Meaning of frock coat in English:

frock coat


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  • A man's double-breasted, long-skirted coat, now worn chiefly on formal occasions.

    ‘On the left, under a tree, is the collector Victor Chocquet, in a dark frock coat, his overturned top hat on the ground behind him.’
    • ‘Try any of those and you'll probably be stopped by a man in a frock coat wearing a gold-braided top hat.’
    • ‘It was not until the turn of the last century that the suit established itself as standard daywear for the professional man, gradually supplanting the waisted frock coat and then the lounge coat.’
    • ‘Two tents down the line Wild Bill Hickok rested on a tall stool, the ivory handled butts of his Colts showing on both sides of his open frock coat.’
    • ‘On September 20, 1953, George Jonas, caretaker of the Yorkshire Museum, saw an old man wearing a frock coat and sporting white side whiskers reading a book in the library.’
    • ‘His eyes were a remarkably brilliant sapphire-blue, set off by the strange lavender-blue color of his frock coat.’
    • ‘They belonged to a gentleman in a frock coat with mischievous eyes.’
    • ‘Croft got up and went out into the hall where Jeffries divested him of his lounging jacket and helped him into a black frock coat.’
    • ‘There's Playfair, in his black top hat and frock coat, his back to the viewer, giving directions to his men.’
    • ‘Trent had also dressed me in tight black jeans, a black t-shirt and a black velvet frock coat.’
    • ‘The mourners came in traditional dress - frock coats, top hats and bowlers.’
    • ‘Top hats and frock coats are still fashionable.’
    • ‘The financial services industry is remarkably different from the days when bank managers wore top hats and frock coats.’
    • ‘Their frock coats, if not ripped and worn from hard campaigning, were torn by bullet holes and shrapnel.’
    • ‘It is feasible that the frock coat was so called because the length was reminiscent of earlier clothing articles.’
    • ‘I make frock coats for men from £450.00, not including materials, post and packing.’
    • ‘The frock coat is not a tightly fitted garment, but is meant to be worn fairly loosely.’
    • ‘Throughout the nineteenth century, the frock coat dominated men's wardrobes.’
    • ‘The move from medicines being carried in frock coats to being carried in medicine chests occurred toward the end of the 19th century.’
    • ‘The best man and groomsmen wore frock coats also, but in a more subdued tone.’