BRICS Space Agencies Leaders Signed Agreement to Share Remote Sensing Satellite Data

The leaders of space agencies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa [BRICS] have signed an agreement on remote sensing satellite data sharing on Wednesday, August 18, 2021.

The agreement enables BRICS space agencies to jointly build a virtual constellation of remote sensing satellites, using their existing satellites, to work as a data-sharing mechanism. This data sharing mechanism will help BRICS space agencies solve everyday challenges such as climate change, disasters and environmental protection.

The constellation satellites include CBERS-4, jointly developed by Brazil and China, Russia’s Kanopus-V type, India’s Resourcesat-2 and 2A, China’s Gaofen-6, and Ziyuan III 02.

According to Valanathan Munsami, SANSA’s CEO, “the agreement signals our collective ambitions, and SANSA looks forward to working with AEB, ROSCOSMOS, ISRO and CNSA in strengthening our collaborative partnership”.

The BRICS space agencies include the Brazilian Space Agency[AE], Russia’s State Space Corporation [ROSCOSMOS], Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO], China National Space Administration [CNSA] and South African National Space Agency [SANSA].


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