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Aamir Khan's China Paycheck For 'Dangal' Could Exceed Rs. 100 Crore / $15 MM

Updated Jun 7, 2017, 09:32am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan is on track to earn one of the biggest single-movie paydays ever for a non-Hollywood actor.

Even before this May, when his family sports drama Dangal became a box office sensation across China, it had been widely reported in Indian media that Khan’s earnings from the film had reached INR 1.75 billion ($27 million). That grand figure represented the sum of the actor’s upfront salary of 350 million rupees plus 1.4 billion rupees in profit participations earned from his 33% share of the profits after recoupment of Dangal’s costs. Khan’s $27 million in resulting pay is almost certainly the largest payday an Indian actor has ever earned from a single movie.

Aamir Khan Productions

And then China happened. With nearly RMB 1.2 billion ($175 million) in box office receipts collected to date, and nearly another month of theatrical release ahead in the PRC, the film should easily reach RMB 1.25 billion ($184 million). Assuming that Dangal’s licensors (Disney and UTV) receive the standard 25% revenue share from China, or $46 million, that would translate into a $15.3 million (INR 100 Crore) China payday for Khan. When added to his prior $27 million cut, that adds up to $42 million for one film.

Read More5 Key Reasons For 'Dangal's' Massive Success In China

With three of his films currently ranked among the six highest grossing Indian movies of all-time, Khan is almost certainly India’s highest-paid actor. To put his $40+ million Dangal salary in perspective, that paycheck is bigger than the total worldwide box office gross of all but 20 of Indian cinema's most successful films ever made.

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