発行日: 1986/07/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to close a large oroantral fistula with osseous defect in a 74 year old man, a palatal flap with alveoli dentales of the maxilla was utilized and the good results were obtained with a complete closure of the fistula and adequate stability of the dental prosthesis. No disorder occurred after the surgery.Since it is very difficult to get the alveolar bone without injuring the radix dentis, this method is indicated only for edentulous patients.This compound flap is supplied of the A.palatina major.
  • 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人, 乙貫 典子, 鈴木 一広, 神山 卓久
    1982年 28 巻 2 号 243-247
    発行日: 1982/02/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人, 乙貫 典子, 林 和江, 神山 卓久, 小守 昭
    1981年 27 巻 7 号 878-881
    発行日: 1981/08/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩瀬 博建, 今井 裕, 永島 知明, 朝倉 節子, 印南 秀之, 市川 一夫, 篠原 真, 佐々木 忠昭, 横倉 幸弘, 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人
    1994年 43 巻 1 号 101-105
    発行日: 1994/01/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 60-days-old girl was referred to our department on August 6 1990, for the treatment of a median cleft of the upper lip. She was the second born of a 27-year-old woman, the pregnancy was normal, after 41 weeks of gestation. The parents and their other child were healthy without any hereditary disorder or congenital anomaly. The patient had a specific face, with median cheiloschisis, defect of premaxilla, defect of columella, flat nose, with 16mm as a distance between orbits. At the age of nineteen months (BW 10.8kg), reconstruction of the upper lip with triangular flap was performed.
    Since this disease used to show unfavorable prognosis, there are different opinions about whether the cheilostomatoplasty should be carried or not. The operation was performed in this case due to the strong desire of her family. However, she suddenly died of respiratory obstruction on May 1, 1992. It suggests that we should be cautions when operating.
    The triangular flap method was employed in consideration of the degree of invasion necessary for nasal retainer insertion in order to keep the respiratory tract open, leaving some problems in view of tissue defects.
  • 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人, 横倉 幸弘
    1987年 36 巻 2 号 385-390
    発行日: 1987/04/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 池上 宏, 黒崎 知道, 鳥羽 剛, 宮城 裕之, 桜井 信清
    1989年 3 巻 1 号 44-47
    発行日: 1989/08/10
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    カゼイン水解乳 (MA-1ミルク®) で栄養した3名の牛乳アレルギーの乳児にビタミンK欠乏症が発症したことを報告した. 原因はガゼイン水解乳中のビタミンK濃度が低いためと思われた. このミルクで栄養される乳児には, ビタミンKの補充による予防が必要である.
  • 坂元 晴彦, 朝倉 昭人, 乙貫 典子, 笠倉 達雄, 神山 卓久, 中山 晃, 橋本 等, 大場 正亮
    1984年 30 巻 6 号 832-837
    発行日: 1984/06/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The patient came to our hospital with a chief complaint of trismus due to glass chips embedded in the face from hitting the car winshield during a traffic accident.
    The patient was a 29-year-old man, who came to our department of oral surgery for posttraumatic trismus 23 days after a traffic accident. Open mouth range was 18 mm and dyskinesia of the right mandibular process was observed. Roentogenographic diagnosis revealed non-permeable images involking glass chips in the anterior, posterior and temporal cavities of the right mandibular process. Because of the trismus, general anesthesia was transnasally performed by inducing the tube with a soft fiberscope. Skin incision was carrier out from the right anterior auricular region by means of the buccal cicatrix, and glass chips in the external, internal, anterior and temporal cavities of the right mandibular process were observed and isolated. Simultaneously, seeing that there was cicatricial contraction of the tanporal muscles, the mandibular process was resected, resulting in an open mouth range of 40 mm. Ten days after operation salivary fistula was formed, which, however, disappeared by compression. Facial paralysis led to the start of functional training from the 18th postoperative day, and 3 months postoperatively the nerve paralysis showed improvement.