Definiciones principales de overspeed en English

: overspeed1overspeed2


Pronunciación /ˌəʊvəˈspiːd/


  • Excessive speed; especially the operation of an engine, vehicle, etc., at a speed higher than is safe or appropriate; an instance of this.


Early 19th century; earliest use found in Samuel Singer (1783–1858), literary scholar. From over- + speed.

Definiciones principales de overspeed en English

: overspeed1overspeed2


Pronunciación /ˌəʊvəˈspiːd/


  • 1To travel too quickly, especially to travel faster than permitted by law or by another authority. Also with object: to cause (a vehicle) to travel more quickly than is safe. Now chiefly in African and South Asian use.

  • 2Mecánica
    To operate (an engine or other machine) at a speed higher than is safe for its gearing or other components.


Late 17th century; earliest use found in John Evelyn (1620–1706), diarist and writer. From over- + speed.