Meaning of team spirit in English:

team spirit


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mass noun
  • Feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together.

    ‘the Mets' team spirit has never been stronger’
    • ‘we are committed to a team spirit because people are the main asset’
    • ‘The last few days and nights are a good indication of team spirit and camaraderie among the teams.’
    • ‘He doesn't rule by fear, preferring instead to foster team spirit and loyalty.’
    • ‘Kenny's top priority was, at all times building up unity, team spirit and pride in the jersey.’
    • ‘There is a lot of talk about team spirit and camaraderie but I think we showed plenty of that.’
    • ‘Working together to learn and improve each week fosters team spirit and enthusiasm.’
    • ‘These characteristics of good morale and team spirit were evident in Kerry's last few matches.’
    • ‘The Bolton players and the directors, he insists, are determined not to let the row affect the Reebok team spirit.’
    • ‘During the course of that game Derry showed all the symptoms of a team that had very poor morale and team spirit.’
    • ‘They failed, but their impressive team spirit should take them back up.’
    • ‘They say a change is as good as a rest, and one day away from work helping a local project could be a superb way to boost morale and team spirit.’
    • ‘The Lions gave an outstanding performance, playing with immense pride and team spirit.’
    • ‘From my own personal experience I know it is not just what happens on the park that affects team spirit.’
    • ‘This must be an indication that team spirit and morale was not as good as it should be.’
    • ‘However, a very good team spirit was in our favour and this will stand us in good stead for next season.’
    • ‘It has also allowed him to tweak the squad, bolster team spirit and confidence levels.’
    • ‘We need that sense of purpose, that loyalty and team spirit that we had in the past.’
    • ‘He was renowned for putting together a side that forged their team spirit on nights out and plenty of them.’
    • ‘Coach Wayne Wiblin, who has imbued a wonderful team spirit among the players, concurs.’
    • ‘Given the level of morale and team spirit in the camp at the moment, it would be no surprise if the winning run is extended all the way to headquarters.’
    • ‘As the Olympic games move into week two, it's interesting to note that team spirit may play as much of a role as individual talent.’
    unanimity, unity, like-mindedness, agreement, accord, harmony, consensus, concord, concurrence, singleness of purpose, community of interest, mutual support, cooperation, cohesion, team spirit, camaraderie, esprit de corps