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Our Favorite Blogs 2009

Fifty blogs we just can't get enough of.

November 23, 2009

Blogs—everybody's got one, and most of them are terrible. Thankfully, we've read every single blog on the Internet, so you don't have to—okay, that's not actually entirely true, but we have culled together a list of favorites from our staff, which is really the next best thing, as far as we're concerned.

Thankfully, the PCMag staff's tastes couldn't be more diverse. The following 50 blogs include some of the best sites across a huge cross section of subjects, including science, fashion, comics, cars, animals, monsters, design, books, modding, music, art, sports, storytelling, shopping, and more. Oh yeah, there are also a couple of tech ones in there, as well. What can we say? We couldn't resist.

I should note, for the record, that in the case of these blogs, "favorite" doesn't necessarily mean "popular." Sure there are some blockbuster sites on this list, like Boing Boing and Engadget, but there are also a lot of hidden gems. What, after all, is the point of putting together a list like this, if we're only going to highlight sites that everyone already knows and loves?

Let us know what you think in the comments section. What glaring omissions have we made? After all, it's never too early to start thinking about 2010. by

1,000 Awesome Things
Neil Pasricha has taken it upon himself to catalog a healthy number of the world's awesomest things—1,000 of them, to be precise. Pasricha counts down said things, ever edging toward that coveted number one spot. If you're not a fan of the awesome, it's probably best to avoid this site like the plague. On the other hand, if you're generally a supporter of such things, heed the advice of the Webby Awards and Time Magazine and check it out this site post-haste. Awesome.

Alley Insider
This Business Insider–owned blog is a tech journalist's tech journalism. Silicon Alley Insider is all business, focused on the industry's behind-the-scenes dealing and dramas. If you're looking for the latest leaked spyshots of the Apple tablet, you'd do best to check elsewhere. If you want the latest dirt on Mark Zuckerberg and his ilk on the other hand, you've found your site.

Apartment Therapy
For some people, home is just a place to sleep, eat, and catch up on the day's TV watching—for others, however, it's a work of art. Apartment Therapy is targeted firmly at the latter, city dwellers who are looking to squeeze all of the style they can into their sometimes decidedly cramped quarters.

It's often a good sign when a blog uses the word "obsessively" in its tagline, and on few sites is the word quite so fittingly utilized as Autoblog. This AOL-owned car site covers nearly every aspect of the auto industry, thanks to a large and prolific staff of obsessives. Also, be sure to turn off the old Hummer for long enough to check out the earth-minded sister site, Autoblog Green.

Average Cats
Sorry cat lovers, your cat is not special, it's not amazing—it's just a freaking cat. It probably loves the taste of tuna, enjoys torturing small animals, and spends most of its days silently judging you. Average Cats is a celebration of the mediocrity of housecats, though, for the record, the felines present here appear to be much better spellers than their LOLing brethren.

Awful Announcing
Sure there are plenty of terrible sportscasters out there, but enough to fill a regular blog on the subject? Boy Howdy. Awful Announcing is a play-by-play of the awkward, the bizarre, and the sometimes downright painful people who cover the sporting world.

Awful Library Books
Don't get me wrong, I love books. They're one my favorite things. That said, not every book in the library can be Crime and Punishment—heck, they can't even all be Ted Nugent's Kill it and Grill it. That's why we've got Awful Library Books, a virtual card catalog of forgotten titles. The site is worth a visit for the crazy covers alone.

Ben Heck
Benjamin J. Heckendorn is a master modder. When it comes to doing cool stuff with old gaming consoles, few people in this world can hold a candle to Ben Heck. In his official blog, Heckendorn breaks down his latest and greatest projects from the world to admire.

Boing Boing
If it's wonderful and on the Web, it's probably on Boing Boing. There are plenty of sites devoted to aggregating fantastic things, but no one comes close to this perennial favorite.


Book By Its Cover
Julia Rothman, a Brooklyn-based illustrator and pattern designer, clearly loves books—not just for reading but as art objects themselves. Her blog is a treasure trove of gorgeous book illustration and design, showcasing children's books, fine-art books, artist sketchbooks, and more. Bibliophiles will love it.

This site is a companion, fittingly enough, to an eponymous book for writers that explores how the electronic age has impacted writing and writers. You'll find excerpts from that book as well as posts on related issues, along with recommended resources, Q&As, and more. Author Jeff Vandermeer definitely wants to sell his book—but that takes nothing away from the value of the information here.

What, your friends aren't pointing you to enough entertaining, weird, cute, trashy Internet goodness? Visit Buzzfeed—"the viral Web in real-time"—immediately. Lindsay Lohan, adorable cat videos, Jesus' face on a truck window—you may never leave.

Cake Wrecks
If you've never met a cake you didn't like, you haven't visited Cake Wrecks yet. It's amazing how so many bakers have managed to turn sweet confections into unappetizing crumb heaps. Amazing, and very entertaining.

Cocktail Chronicles
Moved by mixology? Charmed by cocktails? You'll love the witty, accessible writing on this blog, which celebrates the fine art of fine spirits. Find recipes for a mind-boggling number of tasty boozy concoctions. Burnt Fuselage? Police Gazette Cocktail? The site offers lots of recommended reading, too.

Comics Alliance
Now that comics have leapt off paper and spread across the breadth of pretty much all available media, it only follows that we need a blog to keep us informed. Find out about comics—on the Web, in the movies, on TV, in hotel rooms, and so many more places—from a top-notch team of devotees.

Online since 1995, Core77 is a cornucopia of information and inspiration for all things design. Find out about events, competitions, new concepts, jobs, and visit the lively discussions section, or browse the online store for naturally very well-designed products. If you're in the business or even an enthusiast, this site is a must-visit.

This is one of those "a single good idea done really well" blogs. Comic artist Robert Goodin features classic comic-book covers redrawn by current artists. It's a fascinating way to see the evolution of the art, and find out about up-and-coming artists.

Remember that time you were camping and saw—well, it was way too big to be a rabbit, plus it had fangs and antlers... Rest assured, if anyone has ever actually spotted such a creature, Cryptomundo will be all over it. Find out the latest on Bigfoot, Nessie, the chupacubra, and many more "cryptids" at this entertaining site.

Daytrotter has the reviews and videos you'd expect from any respectable music blog, but it also offers a little something extra: The artists it features record tracks specifically for the site, and it offers them up for streaming or download so you can hear something new, or hear a new spin on a song you already know.


Dinosaurs & Robots
Everyone likes stuff, right? Dinosaurs and Robots highlights a panoply of interesting objects from the past, like ceramic dog statues from the 1900s to prosthetic arms from the 16th century, and some of the more unusual items from present day, too.

An excellent blog for the latest tech news and gadget rumors. See also: Gizmodo

False Facts
Did you know that if you drink green tea, you'll sprout wings? It's absolutely true, if by "true" you mean "not true at all." False Facts offers amusing lies like this every day, complete with accompanying illustration.

Fancy Fast Food
There's more to your Big Mac than just a gut-bomb of sodium and saturated fats; with a creative culinary mind it can become a gourmet McSteak & Potatoes. Fancy Fast Food takes the stuff you get from the drive-thru and turns it into haute cuisine, complete with step-by-step instructions and pictorial evidence. Delicious!

From the mind of statistics wizard Nate Silver comes FiveThirtyEight, a blog devoted to crunching the numbers of polls to put forth the most accurate view of upcoming elections and other political issues.

If you're not hungry before you start reading through Foodival's archives, you will be soon. This blog features recipes both savory and sweet for aspiring chefs and bakers, with plenty of food photography to get your mouth watering.

An excellent blog for the latest tech news and gadget rumors. See also: Engadget

Hanzi Smatter
Always remember: Tattoos are permanent, so you should be extra careful before getting something written in a language you don't understand tattooed on your body. Hanzi Smatter chronicles the mistakes made by those who weren't so careful and ended up with comically incorrect tattoos of Chinese characters.

Every nerd needs a blog to call home. Io9's a repository for the nerdier pop cultural interests, from Doctor Who episode recaps to comic book spoilers to science fiction and science fact.

When was the last time you saw a Venn diagram? Fourth grade? Indexed makes good old charts and graphs more interesting with charts, like one showing "pigeons or bankers with jets" as the intersection between "flying" and "rats." Look for new lined index cards every weekday.


Just Another iPhone Blog
Are you all iPhone all the time? Patrick Jordan's Just Another iPhone Blog understands you, even if no one else does. The site has in-depth reviews on apps, news, updates, and tips and tricks. You can also talk to other iPhone lovers and share information.

The Leila Texts
Leila gets a lot of weird text message. Turns out that if you type her first name into a Verizon phone and don't have any other Leilas in your address book, it'll go straight to her. Leila's blog consists of text messages from random people, addressed to other Leilas. Random text: "i found ur phone." Leila's comment: "But if you have Leila's phone, then how will Leila get this text message?"

MetaFilter is a Weblog to which anyone can contribute a link. Members can also post comments and customize the look and behavior of the site. The goal of the site is to break down the barriers between people, extend a Weblog beyond a single author, and foster discussion among its members.

Nerd Boyfriend
Unfashionable geeks, Nerd Boyfriend is here to help. A style guide of sorts, this blog features pictures of famous men who have despite nerd-like tendencies. The site features links commerce links so readers can spruce up their pocket protector–filled closets.

Not Always Right
A blog created for people to vent their frustrations when dealing with customers, Not Always Right is a hilarious way to get those encounters off your chest. You can find quotes from a wide range of vocations, from cashiers to doctors. Anyone can contribute to the site by adding their information on the "add your quote" page.

Not Exactly Rocket Science
Ed Yong's Not Exactly Rocket Science is a cool blog for those interested in science, who aren't quite scientists themselves. Not Exactly Rocket Science features a wide swath of topics, including animal behavior, psychology, evolution, genetics, molecular biology, medicine, and more.

NYC taper features all of the information you require about live shows in the Big Apple. If you can't make it to the gig, though, don't worry: The site lets you know songs the band performed, see picture, and, best of all, hear live recordings from the set.

One Sentence
We've all got a story to tell, so pithiness is most appreciated. One Sentence lets ordinary people tell real stories in the least number of words possible. Example: I spent an hour in my psychotherapist's office complaining about a boy and walked out to see him in the waiting room.

Phone Scoop
Founded by Rich Brome, Phone Scoop is your destination for in-depth mobile phone reviews, up-to-the-minute news, special reports, forums, and more. If it's phone-related, Phone Scoop's got you covered.

Photoshop Disasters
Photoshop Disasters analyzes pictures to reveal digitally introduced errors. Readers can submit mistakes, big or small. You'll find many professional photos and ads.


Put This On
Let's face it, unless you're a dude who watches TLC or reads GQ, you probably don't know much about fashion. Well, thanks to Sound of Young America's Jesse Thorn and You Look Nice Today's Adam "Lonely Sandwich" Lisagor, men can put away the T-shirts and start dressing nicely. Put This On is a Web series in its first season that aims to help you dress like a grownup. The videos are informative and witty, and the site is full of amusing fashion-related posts.

Scanwiches is a frighteningly disgusting, yet strangely provocative, site that features scans of sandwiches—just like the title suggests. The site started in February of 2009 and has since featured hundreds of sandwiches, slapped onto a scanner for your viewing pleasure.

SciFi Scanner
Part of the AMC blog family, SciFi Scanner features all things Sci-Fi related, including movies, books, comics, and video games. The blog started in June of 2007 and has since gained a following thanks to regular contributing columnists. If you're the type of person who always wants to be in the know about the next SciFi release, this is the site for you.

Run by Lifehacker founder and self-proclaimed software and self-improvement junkie, Gina Trapani, Smarterware is a blog aimed at helping you learn how to use technology more effectively and efficiently.

Snuggie Sightings
The Snuggie phenomena of 2009 hit us hard, and of course, a blog had to be created to showcase each and every subsequent Snuggie sighting. Conceived in January 2009, the blog "chronicles the warm-and-fuzzy fashion feats of Snuggie enthusiasts nationwide." If you like making fun of people wearing Snuggies, this is the site for you.

Springfield Punx
Not getting enough Simpsons characters after 21 seasons? Artist Dean Fraser has created a site devoted to Matt Groening–esque fan art. Fraser creates characters in the style of The Simpsons, and brings to life some of our favorite actors, including an entire Lost group, an Arrested Development gang, and a Ghostbusters week. Fraser has based some of the characters off of actual Simpsons guest stars, but most of them are his own creations.

Founded in June of 2005 by Michael Arrington, TechCrunch is a blog dedicated to reviewing new Internet products and companies. It has grown, and spawned into multiple "Crunch" sites, including CrunchGear, and MobileCrunch.

Finally, a site for the traveler who doesn't want to look like a traveler. Put that map away, and keep your itinerary in your hotel room—Travellious aims to educate and empower you to create your own travel adventure by sharing the writers' own experiences and resources, encouraging you to travel outside of the book. After looking at the breathtaking photos, you won't be able to resist the travel bug.

As the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability, TreeHugger is a one-stop shop for environmentally conscious, green enthusiasts looking for news, solutions, and product information. It covers topics like transportation, technology, design, culture, travel, food, politics, beauty, and games. The blog is constantly updated and hosts a weekly video segments and radio shows. It also houses Hugg, a user-generated blog.

Videogum is an offshoot from sister-site Stereogum, the leading online source for indie and alternative music news. Videogum has a music-related aspect to it, but also includes videos about TV, movies, and random YouTube-esque material. Keep up with the latest, most popular videos that will surely be talked about around the watercooler tomorrow.

Woot is an Internet retailer site that sells one item a day for a ridiculously low price. The prices are usually so low that you'll be tempted to buy the item even if you didn't know you needed it before visiting the site. Started in 2004, Woot usually offers some sort of tech-oriented product, but it has also started a Wine.Woot, Kids.Woot, Shirt.Woot. Sellout.Woot is similar to the regular Woot site, but is partnered with Our own TechSaver often posts deals from this great blog.