
Blogs—everybody's got one, and most of them are terrible. Thankfully, we've read every single blog on the Internet, so you don't have to—okay, that's not actually entirely true, but we have culled together a list of favorites from our staff, which is really the next best thing, as far as we're concerned.

Thankfully, the PCMag staff's tastes couldn't be more diverse. The following 50 blogs include some of the best sites across a huge cross section of subjects, including science, fashion, comics, cars, animals, monsters, design, books, modding, music, art, sports, storytelling, shopping, and more. Oh yeah, there are also a couple of tech ones in there, as well. What can we say? We couldn't resist.

I should note, for the record, that in the case of these blogs, "favorite" doesn't necessarily mean "popular." Sure there are some blockbuster sites on this list, like Boing Boing and Engadget, but there are also a lot of hidden gems. What, after all, is the point of putting together a list like this, if we're only going to highlight sites that everyone already knows and loves?

Let us know what you think in the comments section. What glaring omissions have we made? After all, it's never too early to start thinking about 2010.