the forever purge

The title of the next Purge sequel has been revealed, and it’s pretty fitting: The Forever Purge. It’s as if the makers of the film realized that we’re already trapped in a never-ending nightmare, and they might as well take advantage of that with this title. The Purge is usually set on the one night of a year where all crime is legal, but throwing “forever” into the title suggests that The Purge has reached a point where it’s become an ongoing, constant source of turmoil. And we can all certainly relate to that.

While details about the new Purge movie are still mostly unknown, we now have a title, thanks to THRThe Forever Purge. It was previously reported that the movie takes “the Purge out of its usual metropolitan setting while still dealing with class and race issues in the way the previous films have.” Which I guess means the series is going…to the countryside? The suburbs? The moon? I don’t know. Anything is possible on Purge Night!

The entire Purge series has been a bit hit or miss with me. I dig the premise, and I thought the second movie had a nice John Carpenter-esque vibe to it. But so much of the franchise feels like a wasted potential. If all crime is legal, why does every movie only deal primarily with murder? Give me a Purge movie that’s about a heist, or some other crime. Change things up a bit.

Despite my petty complaints, the series continues to be a big hit for Blumhouse. Not only has it inspired multiple sequels, it’s also spawned Purge-themed attractions at Halloween Horror Nights, and a TV series. In short, The Purge is here to stay. That said, creator James DeMonaco has stated in the past that this fifth film might be the last – at least in the film series. “I think it’s a great way to end it all,” said DeMonaco. “We want to end it all, I think, in this one, and I’m very excited. When I came up with the idea and pitched it to everybody, they seemed psyched, and I think it will be a really cool ending, how we take this one home.”

The current release date for The Forever Purge is July 10, 2020, but since so much is shut down right now – including movie theaters – it seems unlikely that that date will hold.

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