Affliction cancels Trilogy

Affliction Entertainment officially announced Friday that next Saturday’s “Trilogy” event will not take place as scheduled.

In a press release issued by the promotion Friday afternoon, Affliction Vice President Tom Atencio blamed the loss of Josh Barnett from a scheduled main event matchup against WAMMA heavyweight champion Fedor Emelianenko as the reason.

“Finding an opponent for the No. 1 ranked MMA heavyweight champion in such a short period of time was a huge endeavor, and I’m thrilled at the amount of fighters willing to take on this challenge,” Atencio is quoted. “But in the end, we just didn’t have enough time to promote a new fight to our standards.”

Fedor is currently en route to Anaheim, Calif. and will be issuing a formal statement via soon after his arrival. will publish additional updates as details become available.