Police Horses Are Diminished in Number, but Not Presence

A mounted police horse greets the people in Times Square, 2007. Richard Perry/The New York Times A mounted police horse greets the people in Times Square.

They are as woven into the fabric of Times Square as the Armed Forces recruiting center, or at least the Naked Cowboy. They pop up regularly around the Coney Island Boardwalk, outside Rockefeller Center, at Yankee Stadium, and at many of the street demonstrations that form a regular part life in New York City.

They are the New York Police Department’s mounted officers — sometimes called “10-foot tall cops” by Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly — and they belong to one of the biggest mounted units in the country. But they have not been immune to the fiscal pressures that have led a number of cities to stop policing on horseback.

New York’s mounted unit has shrunk considerably over the last decade: it now has 79 police officers and 60 horses, down from the 130 officers and 125 horses it had before, Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne said. During that same period, the department as a whole lost 6,000 officers through attrition: there are now 34,820 members of the force.

The unit (see video) is still the envy of many other departments. At a time when other cities — including Philadelphia, Boston and San Diego — have retired all their police horses, New York’s are still going strong, even with reduced numbers. The department has developed its own feed for them. Under Mr. Kelly, the department stopped accepting donated horses and began buying its own horses to ensure that they would conform to standards. And the unit is still an elite one, giving police officers something to strive for.

Mr. Browne said called mounted officers “tremendous ambassadors of good will,” adding, “I’d hazard to guess that our horses are photographed more often than Kim Kardashian.”

The added height and visibility that the horses give their riders works both ways, he noted: it allows officers to see what is going on in a wider area, but it also allows people in that wider area to see the officers. That helps deter crime, and it also helps people find officers when they need them, as happened last May, when two street vendors in Times Square sought help after they saw smoke rising from what turned out to be a crude car bomb. “They looked around, and the first thing they saw of anyone in authority was two mounted police officers, who responded and cleared the area of bystanders before the bomb squad arrived,” Mr. Browne said.

Supporters of mounted patrols mourn their dwindling numbers, and fault overzealous oat-counters at the nation’s city halls. Romantics have a nostalgic attachment to them. And many police officials value them, saying that when dealing with crowds, one mounted officer is as effective as 7 to 10 officers on foot, that their highly visible presence on patrols can deter crime, and that their popularity with the public offers a welcome change from the mistrust and cool community relations many departments must battle.

But others see police horses as a costly bit of sentimentality, more show horses than work horses. They note that police officers cannot go very fast by horse, that in crowd control situations horses have been known to trample or injure people, and that officers assigned to horse patrols cannot do the bread-and-butter work of responding to emergency calls. As many departments face cutbacks and layoffs, the mounted units have come to be seen as a luxury.

Mr. Browne said that fiscal constraint did not put the biggest crimp in the size of New York’s mounted unit. “Henry Ford did,” he said. “Before horseless carriages became so ubiquitous, the N.Y.P.D. had as many as 800 horses on duty a day.”

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What the mounted division members did on that day of the smoking car in Times Square more than paid for these much appreciated animals and partners. It is true the one horse can accomplish what ten foot patrolman can do and with much more authority without the menace. I applaud the NYPD for being far sighted enough to see this intangible dividend paid to both the NYPD and the citizens and visitors of New York City. Cars are great, motorcycles look cool but nobody ever came up to pet and be photographed next to either

Sad–and NOT in the best interests of policing, IMHO.

HOW MUCH do police departments spend on community relations, which often accomplish far less than the horses in terms of public perception?

And horses DO serve in terms of crowd control and simple viability. The idea that Segways can take their place is really ABSURD. Cops on those look ridiculous and they don’t serve a useful role in terms of pursuit and simple security!

Has the decrease in mounted officers led to an increase in bicycle officers? I’ve noticed more in the past six months in the Times Square area (near where I live).

When police work is distilled down to nothing but emergency responders chasing around town doing nothing but answering calls for service, police officers soon transform into mindless machines. This does nothing to prevent crime, deter crime, or engender public support and keep open relations with the police. Horses are a valuable tool in the uinique environment that is New York. New York is one of the few places on earth that has room, and a need for, practically every tactic under the sun to prevent and detect crime.

I agree, a cop on the hoof is worth twice as many on foot.

Great PR and low tech. An extremely effective tool for crowd(mob) control when needed but something that can’t be eliminated and assembled at a moments notice.This is a highly trained and effective specialized unit. Elimination or further reduction of this unit or its infrastructure would be a serious mistake. James Cope (NYPD Sgt. Ret.)

Will this affect sales at the corner donut shop?

Why not put the cops on tall bikes?

Highly visible, doesn’t need care or feeding, and no nasty trail of piles ‘n puddles left behind..

Everyone’s happy but the flies!

Nappy ret. Insp. of Police February 15, 2011 · 11:36 am

The NYPD Mounted Unit isone of the most effective methods of crowd control, crime prevention, crime detection, and positive community affairs any police commander or citizen alike could ever ask for. The view that an officers had on his mount, and well as the high visiblity he provides is a welcome sight to the law abider and a major deterent to the law breaker.
Keep up the great work.

The NYPD mounted unit is truly a long term success story. An overwelming majority of the work done over the past 20 to 30 years to improve living in New York has been done by one agency- the NYPD.Thier leaders recognized It wasn’t enough to just lower the crime statistics. Besides actual safety, people need to feel they are safe. Our mounted officers and their partners have always provided that, even when the city was at it worst.
I’ve seen mounted officers make arrests. They may not be responding to calls like a radio car but niether are foot patrols. Not only do they deter crime but they make quite an impact when taking action on the street.
Glad to know they are valued by their fellow officers and the department leaders, they are also valued by the people on the street.

Let the tourists on 42nd Street fend for themselves they came out of their way to be here.
Put the police on to enforcing quality of life crimes committed by crazed drug users who destroy life for all of us who live here!

Now let all the crazed drug abusers get on their high horse over that true statement!

What will happen to the horses they cut loose? Will they go to good homes or to the glue factory?

They can be incredibly effective at certain things. i was once caught up in a stampeding panicking crowd that was almost instantly pacified as it streamed past completely calm mounted units.
i wonder though, despite it being a big city, whether we couldn’t get by on a few less than 60.

A police department that can afford to buy and maintain horses is a police department that needs some serious budget cutting! The NYPD costs more than some entire states ($3.5bn +). Fire them all (returning the $10bn in the 5 pension funds to the taxpayer) and turn over policing to the private sector with 10,000 contract employees adhering to established standards of efficiency: 34,820 unemployed chasing 10,000 jobs will drive wages down to below minimum wage. It has worked for corporate America and needs to be addressed in govenment!

Philadelphia is restoring its mounted police unit according to a newspaper article.

I would tend to agree…from what I’ve seen these mounted officers seem to be nothing but another case of macho little boys with their toys, in this case, horses. I think they just love the combination of their uniform and the horse, knowing how ‘distinguished’ it makes them appear. And of course the tourists love it.

Do we really have a need for all these cops?

And talking about waste, a few weeks ago I saw something utterly ridiculous: on a very narrow subway platform that had a flight of stairs going up the center of it (so not much room on either side of the staircase) was a cop riding one of those er….self-balancing two-wheeled upright things you can ride on…complete with flashing lights. I mean really, how ridiculous and what a waste of money. I guess the cop had to take the elevator down to the platform with this? And what was he supposed to do…ride back and forth on the platform with this, and possibly chase a suspect down the platform and in the process possibly fall off the side of the platform on his little wheelie thing?

I think poster #15 is a bit cracked. It has not worked for corporate America any more than it has worked overseas with the hiring of what are essentially “mercenaries (i.e., Blackwater).
The NYPD does a great job controlling an incredibly large city and the mounted officers not only deter crime, they make the police much more approachable. I think 60 horse is low, considering the work they do and the need for rest for them, as any other working animal. I’d like to see the number back up to double it’s current , but also know that in this age of “Oh we can’t afford that,” it will probably never happen.
God bless the NYPD Mounted Police.

i like this story

Wonder Never Cease does not have a clue of how Corporate America works. Never mind the obvious tendency for abuse by private contractors that end up thinking that they are above the law, let’s talk about the proven facts that these Mounted Divisions do a great service to the city. The Times Square attempted bombing states it perfectly. One officer on one horse was seen by many and keeps the peace for thousand walking into and through the busiest intersection in the world. If that is not getting your monies worth Wonder Never Cease needs to try and live in this city before he starts making recommendations about how to make it run better.

look at all the troll comments on here, probably from the unit’s own staff and the people who sell horses to the nypd.

at best, cops on horses is inhumane and does nothing to reduce crime.

at worst, it’s an incredible waste of taxdollars to put animals into urban traffic, and then fill the streets with animal feces.

those who praise the horses don’t rebut these points.

they just repeat the spin, repeat the spin.

but then, mayor bloomberg is proud of his hatred for all animals.

TMac (# 8) — are you suggesting an NYPD Penny-Farthing Patrol? A capital idea, sir!

I once heard the great marine biologist Jacques Cousteau say that the person who did the most damage to the study of and understanding of animal life was Walt Disney, because he made kids believe that animals were just like people and he ascribed to them human emotions.

Hence we get comments like #21 — another so called animal lover — who wants to make all creatures that are non-human become worthless and functionless, which on the evolutionary scale, eventually renders them obsolete and ultimately sends them on the road to extinction. Animals have a function in our society, as do people.

Janice, if you lived in this City at the turn of the century, what would you do? All we had were animals in the streets: carriage horses, horses pulling carts, horses being ridden, donkeys, dogs, feral cats, homing pigeons, and vendors with little monkeys.

#21 — get over yourself. You no more speak to or for the animals than Dr. Doolittle. Stop projecting your own ego on all creatures. Horses and dogs love to work and they do and they should. No one loves their animal more than someone whose very life depends upon their relationship with their four legged best friend.

Wonders Never Cease, what a terrific idea! Let’s have 10,000 six-dollar an hour “cops” running around the city with semi-automatic weapons. You think we have problems with the TSA?

The mounted units are great for a variety of reasons.
And when gasoline costs and concerns about carbon footprints are soaring, they have an added value.

Seeing the police drive by in a cruiser does next to nothing for me. Even if I shouted for help, would they hear me?

I realize that cops in patrol cars is an unavoidable efficiency, but I feel much more comforted by seeing foot or mounted patrols.