Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information CenterSouthern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
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To gather and distribute information concerning Southern (Inner) Mongolian human rights situation and general human rights issues;

To promote and protect ethnic Mongolians’ all kind of rights such as basic human rights, indigenous rights, minority rights, civil rights, and political rights in Southern Mongolia;

To encourage human rights and democracy grassroots movements in Southern Mongolia;

To promote human rights and democracy education in Southern Mongolia;

To improve the international community’s understanding of deteriorating human rights situations, worsening ethnic, cultural and environmental problems in Southern Mongolia;

Ultimately, to establish a democratic political system in Southern Mongolia.

A letter from Mongol-American Cultural Association to UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

           ...  We write you as an organization that seeks the best interests of our beloved country of Mongolia. First, we extend our gratitude to you for your report issued after your visit to Mongolia last autumn. Your efforts emphasized the critical need to secure judicial independence and uphold human rights in Mongolia. We cannot agree more with your recommendations. The Mongol-American Cultural Association is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Mongolian culture. We also have a strong humanitarian and charitable focus (see our website for information As such, we are troubled by certain aspects of the state of democracy, civil rights and the independent of the judiciary of Mongolia. Specifically, recent reports indicate concerns with the electoral process, attacks on the press and journalists, and the stifling of dissents and public discourse. We fear these are signs of a deteriorating democracy. We urge your office to closely monitor the political and social situation in Mongolia, and to take steps to draw international attention to these worrying situations:1.Political interference of the judiciary. 2.Oppression on the press and journalists.3.Declining transparency and account  ....

Two open letters concerning the deterioration of democracy in Mongolia

           ...  We write to you once again, following up on our previous correspondence from last autumn. We trust this letter finds you well. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your impactful visit to Mongolia last autumn, followed by your insightful report. Your efforts have undoubtedly shed light on the critical need to fortify judicial independence and uphold human rights within the country. As a coalition of organisations, comprising individuals of Mongolian heritage residing abroad and advocating for the rights of our respective Mongolian heritage communities, we are deeply troubled by the worsening state of democracy, civil rights, and judicial independence in Mongolia. Our collective concern extends to the enduring adverse impact on individuals of Mongolian heritage residing outside Mongolia, particularly those under the jurisdictions of authoritarian regimes such as China, Russia, and others. It is therefore imperative that we address these pressing issues to safeguard the rights and well-being of our communities.  Currently subjected to colonisation and authoritarian rule, our communities face further adversity due to Mongolia's deteriorating democracy and the encroaching influence of authoritarianism from its immediate neighbours  ....

China recruits Mandarin-speaking teachers to move to Inner Mongolia

           ...  Authorities began merging Chinese-medium and Mongolian-medium schools across the region, forcing around 1 million ethnic Mongolian children from rural areas into more than 2,000 boarding schools, according to a Feb. 21, 2024, report by the head of the New York-based Southern Mongolia Human Rights and Information Center, Enghebatu Togochog. "[The] boarding school system ... is an integral part of China’s overall colonial policy of wiping out the language, culture and identity of the entire Southern Mongolian population as a whole," the report said, adding that it had gone hand-in-hand with government policies aimed at ending Mongolian herders' nomadic way of life. "Now the Chinese government is targeting the Southern Mongolians’ last defense of national identity that is the language," Enghebatu Togochog wrote. "From kindergartners to college students, from teachers to professors, from ordinary herders to party members, the entire [ethnic] Mongolian population is subjected to [a] massive training program." During the "training" sessions, ethnic Mongolians are condemned for expressing their ethnic identity, for singing Mongolian songs and wearing Mongolian clothes, as well as for not having enough Han Chinese friends or being nice  ....

SMHRIC member Altantsetseg Borjigin speaks at the Tibetan National Uprising rally

           ...  Sain baitsagaanuu! My name is Altanhua Borjigin. I am a Mongolian from Southern Mongolia. On behalf of my colleagues from the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center and the Southern Mongolian exile community, I am honored to be here today to stand with our Tibetan brothers and sisters to mark the Tibetan National Uprising Day. Like Tibet, Southern Mongolia has also been occupied and colonized by the Chinese since over the past 70 plus years. During these 7 decades, we Southern Mongolians have experienced the darkest chapter of our history. National autonomy has never been realized; political rights were long gone; most basic human rights and fundamental freedom have been completely denied; our tradition and way of life have been systematically wiped out; our natural environment is destroyed and our mineral wealth is taken away. Today, what the Government of China is carrying out in Southern Mongolia is a full-scale cultural genocide, targeting our last defense of national identity which is language. Starting last September, Mongolian language education is officially banned in Southern Mongolia. All Mongolian subjects in all Mongolian schools are taught in Chinese exclusively. This genocidal campaign   ....



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