One Book, One Campus


What is "One Book, One Campus?"

About Snow Falling on Cedars

Historical Background

David Guterson, A Brief Biography

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Snow Falling on Cedars


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David Guterson, A Brief Biography

guterson.jpg (6341 bytes)I was born May 4, 1956, in Seattle, where I attended public schools and passed an unremarkable childhood informed by little in the way of novelty. I also went to college in Seattle at the University of Washington (taking a Bachelor's degree in English literature and a Master's in Creative Writing) and worked summers in those years for the United States Forest Service, burning slash in clearcuts, piling brush, maintaining trails and fighting wildfires. Other jobs: I worked in two Seattle restaurants washing dishes and clearing tables and briefly ran a very poorly thought-out firewood business, which went bankrupt when my '49, three-ton Chevy lost its clutch and my partner succumbed to mononucleosis.  I married at age 23. My wife and I passed 4 months in Europe with our first son, living in a Volkswagen van purchased at an American military base in Germany. Bankrupt again, we came back to Seattle, where I delivered newspapers each morning at 3AM. More kids (four total). I spent twelve years as a teacher, ten at a public high school near Seattle. During that time I began to publish stories and essays in small magazines and periodicals, then sold pieces to Esquire, Sports Illustrated and Harper's. My first book was published in 1989 (a story collection), my second in 1992 (essays on family and education), and my third in 1994 (Snow Falling on Cedars, winner of the PEN Faulkner Award). I've done a lot of freelance journalism, most of it on environmental issues, but some of it travel writing and human interest features. I am a contributing editor to Harper's and have done pieces for its pages on a great variety of subjects. I find that non-fiction is like breathing out between long bouts with fiction.   I like to be out of doors and on foot as much as possible. I've roamed extensively across Washington State, where the vast majority of my published work is set. The heartbreaking beauty of the world speaks to me in a powerful way and I feel a constant compulsion to be in the presence of mountains, rivers, fields, coulees, canyons, breaks, draws, and woodlands. A sense of place informs much of my work, which is something I can't seem to help.

Among the influences on David Guterson's work are the physical environs of the Pacific Northwest, his family, and To Kill A Mockingbird. "I followed very much the same structure and addressed the same concerns," he says of Harper Lee's classic and his own award-winning novel, Snow Falling On Cedars. "I'm glad that book was part of my life."

Other books written by David Guterson:

  • Family Matters:  Why Homeschooling Makes Sense (1993)
  • The Country Ahead of Us, The Country Behind:  Stories (1996)
  • East of the Mountains (2000)

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Last updated 01/11/2007