Constitutional Court rules Russian, other languages can be used in Ukrainian courts
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has ruled that the languages of ethnic minorities can be used in courts across the country.

Constitutional Court rules Russian, other languages can be used in Ukrainian courts

Yesterday at 12:42 | Interfax-Ukraine
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has ruled that the languages of ethnic minorities can be used in courts across the country, along with the state language.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine issued a relevant resolution in response to a query by 54 people's deputies on Dec. 13 and published it on Dec. 15.

"There are no grounds for recognizing as unconstitutional the provisions of parts 4 and 5 of Article 12 of the law on the judicial system and the status of judges about the use of regional languages or languages of ethnic minorities in courts along with the state language, under the law of Ukraine about the ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages," the Constitutional Court's ruling reads.