Historian Finds New Oldest Mention of Ljubljana

14. december 2010  |  Objavljeno v World Book Capital 2010


Historian Peter Selih has discovered a new oldest written mention of Ljubljana, dated between 1112 and 1125. A facsimile with a commentary and a historical introduction was published by the City of Ljubljana under “Castrum Leibach: The First Recorded Mention of Ljubljana and the City’s Early History”.

Stih found a document in the Chapter Archive in Udine, Italy in 2002, stating that an “advocate Rudolf” had donated 20 farms near the Ljubljana Castle to the Church of Aquileia sometime between 1112 and 1125, when the list of deceased benefactors of the Chapter of Aquileia was written.

According to Selih, the finding is a “whole generation older” than the previously assumed first mention in a mediaeval source from 1144 and proves wrong the theory that the first owners of the Ljubljana Castle were the Spanheim dukes.

Rudolf must have been a lay advocate of the Aquileia Patriarchate and thus a member of the highest nobility, the historian said at a presentation and added that the Spanheims could not be the first owners of Ljubljana and the castle, which were connected.

The book on the document was published in Slovenian and English as part of the World Book Capital project and features a brief account of Ljubljana’s history, a facsimile and a transcript of the document.