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100 point score based on reviews from various critics.
5 point score based on user ratings.

The Press Says

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PC Player (Germany)
Wer auch nur ein kleines Faible für Echtzeit-Strategie mitbringt, der wird um das prächtig in Szene gesetzte Zeitalter der Herrschaft nicht herumkommen.
Важно, чтобы вы поняли - эта игра вполне может полюбиться даже тем, кто раньше не обращал внимания на RTS. Кому-то понравится сходство с любимой "Цивилизацией", кто-то откроет в себе архитекторскую жилку и примется возводить город-сад. Age of Empires гораздо разнообразнее любой игры в своей жанре, но при этом не сложнее их. Возвращаясь к тому, с чего мы начали, - в этой игре вовсе необязательно, чтобы на первом месте стояла технология. То, что заставляет нас еще и еще раз возвращаться к полюбившимся названиям, на самом деле не поддается положительному описанию. Это вопрос сочетания, и здесь каждый ищет свой рецепт. Дедушка Мейер нашел "сидмейеровский". Братья Голлоп, авторы X-COM, сделали свое открытие. Возможно, сейчас это удалось и Брюсу Шелли. Подождите минуту... Выходит, Билл Гейтс тоже в курсе?..
PC Zone
Age Of Empires, needless to say, triumphs in both departments. With the exception of XCOM 3, this is the best game I've played in a year and a half. Strategy fans, invest in this game among games. I can guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Svenska PC Gamer
Så där: håll i dig. Du kommer snart att få höra (läsa) något som kommer att förändra ditt liv. Det är inte bara ett hopkok av gamla idéer. Ju mer man spelar Age, desto mer går det upp för en att man här har tagit den ack så välbekanta formeln till nya höjder. Plötsligt inser man... ...Håller du i dig än? Det är säkrast. Om inte, så är det bäst att du börjar tokhålla på en gång. Age Of Empires är mycket bättre än Warcraft 2. Så där. Nu har vi sagt det.
Gameworld Network
Problems aside, Age of Empires is one of the most enjoyable and addictive real-time strategy games I’ve ever played. The only problem with games set in this time period is that there aren’t enough of them. Age of Empires is a "must have" for any real-time strategy fan.
Computer and Video Games (CVG)
Probably Microsoft's best game to date, Age of Empires has stiff competition across the market, but one us over with its sheer playability. There are many paths to pursue and a wide breadth of potential strategies. Comes highly recommended by is personally.
Christ Centered Game Reviews
I usually don't get into strategy games much, but I loved this game. You choose your tribe and you must civilize them. You have to build up your empire and an army to ward off opposing tribes. Not to mention, in the mean time gather food, wood, gold etc. This is a pretty clean game. There is violence when there is war, but you don't see blood. There is no swearing, the tribes talk gibberish. As for religion, these are tribes, they build weird temples. But what can you expect? The game is easy to play, it has a nice interface. There are some patches for it. Graphics are nice and simple, they don't use 3D acceleration. The music was nice and the game play is fun. I have yet to beat the computer in single player mode. Multiplayer is fun but I was disappointed that you cannot save multiplayer games. Given that, the game is still worth playing.
Coming Soon Magazine
Following the huge success of Warcraft 2 and Civilization 2, Ensemble Studio designed a real-time game blending elements of management and strategy with evolving challenges of a civilization, through a period of 12,000 years that stretches over four ages of human history (Stone, Tools, Bronze and Iron ages).
Mega Score
A ideia não é nova, a Interactive Magic prometeu-a em Destiny. E falhou. A Ensemble Studios acertou, e dez mil anos de história cabem num CD-ROM. Em jogo.
PC Gameplay (Benelux)
Ages of Empires geeft zeker een meerwaarde aan de markt van de real-time strategiespelen. Een mogelijke hoogvlieger dus!
Age of Empires est un monument, et dans le secteur de la stratégie en temps réel, les monuments sont rares. Plus qu’une réalisation parfaite, c’est avant tout l’avènement d’une personnalité. Arriver à transmettre une âme à sa création est seulement l’apanage des très grands. Premier opus d’une longue série en cours, AoE contient énormément de bonnes idées - qui font encore référence - mais aussi quelques défauts qui lui confèrent tout son charme. AoE premier du nom va fêter ses dix ans, rendez vous compte….
W zalewie RTS-ów (RTS - Real Time Strategy - strategia w czasie rzeczywistym) gra Ages of Empires jest jednak bardzo zauważalna. Przy tak doskonałej grafice zupełnie kiepskie wydają się takie programy jak: Dark Colony, Conquest Earth czy Total Annihilation. Jest to niewątpliwie najlepsza z tego typu produkcji ostatnich miesięcy. Ciekawe jest również to, że gra została wydana przez Microsoft, dotąd zupełnie nie kojarzony z grami strategicznymi. Świadczy to o niesłychanej popularności tego gatunku. Miejmy nadzieję, że w najbliższym czasie czeka nas nie tylko ilościowy ale i jakościowy skok całego gatunku.
Power Play
Microsoft hat es geschafft. Mit "Age of Empires" ist der Durchbruch gelungen. Endlich mal ein Echzeitstrategical was sich vom "C&C"-Einheitsbrei abhebt und gewürzt mit einer Mischung "Civilization 2" epische Ausmaße birgt. Dies ist genau das Richtige, um sich in seinem Zimmer einzuschließen und die schnöde Welt da draußen einfach für eine Weile zu vergessen. Selbst das Zuschauen macht Spaß. Denn was man hier an liebevollen und detaillierten Animationen zu sehen bekommt, findet man nur selten. Besonders gut haben mir die vielfältigen Aufgaben gefallen. Und nie sind die Aufgaben übertrieben schwer, denn mit ein wenig Überlegung läßt sich immer der richtige Weg finden. Auch schweißtreibende Hektik werdet Ihr vergeblich suchen. Der Editor und die geniale Multiplayeroption, zu zweit ein Volk zu führen, runden das durchweg positive Gesamtbild ab. Age of Empires ist im Echtzeitgenre eine Klasse für sich und muß sich nicht des Plagiats schuldig fühlen.
Game Revolution
Despite its flaws, Age of Empires is great fun to play. The graphics and sound effects are of high quality, and the computer plays a respectable game. In fact, there is a very large selection of AIs to choose from in the scenario editor. Ah... the scenario editor. The scenario editor allows you total control in the design of scenarios and campaigns, right down to the intro movies. Even if you don't like the full selection of scenarios included with the game you have all the tool at your disposal to create a scenario exactly to your liking. Its minor annoyances are just that, minor compared to the game as a whole. For any fan of real-time strategy or historical simulations, I would recommend Age of Empires.
Game Vortex
Let's face it: Age of Empires is old, and it shows its age. There have been a number of improvements in the real-time strategy world since the game was released, and while it's good for historical reasons it's hard to find a really good reason to play it now instead of its sequel. It's not a bad game, but neither is it great, and with so many other RTS games available on the market chances are good you'll have a better time with something else.
When you first play Age of Empires, a warm feeling develops in your gut. Warcraft meets Civilization! Real-time empire-building! And does it ever look sharp and feel right. But an uneasy feeling builds as you get deeper into it, a sense that all is not quite right. This is not quite the game you hoped for. Even worse, it has some definite problems. The pitfall when you review a game as anticipated and debated as this one is to make sure you criticize it for what it is, not for what you wish it was. I wish that Age of Empires was what it claimed to be - Civilization with a Warcraft twist. Instead, it is Warcraft with a hint of Civilization. That's all well and good, but it places it firmly in the action-oriented real-time combat camp, rather than in the high-minded empire-building of Civilization. The result is Warcraft in togas, with slightly more depth but a familiar feel.
Digital Press - Classic Video Games
Age of Empires is a game that probably needed a few more months in development to iron out the AI issues. The lack of a true city or civilisation building option is disappointing, but would be easily over-looked if the combat made up for it. Unfortunately, the stress inducing AI scuppers that, leaving the game short of redeeming features. The sequels both improved on the formula established by this game but it’s a pity, the series definitely had the potential to be great right off the bat.

Our Users Say

Category Description MobyScore
AI How smart (or dumb) you perceive the game's artificial intelligence to be 3.5
Gameplay How well the game mechanics work (player controls, game action, interface, etc.) 3.9
Graphics The quality of the art, or the quality/speed of the drawing routines 3.9
Personal Slant How much you personally like the game, regardless of other attributes 3.8
Sound / Music The quality of the sound effects and/or music composition 3.8
Overall MobyScore (118 votes) 3.8

User Reviews

Admirable, but not truly lovable. PCGamer77 Bronze Star Contributing Member (2934) 3.6 Stars3.6 Stars3.6 Stars3.6 Stars3.6 Stars
A million problems and the occasional flash of brilliance Maw (828) 3.2 Stars3.2 Stars3.2 Stars3.2 Stars3.2 Stars
Brilliant! Up until its sequel, the best RTS ever made. ShadowShrike (313) 4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars4.8 Stars
oh my God... what a disappointment! Gothicgene (83) 2.25 Stars2.25 Stars2.25 Stars2.25 Stars2.25 Stars
A typical Microsoft failure. Tomer Gabel Bronze Star Contributing Member (4499) 2.2 Stars2.2 Stars2.2 Stars2.2 Stars2.2 Stars
Microsoft=Bad entertainment. Joakim Kihlman (203) 1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars1.2 Stars
Another great conquer the world game. Jeff Watts (21) 4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars
"Great fun for the RTS fan..." Unrealist (181) 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
I like it....... emerging_lurker (183) unrated
This is a GREAT RTS game! MiG Attack (9) 4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars4.6 Stars


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