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Donald 'Don' E. Young

Representative Donald 'Don' E. Young's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)

Full Name: Donald 'Don' E. Young
Office: U.S. House (AK) - At-Large, Republican
First Elected: 03/06/1973
Last Elected: 11/06/2012
Next Election: 2014
Gender: Male
Family: Widowed; 2 Children: Joni, Dawn
Birth Date: 06/09/1933
Birth Place: Meridian, CA
Home City: Fort Yukon, AK
Religion: Episcopalian
Project Vote Smart does not permit the use of its name or programs in any campaign activity, including advertising, debates, and speeches.
Don Young refused to tell citizens where he stands on any of the issues addressed in the 2012 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart, national media, and prominent political leaders.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

In response to the increasing unwillingness of candidates to answer issue questions, Project Vote Smart has researched Presidential and Congressional candidates' public ecords to determine candidates' likely responses on certain key issues. These issue positions, from the year 2012, are provided below as a courtesy to voters.

Pro-life Inferred Answer Abortion: Do you generally support pro-choice or pro-life legislation? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Abortions should always be legal."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "Congress should eliminate federal funding for clinics and medical facilities that provide abortion services."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Abortions should always be legally available."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Abortions should always be legal."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Abortions should always be illegal."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Abortions should always be illegal."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "g) Medicare, Medicaid, and federal subsidies should be prohibited from being used on abortion procedures."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Pro-life" for: "a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "f) Abortions should always be illegal."
  • Don Young. Abortion. 28 January 2005. "My opinion on this subject has and always will remain consistent. I have been pro-life throughout my career, and my well-known voting record shows this fact. I believe that the loss of life through abortion is a great moral disaster, and I will continue to vote against any bills that would in any way promote the use of abortion as a method of family planning. I believe that the act of abortion is unacceptable unless the life or health of the mother is endangered by her pregnancy, or in cases where rape or incest is involved." (donyoung.house.gov)
  • Don Young. Anchorage Press - The House Contenders: Don. 22 October 2008. "The policy differences between Ethan more than anything else is simple. He's pro-choice; I'm pro-life. He's pro-tax; I'm against taxes. Beyond that we have some differences of opinion about the energy and how it should be solved. I've always been a moderate. I'm considered as a conservative because I'm pro-life, because I believe in carrying that gun. But unions support me, the native populations support me, I'm supportive of schools and education, I'm supportive of good health care, I could go down the line. So I'm sort of in the middle." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 748. 109th Congress. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. Don Young voted Yea on 04/27/2005. (votesmart.org)
  • National Right to Life Committee. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the National Right to Life Committee 100 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • National Organization for Women. 04/18/2012. "On the votes used to calculate its ratings, the National Organization for Women attaches more value to those votes it considers more important. For 2008, the National Organization for Women gave Don Young a rating of 53 percent." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. S 403. 110th Congress. Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act. Don Young voted Yea on 09/26/2006. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 95. 112th Congress. Prohibiting Use of Federal Funds For Planned Parenthood. Don Young voted Yea on 02/18/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 882. 106th Congress. Prison Abortion Funding Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 06/22/2000. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 509. 111th Congress. Prohibiting Federally Funded Abortion Services. Don Young voted Yea on 11/07/2009. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 185. 103th Congress. Hyde Amendment. Don Young voted Yea on 06/30/1993. (votesmart.org)
  • NARAL Pro-Choice America. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the NARAL Pro-Choice America 0 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Planned Parenthood. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of Planned Parenthood 14 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 670. 103th Congress. Abortion Counseling Bill. Don Young voted Nay on 03/25/1993. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 436. 104th Congress. Overseas Military Abortion Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 06/15/1995. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 722. 106th Congress. Oversea Military Abortions Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 05/18/2000. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 187. 105th Congress. Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 06/19/1997. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 3. 112th Congress. Prohibiting Taxpayer Funding of Abortion. Don Young voted Yea on 05/04/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • Family Research Council. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Family Research Council 93 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 1017. 106th Congress. Abortion Funding Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 07/20/2000. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H AMDT 209. 109th Congress. Overseas Military Facilities Abortion Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 05/25/2005. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 643. 106th Congress. Abortion Private Funding Restoration Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 05/20/1998. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 156. 106th Congress. Overseas Military Abortion Amendment. Don Young voted Nay on 06/09/1999. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 3660. 106th Congress. Ban on Partial-Birth/Late Term Abortion. Don Young voted Yea on 04/05/2000. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 6099. 110th Congress. Abortion Pain Bill. Don Young voted Yea on 12/06/2006. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 3682. 106th Congress. Child Custody Protection Act. Don Young voted Yea on 07/15/1998. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "f) Prohibit public funding of abortions and to organizations that advocate or perform abortions."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "Congress should eliminate abortion services from any federally funded health care plan."
No Inferred Answer Afghanistan: Do you support United States' combat operations in Afghanistan? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Peace Action West. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of Peace Action West 0 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Peace Action. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Peace Action 0 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Con Res 28. 112th Congress. Removing Troops from Afghanistan. Don Young voted Did Not Vote on 03/17/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Don Young Says He Opposes War In Afghanistan But Voted To Continue It. 28 March 2011. "But this deeply disturbs me. I do not support the war in Aghanistan. There is no way you can be successful in that arena. I mean, Alexander the Great tried it, the British tried it, the Russians tried it, now we're trying it." (www.youtube.com)
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan?" International Policy Issues Other or expanded principles: "Support CAFTA and GATT, do not support NAFTA"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan?" International Policy Issues Other or expanded principles: "Support CAFTA and GATT, do not support NAFTA"
No Inferred Answer Budget: In order to balance the budget, do you support reducing defense spending? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. HR 3222. 110th Congress. Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2008. Don Young voted Did Not Vote on 08/05/2007. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Slightly Increase" for: "1. Please indicate the changes you will support (if any) concerning the level of funding for each of the listed issue areas. National Defense"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category, you can use a number more than once. [?] c) Defense"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "Indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once. c) Defense"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "c) Defense"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "Indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category, you can use a number more than once. c) Defense"
  • Don Young. Congressman Young Votes for Fiscal Year 2005 Defense Appropriations. 23 June 2004. "I am pleased that we were able to appropriate these funds to our nation's armed services. As our troops continue to fight the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, we must continue to assure them that this country stands behind their efforts. I am also pleased that we were able to keep the missile defense funding in place, this will benefit Alaska's military." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Representative Young Votes Yes After Funding for Troops Added to Omnibus. 19 December 2009. "I'm glad the Senate had the good sense to add this amendment in that will fund our troops. How can Congress send these brave men and women into harm's way and not properly fund them for the job? That is outrageous. As I said Monday, while I do not agree with all of the provisions in this bill, in terms of spending for Alaska, the good outweighs the bad. I was able to secure many key projects for Alaska here on the House side that will benefit multiple communities throughout our great State. When there is a need, I do my best to help these communities fill it. My job in Congress is to help Alaskans every way I can, and I believe I was able to do that in this bill." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Alaska Delegation Responds to President Obama's Fiscal Year 2010 Budget. 7 May 2009. "I appreciate the President's attempts at cutting the budget, as half-hearted as they might be. But cutting it by less than a half percent, and using essential projects to do so, is counter-productive. The President's budget would still add a net $1.4 trillion in entitlement spending over the next 10 years, so at this point it all appears to just be political posturing for the media. Cuts definitely need to be made to the budget, but not to programs like job training in Alaska (through the Denali Commission), the Denali Access System, high energy cost grants, or missile defense. North Korea announced they are continuing nuclear and missile testing and Iran continues with their nuclear program, but through this budget proposal, the President wants to stop production of least 14 interceptors and their placement at Ft. Greely? They want to cut $310 million in health care facilities and construction, but promise to provide better health care for all Americans? How are they going to do that without facilities?" (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: Defense Funding. 24 June 2011. "I believe that a well funded and equipped military is the best deterrent against those who are a threat to freedom and prosperity and the best way to maintain a peaceful world. It is for that reason that I am deeply troubled by the funding priorities laid out by President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates, specifically the cuts to the F-22 program and the Missile Defense Agency." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Votes For Defense Authorization. 8 October 2009. "Giving our troops the resources they need to be strong and effective is a priority, and this bill will do that. This bill is very important for our military. In this unfortunate time of war, we need to make sure our military families have the funding, the equipment, and the numbers they need to ensure they stay as safe and as taken care of as possible. I am especially pleased that the Alaska Territorial Guard provision allowing the former Guard members to count their service in the Alaska Territorial Guard as part of active military duty remained in this bill; that is incredibly important to those brave servicemen and women and something that the delegation has been working on for a while. This is a good bill that takes care of our military and our veterans and it is one that I am proud to stand behind." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Votes To Pass Defense Authorization. 26 May 2011. "America has the finest military in the world and they deserve our complete support. At a time when we are involved in three conflicts around the world, we must continue to supply our servicemen and women with all that we can. H.R. 1540 provides for a pay raise for our troops, continues to fund our efforts in Afghanistan and provides support for our military and their families while we transition out of Iraq. Supporting our men and women in uniform is a bipartisan issue and I am proud to have joined my colleagues from both sides of the aisle in voting to pass this bill." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young's Statement on North Korea's Missile Launch. 5 April 2009. "Whether North Korea's intention was to test a ballistic missile or put a satellite into orbit, it has been repeatedly made clear that the North Koreans are barred from developing ballistic missile technology. They have clearly and defiantly violated the rules, and should be held accountable for this. Alaska is home to multiple military installations, including the missile interceptors at Ft. Greely, and because of that, would be on the front lines should North Korea send anything our way. The Alaska National Guard stands ready to protect our country against any missile attack by the Koreans and we need to provide them with the support they need to get the job done. Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we not cut military spending, but continue to advance our technologies and keep our country safe." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Votes In Favor Of Defense Appropriations; Secures Millions For Alaska. 16 December 2009. "Alaska is home to multiple military bases. They will benefit greatly from these appropriations. In this time of war, we must continue to fund these types of projects so that our technologies can continue to expand. I am very proud of the many courageous Alaskans and their families serving our country, and I hope that this support will help them continue with the good work that they are doing." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 2642. 110th Congress. Funding for Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don Young voted Yea on 06/19/2008. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 2561. 106th Congress. Defense Department Appropriations bill, FY2000. Don Young voted Yea on 07/22/1999. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 5631. 110th Congress. Defense Department FY2007 Appropriations Bill. Don Young voted Yea on 06/20/2006. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 13. 112th Congress. Reducing Navy and Air Force Aircraft Procurement. Don Young voted Nay on 02/15/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 4939. 110th Congress. Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2006. Don Young voted Yea on 06/13/2006. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 1363. 112th Congress. 2011 Department of Defense Budget and Additional Continuing Appropriations. Don Young voted Did Not Vote on 04/07/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 4200. 108th Congress. Defense Department FY2005 Authorization Bill. Don Young voted Yea on 05/20/2004. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 5010. 108th Congress. Department of Defense Appropriations, Fiscal Year 2003. Don Young voted Yea on 10/10/2002. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 4986. 110th Congress. Defense Authorizations Bill. Don Young voted Yea on 01/16/2008. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 5631. 110th Congress. Department Defense Appropriations Act, FY 2007. Don Young voted Yea on 09/26/2006. (votesmart.org)
No Inferred Answer Budget: In order to balance the budget, do you support an income tax increase on any tax bracket? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "5) Do you support making President Bush's tax cuts permanent?"
  • Don Young signed the Americans for Tax Reform Taxpayers Protection Pledge. "I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates." (atr.org)
  • Citizens for Tax Justice. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Citizens for Tax Justice 0 percent in 2006." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 1836. 107th Congress. Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 2001. Don Young voted Yea on 05/16/2001. (votesmart.org)
  • National Taxpayers Union. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported reasonable tax and spending policies as defined by the National Taxpayers Union 74 percent of the time in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Americans for Tax Reform. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Americans for Tax Reform 90 percent in 2007." (votesmart.org)
Unknown Position Unknown Answer Economy: Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Representative Young Votes for Economic Stimulus; Prefers long-Term Solutions. 29 January, 2008. "I voted in favor of this bill, but make no mistake about it I do not think it is the answer to our needs. It is a quick fix; a short term solution. We do need to stimulate our economy, and with energy prices sky high and temperatures below zero in parts of Alaska, I know that my constituents can use this rebate to help heat their homes and care for their families. But why don't we start thinking long-term? Why not put this money back into infrastructure projects that are already on the books, but do not have the proper funding yet? Let's create jobs that will stimulate our economy - the answer to a robust economy is jobs for the American people. For example, if we were to explore in ANWR, not only would we be working to become energy independent, but we would also create over a million new jobs in all 50 states, not just Alaska. This would pump trillions of dollars into our economy. These are the types of long-term solutions we need to start looking into to keep our Nation strong." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Meets With White House Official Regarding Stimulus. 11 February 2009. "These letters address two of the biggest problems we face in this economic crisis. We don't invest in our infrastructure until we face a crisis, and we have ceased production of viable goods at home. We send all of our money overseas to producing nations like China and in a bill like this one, that is supposed to stimulate OUR economy, it is completely counter-productive. We need to focus on keeping our dollars at home." (donyoung.house.gov)
  • Don Young. HR 1424. 110th Congress. Financial Asset Purchase Authority and Tax Law Amendments. Don Young voted Nay on 10/03/2008. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 5297. 112th Congress. Small Business Lending Fund and Tax Law Amendments. Don Young voted Nay on 09/23/2010. (votesmart.org)
  • Americans for Prosperity. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Americans for Prosperity 76 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • The Club for Growth. 04/18/2012. "On the votes used to calculate its ratings, The Club for Growth attaches more value to those votes it considers more important. For 2010, The Club for Growth gave Don Young a rating of 65 percent." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Congressman Young Comments On The 2010 State Of The Union Address. 28 January, 2010. "Unemployment is the highest it has been in Alaska in a decade and the highest it has been in the U.S. in over a quarter century! Targeted tax credits, resource development and infrastructure construction encourage growth and create high-skill American jobs. If Congress and the President had done this with the original stimulus, we might not have double-digit unemployment as we do now. We need to start producing again, beginning with Alaska's resources, and we can do this in a responsible and cost-effective way that creates real jobs for real working families in our state. My ANWR bill would not only create one million American jobs but would also fund green energy to help solve our long-term energy problem. This country develops only a small amount of its natural resources while we send money overseas to hostile nations, because trying to appease extreme environmental groups has become more important than putting Americans to work. The American people are tired of shipping billions of dollars overseas to buy oil and billions more to China to finance our debt. We cannot continue to borrow money from China to solve our problems. The President is looking to create the "Jobs of Tomorrow,' but waiting for tomorrow is no longer good enough; we need to act today!" (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy?"
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Believes We Can Do Better, Votes No on Massive Spending Bill. 28 January 2011. "Originally I had been in favor of a bill that would put money into our economy by creating new jobs and infrastructure projects," said Rep. Young. "However, despite calls for increased infrastructure spending for the creation of jobs, a relatively small share of the package is devoted to transportation infrastructure; highway construction only accounts for 3.6% of the overall bill. Written without bipartisan cooperation, this bill has grown exponentially from what was originally proposed, and includes $137 billion in new government programs. The total cost of H.R. 1 has reached $819 billion!" (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Comments On President Obama's First 100 Days. 29 April 2009. "The first 100 days of this Presidency have been like nothing I've ever witnessed in my 36 years in Congress. We were promised full bipartisan efforts, but so far we have seen none of that. Written without bipartisan cooperation, the not-so-stimulating stimulus bill grew exponentially from what was originally proposed, and wound up including $137 billion in new government programs. Pushing a social agenda is not the way to stimulate our economy or create new jobs! So far this year, the Democrat led house has authorized the spending of $71,901,800,000 and that doesn't even include the money appropriated for the bailout and the stimulus! Just THIS WEEK we have authorized $9.22 billion in spending. This Congress, and by default this nation, is hemorrhaging the hard earned money of American taxpayers and it's not okay. Additionally, in just 100 days, this administration has managed to infringe on our Second Amendment rights, lock up more public lands, put a halt to energy development and production, and in turn take away more and more American jobs in a time when we need all we can get. " (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Votes To Close Congressional Cookie Jar. 17 December 2010. "This afternoon the House voted to increase the National debt ceiling by $290 billion," said Rep. Young. "This was followed by a vote to use unused TARP funds as stimulus funds, a use for which they were never intended, instead of paying down the national debt. Where is the sense in that? Speaker Pelosi's Congress is spending money like it's growing in the backyard and the American people are being swindled! The REAL way to stimulate an economy is with infrastructure spending. The original $819 billion stimulus spent less than 8% on infrastructure spending, while the rest was a grab bag of pet programs for Democrats. If we had spent the money on infrastructure then, like I said repeatedly, and like I asked the Administration to do, we would already be stimulating the economy, not making last ditch efforts." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Votes to Save Country From Collapse. 15 April 2011. "This is not a budgetary mandate, but a budgetary guide that takes us off the path of destruction we're currently on. Our national debt stands at over $14 TRILLION and climbing! The way we're going now, the economy is headed to collapse, and Medicare is going broke. What we have done today is lay down a framework to dig us out of this deep hole; we owe at least that to our children and grandchildren. America has been hit by some tough times these last few years, and what have American households done? They have tightened budgets, clipped coupons, and lived within their means, in order to get back on track. It's about time Washington learned to do the same! The American people have been sending a significant portion of their hard-earned dollars to the U.S. Treasury, and what did they get in return? A nearly trillion dollar "stimulus' and nothing to show for it. That is NOT the answer and the people of this country deserve better than that. This guide, while not perfect, is a good starting point to reining in the out-of-control spending, cutting costs, and getting us back on track." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Letter To The Honorable Barack Obama, President Of The United States Of America. 4 February 2010. "Private industry and the people of this country must also have a regulatory environment whereby they are given access to the resources of this country as well as agency policies that do not stifle business or cripple domestic industry attempting to compete on a world stage. Massive influxes of capital and government spending have not, and will not, replace the importance of wealth generation for the economic wellbeing of our country." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Anchorage Press - The House Contenders: Don. 22 October 2008. "The policy differences between Ethan more than anything else is simple. He's pro-choice; I'm pro-life. He's pro-tax; I'm against taxes. Beyond that we have some differences of opinion about the energy and how it should be solved. I've always been a moderate. I'm considered as a conservative because I'm pro-life, because I believe in carrying that gun. But unions support me, the native populations support me, I'm supportive of schools and education, I'm supportive of good health care, I could go down the line. So I'm sort of in the middle. So there isn't that much difference [between Berkowitz and I], but he believes with his party that taxes are part of the solution. More government infusion of money, and government interference with the free market, and that's what his policy is, and he has a right to do that, I'm just saying that it's not my policy." (votesmart.org)
Yes Inferred Answer Economy: Do you support providing tax incentives to businesses for the purpose of job creation? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Create "enterprise zones" in urban areas with high unemployment by providing tax credits for new and expanding businesses."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Create "empowerment zones" in urban areas with high unemployment by providing government grants and federal assistance, in addition to tax credits, to new and expanding businesses."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Provide tax credits for companies that move job-creating industries into areas with high unemployment."
  • Don Young. HR 2488. 106th Congress. Financial Freedom Act of 1999. Don Young voted Yea on 08/05/1999. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 2. 108th Congress. Jobs and Economic Growth bill. Don Young voted Yea on 05/23/2003. (votesmart.org)
Yes Inferred Answer Education: Do you support requiring states to implement education reforms in order to be eligible for competitive federal grants? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Congressman Young Introduces NCLB Improvements Act. 16 March 2010. "Alaskan Congressman Don Young has introduced H.R. 4837, the No Child Left Behind Improvements Act. This bill offers improvements that address many of the unintended consequences of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) while holding states and school districts accountable. The bill contains over forty provisions, focused on five areas: assessments, measuring adequate yearly progress, sanctions, state flexibility by the U.S. Department of Education, and non-public schools. "As a former teacher, I am a firm believer in the quality education of our children," said Rep. Young. "I believe the goals of the original No Child Left Behind Act are admirable but a "one-size-fits-all' approach to student achievement is not possible. NCLB was signed into law eight years ago; reform for this legislation is overdue." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "j) Support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students (No Child Left Behind)."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Establish a nationwide competency test for teachers and encourage states to adopt it."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Slightly Increase" for: "Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category, you can use a number more than once. [?] d) Education"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "a) Support the federal government funding universal pre-K programs."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "1) Indicate what changes you support (if any) concerning levels of federal funding for the following categories. Select one number only. c) Education (K-12)" 1) Indicate what changes you support (if any) concerning levels of federal funding for the following categories. Select one number only. Other or expanded principles: "AmeriCorps "
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "a) Support national standards for and testing of public school students."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "1) Indicate what changes you support (if any) concerning levels of federal funding for the following categories. Select one number only. c) Education (K-12)"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Slightly Increase" for: "Indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category, you can use a number more than once. d) Education"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "1) Indicate what changes you support (if any) concerning levels of federal funding for the following categories. Select one number only. c) Education (K-12)" 1) Indicate what changes you support (if any) concerning levels of federal funding for the following categories. Select one number only. Other or expanded principles: "water & sewer "
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Establish "National Standards" for K-12 schools and encourage states to adopt them."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Eliminate the U.S. Department of Education."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "2) Do you support the use of block grants given to states, rather than federal spending, in the following areas? b) Education"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Slightly Increase" for: "Indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once. d) Education"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Slightly Increase" for: "d) Education"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "e) Eliminate the Department of Education, thereby giving state and local government greater control over educational issues."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "k) Eliminate all federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students (No Child Left Behind)."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Local" for: "Indicate which level of government should have primary responsibility for the following services. Select one level only. 3) Education"
  • Don Young. HR 2300. 106th Congress. Academic Achievement for All Act. Don Young voted Yea on 10/21/1999. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 1804. 104th Congress. Goals 2000: Educate America Act. Don Young voted Nay on 03/23/1994. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Congressman Young Introduces Bill to Improve No Child Left Behind Act. 28 June 2006. "With respect to requiring schools or school districts to implement certain broad restructuring provisions, the total number of students not scoring proficient or above would have to exceed 35% of the enrollment, and Congress would be required to appropriate an increase for Title I of at least $2.5 billion over the previous year, and appropriate at the authorized levels contained in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. State Flexibility. The bill would grant authority to the Secretary of Education to 1) approve state accountability plans that vary from the federal framework to align with effective state accountability systems, 2) grant statutory and regulatory waivers that are unnecessarily burdensome or duplicative of state requirements, and 3) make public any approved amendments to state accountability plans. Further, the bill would require that any waivers of the state's plan approved by the Secretary would be available to any state on a case-by-case determination provided the state or agency meets any requirements issued by the Secretary applicable to such waivers." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: Education. 1 January 2012. "Each state in this country has geographic, economic, or cultural barriers that prevent its schools from reaching the level of success mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). For this reason, I have previously introduced legislation that will change the current law, and will update and reintroduce it during the 112th Congress. The School Accountability Improvement Act will improve accountability for the academic performance of children enrolled in the nation's public schools. My bill builds on the major reforms of the existing law and offers improvements that address many of the unintended consequences of the federal legislation while holding states and school districts accountable. I find it very troubling that Congress has designated important, nationally authorized education programs as "earmarks" despite their contribution to all states. Programs such as We the People, Reading is Fundamental, Head Start, and Teach for America help many Alaskan students succeed. I will fight to keep important programs like these funded. . Insuring our children receive a quality education is one of the most crucial issues facing Alaska and the United States. I will continue fighting for important programs for young Alaskans and will work towards improving and adapting NCLB for Alaska's benefit so that our children receive a world class education." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: Education. "In response to criticism he heard from the State, school board members, administrators, teachers, parents and students, I introduced legislation to make some necessary changes to NCLB. H.R. 648, the No Child Left Behind Improvements Act of 2007 which will improve accountability for the academic performance of children enrolled in our public schools. This bill builds on the major reforms of the existing law and offers improvements that address many of the unintended consequences of the federal legislation while holding states and school districts accountable. Now is the time to address the law's shortcomings and pass meaningful reform legislation. My bill calls for continued testing of students, but includes increased flexibility for local school districts to best decide how to test and monitor student progress. States and local school districts will be able to decide for themselves how to better spend their precious education dollars and get the most out of their investment." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. No Child Left Behind. 27 July 2006. "The No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law on January 8, 2002 and offers improvements that address many of the unintended consequences of the federal legislation while holding states and school districts accountable. To further improve the No Child Left Behind Act, my bill contains more than forty provisions that focus on five areas: Assessments, Measuring Adequate Yearly Progress, Sanctions, State Flexibility by the U.S. Department of Education and Non-Public Schools." (votesmart.org)
Yes Inferred Answer Energy: Do you support reducing restrictions on offshore energy production? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "c) Support increased development of traditional energy resources (e.g. coal, natural gas, oil)."
  • Don Young. H Amdt 773. 112th Congress. Ending Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling Rigs that Meet Certain Safety Standards. Don Young voted Nay on 07/30/2010. (votesmart.org)
  • Environment America. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of Environment America 47 percent in 2009." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 3534. 112th Congress. Offshore Drilling Regulations and Other Energy Law Amendments. Don Young voted Nay on 07/30/2010. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 1230. 112th Congress. Offshore Leasing Act. Don Young voted Yea on 05/05/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "f) Support domestic oil exploration in areas that are currently restricted."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "i) Support opening a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil exploration."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "g) Support increased development of traditional energy resources (e.g. coal, natural gas, oil)."
No Inferred Answer Environment: Do you support the federal regulation of greenhouse gas emissions? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "m) Support the Kyoto Protocol to limit global warming."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Phase in a prohibition of pollution causing products such as gas powered autos and lawn mowers."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Encourage further market based strategies to clean up the environment such as pollution credits."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Tax high-level energy users (businesses and individuals) to discourage excessive energy use and pay for environmental cleanup."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "d) Strengthen emission controls on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "l) Allow energy producers to trade pollution credits."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Pass stronger clean water and clean air legislation."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "i) Strengthen emission controls on all gasoline or diesel powered engines, including cars and trucks."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "c) Support Clear Skies Act to reduce power plant emissions by setting a national cap on pollutants."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "h) Strengthen emission controls and fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "j) Allow energy producers to trade pollution credits under "cap and trade" laws."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "l) Promote the selling of pollution credits to encourage industries to decrease amount of pollution."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Consider further increasing federal taxes on gasoline and diesel fuels."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "d) Eliminate government regulations of the private sector in order to encourage investment and economic expansion." Indicate which principles you support regarding unemployment. Other or expanded principles: "Strengthen enforcement on illegal aliens. "
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "Eliminate government regulations to encourage investment and economic expansion of the private sector."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a "cap and trade" system?"
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Cosponsors Resolution To Stop National Energy Tax. 2 March 2010. "The EPA has seriously overstepped its bounds and placed millions of American jobs at risk by trying to use the Clean Air Act to enact a national energy tax. Rural areas, which make up the majority of Alaska, and have some of the highest fuel costs in the country, would be hit the hardest. It is nothing short of criminal. As unemployment hovers around ten percent, implementing these regulations will only add to the problem by raising costs to consumers and shipping American jobs overseas. The EPA's actions are clearly trying to pressure Congress into passing Cap and Tax legislation, only serving to cap our economy and tax away our freedoms. They must be opposed." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young Letter to John Mica, Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. 27 January 2011. "As we begin the 112th Congress and you develop priorities for the committee, I as that you make oversight of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a top priority. As you may know, the EPA took the unprecedented step of revoking a 404 permit that was issued by the Corps of Engineers for Mingo Logan's Spruce No. 1 surface mine. Although the mine was issued the permit three years ago, the EPA mistakenly believes that it has the authority from section 404 (c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to revoke it. Never before has the EPA ever made such a determination. If the EPA successfully usurps this unprecedented authority, projects around the country will be in danger and the Corps of Engineers will have a diminished role in issuing these dredge and fill permits." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. EPA Mandates Threaten Tribal Jobs and Energy Production, Affordable Water and Power Rates and Local Communities in Arizona. 24 May 2011. "The EPA, which regulates power plants on reservations, is endangering the survival of the Navajo Generating Station with absurd pollution controls. The costs and timeframes of such potential regulations regarding regional haze in the Grand Canyon could substantially increase power rates for customers or, in a worst case scenario, close the plant. Shutting down the power plant would jeopardize jobs, tribal economies, and water rights for thousands of Native Americans in Arizona," said Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Committee Chairman Don Young (AK)." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: Cap and Trade."With a goal to reduce carbon dioxide by 20 percent below 2005 levels in 2020 and by 83 percent below 2005 levels in 2050, the cap and trade scheme presented in this bill will be nothing short of an economic killer. A carbon mitigation plan as currently proposed would be an exercise in futility at the expense of the American economy and would lead to the ultimate de-industrialization of America. The simple fact is that curtailing carbon emissions in the U.S., doesn't change the behavior of India and China, who are quickly overtaking America as the world's largest carbon emitters. Regardless of where greenhouse gases originate, they mix in the atmosphere. This legislation, and proposals like this, amount to little more than a tax on the American people, with the intent to needlessly raise the cost of energy to unattainable levels--forcing the American people to turn to unproven an uneconomical renewable energy sources. I am thankful that we live in a nation so prosperous that we have the luxury of choosing to worry about a 'problem' that some of the world's most respected scientists don't think exists. However, before plunging head first into potentially ruinous policies, we ought to be sure, so that we do not needlessly jeopardize our economic standing in the world." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: Climate Change and Energy. "Climate Change: I've been criticized by these very same radical groups for questioning their propaganda - for 'having my head in the sand' and 'refusing to protect Alaska from the causes of global warming.' I welcome their criticism and the opportunity it gives me to expose the real agenda behind their global warming hysteria. I do not question the one and only fact at the center of the global warming debate; the earth has warmed by 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. What I do challenge, however, is the degree to which man-made emissions are responsible for that warming. As responsible Americans, we must question that which is presented to us as fact and a growing number of scientists and climatologists, including experts at the University of Fairbanks, have joined me in doing so." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Lauds 4(D) Decision. 8 May 2009. "Alaskan Congressman Don Young praised the Department of Interior's decision today to maintain the final 4(d) special rule for polar bears, which states that the listing of the polar bear as a 'threatened' species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) should not be used to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from lawful activities, such as the construction of a new factory or road, throughout the country. 'This reaches far beyond the scope of protecting polar bears,' said Rep. Young. 'It was a political ploy influenced by the extreme environmentalists to hurt our economy, and put Americans out of jobs. Want to add more livestock to your herd? You can't, unless you run it past Fish and Wildlife first. Want to build a school or church thousands of miles away from the nearest polar bear? Make sure you add the Department of Interior to the list of government officials you need to check with. What happened to our civil liberties? Revoking the rule would have set a dangerous precedent; it would impede our economy and hurt Americans. I commend the Secretary for maintaining the 4(d) special rule for polar bears. This is a victory for Alaska as we move toward securing our energy future.'" (votesmart.org)
  • Environment America. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of Environment America 47 percent in 2009." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 2454. 111th Congress. Energy and Environmental Law Amendments ("Cap and Trade"). Don Young voted Nay on 06/26/2009. (votesmart.org)
  • League of Conservation Voters. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 0 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 910. 112th Congress. Energy Tax Prevention Act. Don Young voted Did Not Vote on 04/07/2011. (votesmart.org)
No Inferred Answer Guns: Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "f) Allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms that are legally owned and registered."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Increase restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "d) Repeal federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns." Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding guns. Other or expanded principles: "The 2nd Amendment is law."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Maintain and strengthen the current level of enforcement of existing federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "c) Maintain all federal registration procedures and restrictions on possessing firearms."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "a) Allow individuals to carry concealed guns."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Reauthorize the ban on the sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns, except those used for hunting."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Impose a national ban on the sale of handguns to minors."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "e) Repeal all bans and measures that restrict law-abiding citizens from owning legally-obtained firearms."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "c) Ease federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "d) Implement tighter restrictions on firearm sales in an effort to hinder terrorist groups from stockpiling weapon arsenals."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "e) Allow citizens to carry concealed guns." Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding guns. Other or expanded principles: "The 2nd Amendment is law."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Impose a national ban on the public sale of assault weapons."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "On (c) and (d), indicate what levels (#1-6) you support for the following categories. d) Restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns." On (c) and (d), indicate what levels (#1-6) you support for the following categories. Other or expanded principles: "The 2nd Amendment is law."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Maintain Status" for: "On (c) and (d), indicate what levels (#1-6) you support for the following categories. c) Enforcement of existing restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns." On (c) and (d), indicate what levels (#1-6) you support for the following categories. Other or expanded principles: "The 2nd Amendment is law."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "f) Require background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Expand the nationwide ban on the sale or transfer of assault weapons to include all forms of semi-automatic weapons."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "d) Ease procedures on the purchase and registration of firearms."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Ban the sale, ownership or possession of handguns except by law enforcement and other government officials."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "g) Require a license for gun possession."
  • Don Young. Congressman Young Applauds New Gun Law In U.S. National Parks. 22 February 2010. "The Second Amendment grants us the fundamental right to protect ourselves. Various crimes happen each year on National Park Service land, and the victims don't have the right to carry a firearm and protect themselves. Anyone who knows me knows that I will always defend our right to bear arms and protect ourselves, and our loved ones. Guns are allowed in most park areas in Alaska and that should be the case across the country, in accordance with their state gun laws. Our constitutionally protected right to bear arms does not and should not end where our nation's national parks begin. I will always vote for legislation that errs on the side of the Second Amendment." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: 2nd Amendment. 27 June 2011. "As your Representative in Congress I have sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and that is exactly what I've been doing for the last 35 years. As Americans, our forefathers fought, and died, for our right to protect ourselves, to protect our families, and to protect our homes. In Congress, I have been actively defending the rights of gun owners everywhere, working towards improving the clarity and enforcement of our laws and protecting our rights as Americans. This has been my policy and my passion and I will continue to defend our Constitutional rights to which we are entitled. I am a proud Board Member of the NRA and believe that their commitment to youth programs like 4-H and the Boy Scouts of America, firearms education and hunter education courses are invaluable to this country." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Don Young Stands Up for Gun Owners. 18 March 2008. "The original intent of the Second Amendment was to protect each individual's right to keep and bear arms. The District's gun ban is a blatant violation of this right and the Supreme Court should protect Second Amendment rights for Americans everywhere by overturning this unconstitutional ban. If they rule that it's legal to ban guns in D.C., that means guns could be banned anywhere, including Alaska!" (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Applauds Supreme Court Ruling. 28 June 2010. "The Second Amendment is vital to our freedom and a fundamental constitutional right. These freedoms are among the most important that we enjoy as residents of the United States of America; the Second Amendment should apply equally to all law-abiding citizens, and not be dependent on which city you reside in. In Alaska, close to two-thirds of citizens are proud gun owners, myself included. Gun bans don't just affect one area, but can have far-reaching consequences, and if the Supreme Court were to strike down the rights of one city, who's to say it wouldn't eventually affect our great State? I commend the Supreme Court for their work upholding the laws that protect our freedoms, and will continue to work tirelessly in Congress to ensure these freedoms are protected." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Urges President To Reconsider Assault Weapons Ban. 27 February 2009. "Our Second Amendment rights are vital, and sadly, they are under constant attack. This is a slow creeping of government control, and it is scary. What defines us as Americans is our love of freedom. For the President to come in and try to revoke those freedoms is unconstitutional and unacceptable." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Rep. Young Votes In Favor Of The Second Amendment. 20 May 2009. "The Second Amendment grants us the fundamental right to protect ourselves. Murders, rapes, robberies, and assaults happen each year on National Park Service land, and the victims don't have the right to carry a firearm and protect themselves. Anyone who knows me knows that I will always defend our right to bear arms and protect ourselves and our loved ones. Current Park Service Regulations require that firearms transported in national parks be unloaded and encased; this makes them useless! Guns are allowed in most park areas in Alaska and that should be the case across the country in accordance with their state gun laws. I will always vote for legislation that errs on the side of the Second Amendment." (votesmart.org)
  • Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 5 percent from 1988-2003 (Senate) or 1991-2003 (House)." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. S 397. 109th Congress. Firearms Manufacturers Protection Bill. Don Young voted Yea on 10/20/2005. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 2122. 106th Congress. Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act. Don Young voted Nay on 06/18/1999. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 4296. 104th Congress. Regulation of Semi-Automatic Assault Weapons. Don Young voted Nay on 05/05/1994. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H Amdt 390. 103th Congress. Instant Background Checks for Gun Purchase Amendment. Don Young voted Yea on 11/10/1993. (votesmart.org)
  • National Rifle Association. Project Vote Smart: Interest Group Endorsements. 04/18/2012. National Rifle Association endorsed Don Young in the 2010 general election. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 6842. 110th Congress. Repealing Portions of the D.C. Firearm Ban. Don Young voted Yea on 09/17/2008. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 1025. 103th Congress. Brady Handgun Bill. Don Young voted Nay on 11/10/1993. (votesmart.org)
  • Gun Owners of America. 04/18/2012. "In 2010 Gun Owners of America gave Don Young a grade of 64." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 125. 104th Congress. Gun Ban Repeal Act of 1995. Don Young voted Yea on 03/22/1996. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H AMDT 1156. 110th Congress. Trigger Lock Amendment. Don Young voted Yea on 06/28/2006. (votesmart.org)
Yes Inferred Answer Health Care: Do you support repealing the 2010 Affordable Care Act? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage to all Americans regardless of income."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Implement a universal healthcare program to guarantee coverage to all Americans, regardless of income."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1994 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "Support President Clinton's position for a "comprehensive health care plan for all Americans.""
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal government."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage to all Americans regardless of income."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option?"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "g) Providing healthcare is not a responsibility of the federal government."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "i) The federal government has no responsibility in providing health care."
  • Don Young. HR 2. 112th Congress. Repealing the Health Care Bill. Don Young voted Yea on 01/19/2011. (votesmart.org)
  • American Public Health Association. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 25 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
Unknown Position Unknown Answer Immigration: Do you support requiring illegal immigrants to return to their country of origin before they are eligible for citizenship? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "g) Illegal immigrants should be given a pathway to citizenship."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants?" Immigration Issues Other or expanded principles: "the immigration process needs to be amended to speed up the amount of time it takes for a legal immigrant to gain entry into the country."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "e) Support amnesty for illegal immigrants already working in the United States."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "c) Ease citizenship requirements in order to make it easier for immigrants to become United States citizens."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "e) Support amnesty for illegal immigrants already working in the United States."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 1996 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Checked SUPPORT for: "g) Children of illegal immigrants, born in the United States, should not automatically receive US citizenship."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "f) Illegal immigrants should have to return to their countries of origin before being considered for citizenship."
  • Don Young. Congressman Young Votes in Support of Three Major Border Security Bills. 21 September 2006. "I supported these bills because we have a real problem in this country with the influx of illegal immigrants. Our borders have become breeding grounds for those who dare to challenge the authority of our border patrol officers. These people will do whatever it takes to get into this country and establish themselves as citizens. The increase of this nation's crime rate and gang activity can be directly linked to the influx of illegal immigrants coming into this country. These bills will put in place the necessary laws and measures needed for our border security officials to adequately and sufficiently protect our borders and put a stop to the influx." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Homeland Security and Immigration. 27 July 2006. "On May 25, 2006, the Senate passed S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006. The Senate bill would take many steps in securing our borders, including building a 370-mile, triple layer fence along the border of the U.S. and Mexico. In addition, it would create stiff penalties for employers who hire illegal citizens. Providing gainful employment to American citizens, rather than illegal citizens, is in the best interests of our nation. While our country has certainly benefited from immigrants contributing to our cultural landscape, I believe that providing jobs for Americans is our first priority. Deporting all illegal immigrants in the country is not the answer to this problem, neither is the path to citizenship laid out in the Senate's version of the bill. We must secure our borders, and provide a workable solution for illegal immigrants already in the country. However, we cannot provide more incentives for foreigners to come here illegally." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. Immigration. 10 May 2007. "We must continue to deal with the problem of illegal immigration and deliver a system that is secure, productive, orderly, and fair. The President called on Congress in his State of the Union address to pass comprehensive immigration reform that will secure our borders, enhance interior security and strengthen worksite enforcement. Along with this, a temporary worker program will be created, to resolve without animosity and without amnesty, the status of illegal immigrants already here because deporting all illegal immigrants is not the answer to this problem. We should be promoting assimilation into our society, but at the same time, providing gainful employment to American citizens, rather than illegal citizens. We have certainly benefited from immigrants contributing to the cultural landscape of America; however, providing jobs for Americans is our first priority. To successfully address this situation we must combat all the problems together; or none of them will be solved." (donyoung.house.gov)
  • Don Young. Issue Position: Immigration. 27 June 2011. "There are enough incentives for people to cross our borders illegally, we shouldn't be providing more. I do not support giving social security benefits, free health care, and driver's licenses to those who have broken the law to come here. It's unfair to those individuals who have followed the rules and legally entered our country. The legal path to citizenship is lengthy and frustrating but I believe that in order to slow down the illegal immigration problem, we need to make the legal immigration process faster and more efficient. Moreover, we must strengthen our border security and provide tools for states and local communities to help federal law enforcement agencies identify and remove these criminal illegal aliens hiding in our midst." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 5281. 112th Congress. DREAM Act. Don Young voted Nay on 12/08/2010. (votesmart.org)
  • Federation for American Immigration Reform. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Federation for American Immigration Reform 100 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 4437. 109th Congress. Border Security Bill. Don Young voted Did Not Vote on 12/16/2005. (votesmart.org)
  • National Latino Congreso/William C. Velásquez Institute. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of National Latino Congreso/William C. Velásquez Institute 0 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
No Inferred Answer Marriage: Do you support same-sex marriage? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "a) Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry?" Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding social issues. Other or expanded principles: "Question b) This issue should be left up to each state. I personally believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Question g) The Federal Government should establish a federal regulatory and enforcement framework to license Internet gambling companies in order for them to serve Americans. Licensing requirements would include protections against compulsive gambling, underage gambling, fraud and money laundering."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "i) Do you support a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between a man and woman?" Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform. Other or expanded principles: "This issue should be left up to each state. Personally I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "No" for: "b) Do you support a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman?" Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding social issues. Other or expanded principles: "Question b) This issue should be left up to each state. I personally believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Question g) The Federal Government should establish a federal regulatory and enforcement framework to license Internet gambling companies in order for them to serve Americans. Licensing requirements would include protections against compulsive gambling, underage gambling, fraud and money laundering."
  • American Family Association. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the American Family Association 83 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. H J Res 88. 110th Congress. Same-Sex Marriage Resolution. Don Young voted Yea on 07/18/2006. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 2965. 112th Congress. Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act. Don Young voted Nay on 12/15/2010. (votesmart.org)
  • Traditional Values Coalition. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Traditional Values Coalition 57 percent in 2006" (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 3685. 110th Congress. Sexual Orientation Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA). Don Young voted Nay on 11/07/2007. (votesmart.org)
  • Family Research Council. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Family Research Council 71 percent in 2006." (votesmart.org)
  • American Civil Liberties Union. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 29 percent in 2006." (votesmart.org)
  • Human Rights Campaign. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Human Rights Campaign 0 percent in 2010." (votesmart.org)
Unknown Position Unknown Answer National Security: Do you support targeting suspected terrorists outside of official theaters of conflict? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan?" International Policy Issues Other or expanded principles: "Support CAFTA and GATT, do not support NAFTA"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "e) Do you support pre-emptive military strikes against countries deemed to be a threat to United States national security?" Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding national security. Other or expanded principles: "Question g) The use of the National Guard in the Global War on Terror needs to be reaccessed. While they have risen to the challenges and served with honor and distinction, they did not sign up for this type of service. "
Yes Inferred Answer Social Security: Do you support allowing individuals to divert a portion of their Social Security taxes into personal retirement accounts? View Citations

Vote Smart's Research

  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2010 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "Yes" for: "a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security?" Business and Employment Issues Other or expanded principles: "Young Americans should have the opportunity to invest in retirement security and not be penalized when withdrawing these funds. Those who have already contributed to the current system have the right to continue using it"
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2006 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts managed by private firms contracted by the government."
  • Don Young. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected "" for: "a) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts that they manage themselves."
  • Don Young. Social Security. 27 July 2006. "The goal of reform legislation, which may include a limited form of privatization, is to shore up the long-term solvency of the program, as well as to improve its rate of return for younger workers. The payment of Social Security benefits will begin to exceed tax revenues in 2013. The Social Security trust fund will be completely depleted in 2032, and Social Security will no longer be able to pay the full benefits older Americans have been promised. Some people are committed to the idea of fully privatizing social security. However, I am aware of the fact that not every individual has the knowledge, ability or desire to take the risk and invest their money. Therefore, a 'one size fits all' approach to social security reform is not a practical solution." (votesmart.org)
  • Alliance for Retired Americans. 04/18/2012. "Don Young supported the interests of the Alliance for Retired Americans 56 percent in 2008." (votesmart.org)


Candidate Answer

Official Position: Candidate had the Political Courage to address this issue directly.

Inferred Answer

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue directly, but Project Vote Smart inferred this issue position based on the candidate's public statements, voting record, and evaluations from special interest groups.

Unknown Answer

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue.

Project Vote Smart's Research: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as the candidate has submitted it. Project Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Alaska Congressional Election 2010 Political Courage Test

This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.

Pro-lifeCandidate Answera) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life?
Nob) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy?
Yesc) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape?
Yesd) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered?
Noe) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures?
f) Other or expanded principles
1) Spending
Indicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.
Slightly Decreasea) Agriculture
Slightly Decreaseb) Arts
Maintain Statusc) Defense
Maintain Status1) Intelligence operations
Slightly Increase2) Military hardware
Maintain Status3) National missile defense
Greatly Increase4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel
Slightly Increase5) Programs to improve troop retention rates
Slightly Increase6) Research and development of new weapons
Slightly Increased) Education
Maintain Statuse) Environment
Slightly Increasef) Homeland security
Maintain Statusg) International aid
Maintain Statush) Medical research
Maintain Statusi) Scientific research
Slightly Decreasej) Space exploration
Greatly Decreasek) United Nations
Maintain Statusl) Welfare
m) Other or expanded categories
2) Taxes
Indicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.
Slightly Decreasea) Alcohol taxes
Greatly Decreaseb) Capital gains taxes
Maintain Statusc) Cigarette taxes
Slightly Decreased) Corporate taxes
Slightly Increasee) Gasoline taxes
Slightly Decreasef) Income taxes (low-income families)
Slightly Decreaseg) Income taxes (middle-income families)
Slightly Decreaseh) Income taxes (high-income families)
i) Other or expanded categories
YesCandidate Answer3) Do you support the elimination of the federal estate tax?
Yes4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year?
NoCandidate Answer5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy?
6) Other or expanded principles
YesCandidate Answera) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security?
Yesb) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector?
Yesc) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage?
Yesd) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize?
Yese) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers?
f) Other or expanded principles

Young Americans should have the opportunity to invest in retirement security and not be penalized when withdrawing these funds. Those who have already contributed to the current system have the right to continue using it

Yesa) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns?
b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
Yesc) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns?
d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits?
Noe) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations?
Yesf) Do you support limiting the President's ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements?
g) Other or expanded principles
YesCandidate Answera) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released?
c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment?
Yesd) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders?
Yese) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs?
f) Other or expanded principles
YesCandidate Answera) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students?
b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs?
c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools?
Yesd) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers?
Yese) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid?
f) Other or expanded principles
NoCandidate Answera) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?
Nob) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?
Noc) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a "cap and trade" system?
Nod) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles?
Yese) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas?
Yesf) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy?
Yesg) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors?
h) Other or expanded principles
NoCandidate Answera) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?
Yesb) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns?
Yesc) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns?
Nod) Do you support a ban on assault rifles?
e) Other or expanded principles
NoCandidate Answera) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option?
b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform?
Yesc) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts?
Yesd) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits?
e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs?
f) Other or expanded principles
YesCandidate Answera) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants?
b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country?
Yesc) Do you support establishing English as the official national language?
d) Do you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local police?
e) Other or expanded principles

the immigration process needs to be amended to speed up the amount of time it takes for a legal immigrant to gain entry into the country.

YesCandidate Answera) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan?
Yesb) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan?
Noc) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan?
Yesd) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan?
Yese) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States?
Nof) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state?
Yesg) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates?
Noh) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq?
i) Do you support the United States' involvement in free trade agreements?
j) Other or expanded principles

Support CAFTA and GATT, do not support NAFTA

YesInferred Answer a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman? View Citations
  • Don Young. 2008. Project Vote Smart: Alaska Congressional Political Courage Test. Selected NO for: "a) Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry?"
  • Don Young. H J Res 88. 109th Congress. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to marriage. Project Vote Smart Summary: Don Young voted YES on 18 July 2006. (votesmart.org)
  • Don Young. HR 3396. 103rd Congress. To define and protect the institution of marriage. Project Vote Smart Summary: Don Young voted YES on 12 July 1996. (votesmart.org)
b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military?
c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research?
Yesd) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs?
e) Other or expanded principles

While I personally believe that marriage should be between one man and woman, I believe this issue should be left up to each individual state.

Also, I support stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells, and allowing laboratories to create new lines of stem cells for additional research.

Please explain in a total of 100 words or less, your top two or three priorities if elected. If they require additional funding for implementation, please explain how you would obtain this funding.
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